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About the Poem

Sometimes in life we are selfish. Sometimes we are cruel to others. We don't know what they are going through or anything about them and we should stop, put ourselves in their position and just think!


Should you always say what you feel
Think, is the person you're telling going to be able to heal

Is what you're saying necessary for everyone else to know
Just because you're thinking something, maybe you should just let it go

Everyone else around you may not be as strong
Some things need to be kept hidden and you should move along

You don't know where that person has come from or where he's going to go
What kind of day he's had, you just don't know

Before you blurt out everything you feel
Think, is the person listening going to be able to heal?
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© 1999 Alana Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

71 Visitor Comments

I love the poem. I can relate to this very much.
I just love this poem. The idea of it is really captured!
i REALLY liked this poem. cause i find myself doing this sometimes. speaking before i think. so thanks for writing it.
This is weeeell good =]] xxxxx
hey girly ur poem is so true and i luv it keep it up Luv, ~*endi*~
very deep
SOOOOOOOOOOOOo goood. like omg.
because it is true
i like that poem but if they can't heal than obviously thay need to think b4 they do
I LOVE THIS!You did I really good job writing this. I LOVE IT!
I felt like i could relate to this poem and when i read this, i made sure that all my friends knew i loved them.
A very nice poem and true. Pls keep on writing :-}
I loved the poem. It Makes so much sence and it goes along with something in my life right now and prolly with other peoples too. S o i thought it was a very meaningful poem and that it was well-written. x0x Lind-z x0x
this poem touched me for many reasons. i have had a secret for almost 8 months . and this totally explains why somtimes it right cuz if a person cant deal with it then u really should just let it go. your a great poem writter hun.
hey i really loved your poem and it did make me stop and think thanx, and keep writin then they really good
omg! great poem inspired me darling! once i was a loner that is selfish and now you made me change! udo mo mabaho! kadiri ka!
hi awesome poem. i can totally relate to that coz i don't just tell my friends all my problems because they have got their own problems to deal with which i mite add they are always telling me about and i dont mind but i just feel like when is it going to be my turn to have a bad day and depend on u instead of u depending on me all the time. any way ur poem is just so kool and i luv stuff that is meaningful.
I love this poem. It's so deep, and so true.
this poem inspires me to say what i feel but not what i think. what i think may not be real but what i feel is real and its the only thing getting in the way of me and my friends.
omg this is such a cute poem!true!im w/ u girl!
great poem! i can really relate this poem to myself because i've said things that hurt other people and now i realize how they feel!
I really liked this poem. Well written with sound advice!
Perfect Ten, Gurlee. We all have to watch what we say, I agree. I always heard the saying, "Be kind, for everyone you meet fights a harder battle. " You're right; we just don't know where people are coming from, where they're going, or what. This really speaks to me. You've really made me stop and "Think. " (:
This poem makes so much sense. I loved it.
after reading it, i realise that it does happen to me at times when i tell the truth to someone i love and eventhough it says that telling the truth might hurt and it can be for the better. find a suitable time to tell. be in the person's shoe and know wat he's going through at the moment. this way, you show them that u care and don't want to hurt them.
i really really liked this poem it like spoke to me and stuff
I'm one of those people with "brutal honesty" this poem is about me. I guess it's about time I realize not everyone is as strong as I am. I have hurt people, sometimes badly by simply stating an obvious truth. this is a very good thought provoking poem.
I Like your poem because its true i think you have wrote a godd poem and it means a lot to me. and my friends
this poem is very true, because sometimes you have to think about another persons feelings when you have to tel the something that may hurt or damage them. A plus
I am a school social worker and these poems are perfect to share with my students. this one in particular is very helpful. It is the message That I try to get accross to all the children since bullying and peer pressure tends to be a hudge problem in schools.
lI feel where u coming from
hello i wrote before about my dad your poems a great and they have very meaningful words that people feel keep up the good work
i like this and what it says
I just wrote a letter to my ex boyfriend and its was ever nice one , i wasn't think . untill red ur poem . got me thingking anyways good one , i like it
this poem really made me think of how i treat others and how they treat me. i hope you wanted your poem to make people think.
i do agree with you not al the time we need to say everything. but at times we should say nothing.
I love this poem because it made me realize that I need to think before I do things or say things about people. You've made me realize that I don't need everyone to know everything about me. I need to think about what I tell people.
Wow. this poem tuched me, it made me really think, that well maybe i am hurting. I was always told by my friends don't keep anything inside, let it all out. tell us what you really think, but i never thought, that was only mean to be true when asked. I usually always just said what was on my mind, never thought twice. I never realized how many people i could of been hurting over the years. so thanks
This Poem real touched my heart becaue as I was reading it became a part of me because I reading somones mind of what they was thinking as a teenager and what they was going throw life and it's struggles.
That poem was amazing. you have great talent. keep up the good work!
You'r right!
I love this poem. I really do.
in my opinion, i liked the poem, THINK, because it is so honest and it's competely true. Most of us just say things and we never think about how we will affect everyone around us. Including myself, a lot of us think about ourselves and we ask ourselves in the back of our head, do i look good saying this? but we should do what the poem says. the sad thing is, we don't really think before we say.
your poem was great
The poem is realling inspiring because it is the same kind of kind of stuff that happens right in front of my face. Also because I can relate to this poem because it is the same thing I do and I don't think about the other persons feeing
I really enjoyed reading this poem , its hard to explain but right now its help means alot thank you
Alana, your poem is very beautiful. It touched my soul. Thank you kindly.
hey gurl that was a good poem I mean it was one of them one's that makes you think about yourself and how u treat others. ya poem mad good gurl!
Hey I have to say that when I read your poem I really felt you were talking to me because I am one of those people that sometimes just blurts out everything they think when I know I do end up hurting peoples feelings. I have probably offended just about everyone I know and for some reason they always put up with it. Thanks for making a poem that helped me a little bit more to realize that what I say sometimes to some people shouldn't be said.
This poem was really nice and it was sweet I really enjoyed it alot. I think you should make a book and keep writing poetry. Thank you alot.
Everyone should follow this poem. It teaches a good lesson. Some things you say may be funny, but think if it was you in their shoes. How would you feel. This poem says a lot towards the was people should act. I agree with it completely
Alana,its really true. we really dont think. but i'm sure u must've opened eyes of atleast a few people. good work!
I love this poem. My family members do the same thing. They say things to me that they have no idea hurt me without knowing how horrible things go for me and how i feel just because i dont tell people. I loved this poem
This poem i can totally relate to, b/c i most the time dont think about what others are going through and i've just blurted out my problems. there are other people out there who have bigger problems than i do and i've relized that. so now when i have just a little problem i let go and deal with whatever it is that has got me worked up. good job and keep up the great work!
I think this poem is great. cause somtimes you just dont know. Even though I'm a polar oppoiste of this poem I wish I could be more like that. and not say what is on my mind. A lot of my friends get hurt like that and I dont mean it.
This poem is so true My best friend just transfered to a differnt school because everyone didnt like him People just cant realize what there saying and just go off dissing everybody. Not knowing that it really hurts. My best friend was so hurt and i really feel for him
This poem is such a 'true-to-life' piece of writing. It has really mad me think about the way I treat others, and also the way in which others treat me. The poem can work from both points of view. Thank you!
This was such a true poem. I could totally relate to it! good job!
hi, you are so right! That's exactly what I always think about. People judge others without knowing what's goin on, & without knowning them. that is so wrong. I think before anyone should make any comments about others, that might be hurtful, they should first find out who they really are. I wish everyone could have your point of view, than less people would get hurt.
Very very true, thinking is one of the most important elements that keep us close to those we love, thanks for putting ur thoughts in this poem, I loved it!
I like the poem you wrote and I understand what your trying to say because Im those kind of persons that say what I think but My opinion is that sometimes is better to say what you think because if you dont that means that your being an hipocrate and your also hurting the person because your not telling them te thruth of what you really think.
Your sorta has something to do with how I am, I always say what's on my mind the minute its there. They call me Streight up Dee, but after reading your poem I guess it changes things a little,thanks.
I'd just like to say , i thought your poem was great. Many people can relate it to troubles in there life. I have a friend who's only 15, suffering from anorexia, and this poem is exactly was i feel. thanx heaps:)
that poem is soo cool. and so true. i said something one time and that person wasnt able to heal and they left me. i guess i should of read this poem b4 i told my friend. cuz if i didnt tell then maybe we would still be friends. but ill never know. but this is a really great poem. keep on writing
very true poem!
I could relate to this poem, cuz people should think before they say anything, cuz certain feelings and thought you should keep to yourself! :)
I want to thank you for writing this wonderful poem. I just wish everyone on the world could read it and understand the message. My father is one of those people who doesn't understand, and sometimes I feel like I can't heal but you help. Thankies.
I think that was a very good poem. You is very right that what sompeople need to do is think .
Your poem says exactly how I am. I can be a very honest person. And I wish that I wasn't soooo honest. But if I don't say what I feel then I just feel like I am going to blow up. And I know the consequences of it all. But, well, your poem just sort of
you make good poems just as i figured you would. well see you later.
your words were all so true. I could understand what you were saying. I enjoyed this very much. You might not know me but you sure did right what i was feeling down. Even if you never find out who i am, I can say i know you, even with those few lines. THANK YOU!

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