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About the Poem

I am 15 years old, and at the young age of 14 my father passed away very suddenly. I wrote this poem about 5 months after my father died. It involves memories, and love.


He was great
He was funny
When I needed it,
He'd dish out the money
He drove me around
From place to place
I will never forget his handsome face
For he is gone
His soul will stay
All and through
The night and day
He won't be forgotten
Not at all
I know he'll catch me
When I fall
I love my daddy
Through and through
For life to go on
This is my cue.
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© 1999 Erin O'neil Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

141 Visitor Comments

i really liked your poem i can relate to it
I love your poem Erin, it's so beautiful and touching. I'm sorry that your dad died, I don't know what I would do without mine.
well my dad passed on when i was 10 and im now 16; and this poem is touching cause it's what some people go through even at a young age it's hard cope with exspcially when your really close to your dad but i thought it was great over all
i love this poem im sorry about ur lost.
This poem was absolutely beautiful. It reminded me a lot of my dad. I lost my dad when I was six and I'm turning sixteen in accouple months and this poem said all the way I feel about my dad. I miss him more than anything and this poem touched me.
i loved this poem, my dad too passed away 3 yrs ago i was 15 at the time, and every word reminded me of my dad, thank you so much i loved it.
i loved it =[ it reminded me of my daddy who died when i was 14 and im now 15 so yeah i just related to it and thought it was nice!
I love this poem
i feel you my daddy died last year on feb. 3 2006 so this touched me
that was a great poem i LOVED it! it reminds me of my DADDY??? you are a great poet:) love always
Very nice, it really touched me.
my father passed away as well. though its been about 3 years i still feel what you may be feeling. its going to be alright n thank you for understanding others. im sorry
that poem was the most beautiful poem i have ever read. i will always remember it.
i loved this poem, my dad died what i was 14, it was 4 years since his death on the 25th of january. i am still finding it hard to deal with his death, but i know he still watchs over me, like im sure ur dad looks over u. im now living life to make my dad proud as im sure ur dad is soo proud of u for ur wonderful talents as a poet! chaz x
im so sry that ur dad died! i know what you went through cause my dad died to!
this is a very nice poem i love it, it touched my heart, n keep up the good work im soory about your loss!
I love this poem sooo much, my dad just died yesterday, 1-7-07. I'm only 13. I couldn't stop crying after I read it. I didn't know that there were people that had the same experience, who are my age, that I have just had. My dad's death was very unexpected ,too. I don't know what to do. Thank you for writing this poem, it helped me so much.
i loved this poem i havn't been as close to my dad since became a teenager and was forced to move a half hour away but this makes me relaize thta maybe i should spend more time with him cuase you never know wat can happen you can wake up one moring and some noe be gone i love my dad and i never want to lose him
Your poems reminds me of my dad he passed away 3years ago and it seems if it was just yesterday the last day I saw him. So I do understand how u feel cuz I been thru it too and it does hurt a lot. But I will never replace my daddy for no one one will take his place aways no one.
I just lost my father early this year in August and to read that poem really rouched the heart. Thanks for writing that poem. It really brings back good memories.
I loved this poem. It reminded me of my dad. I was 15 when my dad died. It was sudden for me and my family. I am soon to be 20 and its still hard for me to grasp that he is gone. That poem was excelent!
I read your poem and I know how much you miss your Dad, I can't even think of loosing my Dad and I get tears in my eyes. My Dad is still around and i treasure him like gold. You don't know what you have till you loose it.
this is a great poem it really toched me in my heart im a 14 year old girl living in Parsonsburg Maryland and I an the number one daddys girl around here
i really liked the poem my ex stepdad died in april and even tho we did not live with him at the time nor my mom was not married to him at the time. it had a trenmendous impact on me. when he died i relized that he was really special to me he always cared and he never let me down i miss him and sometimes i get really tore up about. i think that its really cool that you can express a deep feeling of loss in poems.
i reallly liked that poem because it reminds me of my dad, who's in prison for 15 years for rape. i loved that poem, keep on writting them, and dont ever change! Porsha Aka Skittles
i loved your poem because i can identify myself with it you see im 14 and my dad just died too and suprisingly the same date yours did just that one year later he died from a stroke and i think the moment i read this poem i was like"wow this is something i could of written"
i really like it i never lost my dad but when i read this i cried. sorry about u lossing u r dad. love me angela vance. bye
This poem touched my because, my father died when i was 12 years old and i miss him so much. This is a great poem, now i know someone else has lost there father and im not alone.
i loved this poem. it is heart felt and thats the best part.
This was great, it was serius and yet still made you laugh it made my day. My dad is the closer person to me and if he died, I would definantly wan't to see this eveyday!
I really love this poem. You must have put a lot of thought into it. It's very sweet and emotional. it made me cry.
Wow this is a very deep poem and i'm truely sorry about your daddy even though i don't know u this is a truly great poem!
I know how you feel, I lost my dad two days before christmas, well anyway ur poem is amazing and it really touched me.
did ur dad die??? cuz if he did. reading ur profile is making me CRY my eyes out right now. OMG that was SO sad.
This poem was very touching. It dealt with the issues of sadness and bereavement very sensitively and allowed the reader to have an emotional connection.
I thought this was a very great poem. I give this poem a 10 or whatever it takes to get it to the top.
i love this poem, i htink if there was anything that had happend to my daddy hti swould be the poems that i wooud say infront of everyone at his funeral. it made me tear up and caused me to shead a tear.
im sry about your los but at least you had a dad that didnt yell and you 24/7 and was a drunk
I loved this pome it really was nice it mad me cry veary good
I loved ur pome it touch me so much even though my dad is not dead his always in my heart each and every day. I just hope you keep on writing pomes that mean something to you and everyone else.
Wow, I loved your poem it was great. It really touched me since we are kinda in the same position. My dad Passed away 3 yrs ago and your poem described my dads love the same way. THanx
i lov the poem that you wrote and it realy got my heart because my grandpa died when i was only 15 years old and he was like a dad to me. keep up the good work witing poems.
i really like this poem a lot, as too when i was 14, my father passed away, and now i too am 15, it really touched me, im sorry for ur lost, and i kno how it is to lose someone special, awesome, and the first man that was in your life that you love. thanks for sharing this awesome poem.
That was an awesome poem. I can't exactly relate to it but pretty close, I didn't lose my dad but I lost a part of him when he became paralyzed when I was just 13 now I'm 15 and it's very hard on him and me. But he's still my daddy.
this poem is really good. i know how it feels to lose someone you really love and care about.
i loved your poem i lost one of my best friends so i kina know what your going through
it was a realy good and it touches hearts it is realy great
the poem was so inspriring to many people it really touch me
this is a good poem. you are a good writer. plezz write more so i can read.
Hi my name is Heather and iam 14 well i havent lost my dad but i can almost relate to the poem. my dad is in the army and every time he goes over to iraq ti fight for our country i get scared that he might die because for days at a time i dont hear from him. thanks erin for reminding me not to give up on my dad.
I really liked this poem it really touched my heart!
This one actually caught my eye because my fater had passed away when i was 9 and i miss him very much i always think about him I know he cant read this but i dont care. I LOVE AND MISS U ALOT DADDY. Im am now 14 years old.
This Poem was one of the poems that helped me realize that life goes on and that person that was special will always be with me
This poem touched me very much inside. I lost my oldest brother Feb. 12,2001 and he was only 27 yrs. old. My brother was more then just a brother he was my best friend. When he left me I felt like my world was taken from me. Now I understand that he is at peace and one day he will be there waiting on the otherside for me.
I lost my father in April of this year and he meant the world to me, your poem was magnificient and i think you for sharing
Its very close to me too. I'm 15 years old and I lost my father when I was 5 years old. I didn't get to spend as much time with my father, but I know who he is, a great person. I miss him everyday.
I think this was a well written poem
i liked this pome because it touched at home i am 17 now 4 years ago today i lost my dad ikow how you feel because my daddy was my best friend. its hard to understand why there gone but it will get easier to understand as time goes on. iam still trying to get over his death but i have my friends to help me it a great pome .
I really loved this poem! My father passed away when i was only 9, and i know how you feel.
This poem was really good. I lost my dad when I was in the 3rd grade cause of a car accident, I was only 8 years old. It has been 6 years since he has been gone and it is still hard today. This poem put me in the mind of how me and my dad did when he was still alive. Thank You for writting this poem.
I really liked that poem it really touched me becasue my father passed away also so i feel were you are coming from
i sort of know how you feel cause my prents are divorced and i don't know where he is. i never here hi nor hey. i liked your poem
it really toched my heart and i started to cry thakns for makeing the pome
Hey i loved this poem my dad just died about 4 months ago july 27 2004 and i miss him your poem describes him so much ima 15 years old
this poem brought me to absolute tears. I haven't lost my dad but he is my dad and i love him. this poem is an example of fantastic poetry! thank-you so much for writing this poem, you are such an inspiration, you deserve a life full of happiness. Thank-you.
Your poem really touched me. My mom died about 7 months ago so I know how you feel.
I can really relate to this poem. I love it it touched my heart to read it. my daddy passed away on April 18,2004 so it is hard not havin him around but i know he would want me and my family to move on. so as of now that is what we are tryin to do. !
This Poem really touched me. because my dad is in a very critical situation right now and i am 14 fixing to be 15 and i dont want him to die but if he does i will look back at this poem every night just to help me through! love katie
You go girl, you have talkent dont put it to waste. Sorry to hear about your dad. It takes a lot to write abou tit I know I love to write and some things are just to difficult to put on paper. Keep it up!
Omg what a great poem. I just lost my dad too, April 30th 2004, when i was 14. I am soooo inspired by your poem. Keep writing.
i lost my mum last year and then my dad fell ill, i am 19 now but still its tough but your poem touched me as it is the words that comfort me everynight. just remember the bond you had and that will never fade. my mum lived for me and now i must live to make her proud. keep chin up and remember he is with you more now than ever before and i sure his love for you will never let you fall. take care sweetheart xx
well that was very touchin and it made me cry i know wat it feels like to loose someone it was great
I rate this poem a 5 (if that's the highest) It takes a lot of courage to write something like that and share it with everyone on the internet. I am slowly lossing my daddy to cancer, and poems like this give me hope for after he's gone.
Life is a what me make it, but what you do is how you become a book worth looking over.
hi my name is Anna, i really loved this poem. ! i wish i could write like you. you have lots of talent. sorry i dont know how you feel because ive never really had someone close in my family die. hope everything goes well for you. god bless you! love anna (i vote for you)
this poem is very touching to anyone who is a daddy's girl and lost their father.
I really loved your poem. im sorry your dad died. well i give ur poem 10
i love your poem i would have died if i lost me daddy i love him so much
I really love this poem. I am really close to my dad too.
i loved your poem. it made me think back when my father was alive and all the good things we did together. i rate this poem a five.
This poem is great. I can't image how it would feel without a dad to be there for me. I know that it would hurt me forever. Sorry for the death of your father. You did a wonderful job on this poem
First of all i am very sorry for your loss. i loved your poem and it describes my dad except that he is still here.
that poem is amazin, u rly av talent,i cnt imagine what you went thru bless ya
I really do love this poem
My dad died this jan. Thank you I needed that there isnt a number high enough for what that meant to me
dis was beautiful. i am 15, and i lost my father less than 4 weeks ago. he suffered from a stroke, and i guess i am happy dat he does not have 2 suffer anymore. it hurt so much, and it still does. u have a lot of talent
hi,my name is anna im 14 years old and i didnt loose my daddy butt he means the world too me so i could kinda understand
I love this poem. It brought many tears to my eyes. I lost my dad last month August. 24 ,2003. i am only 16 years old. and its stil hard to believe that my dad is gone
I love this poem. It almost made me cry because I lost my daddy when I was 11 and now I'm just 12. I am still trying to get over the fact that he left for a reason. God just thought that it was time for him to leave so he took him. I was kind of happy for him because it hurt be to see him in pain. Now there's no more medicine,nurses,hospitals,pain or anything and thats how I have to think about it from time to time.
Well I really like your poem I am 17 years of age I loss my father 13 years ago and i fell for you and I know what you are going thorough even you know you got to know your father longer I am very sad for you, My heart goes out to you.
i really liked your poem. it brought back hard memoried for me though. i am now 17 and when i was 15 my dad was murdered. i love my dad. still even though hes gone
I loved it so much and i woner how it would feel to be you i am very sorry! i will vote 4 u!
i'm crying rite now. this is juz so sad. u have talent!
My father died when I was just 5 years old, and this poem was very touching! Nice work!
I really liked your poem, I know how bad it hurts to loose some one. Some times when i am mad at my dad and i think how would i feel if i did not get to tell him i loved him before he died. I some times cry at night because i dont know what i would do if i did loose him.
Thank you for posting that because i am 14 years old, and i just lost my dad on July 5th, 2002 and its only been 4 months. Your poem brought tears to my eyes
My husband is passing away from emphysema and my daughter is six. I am putting together a Memorial Book for her. I found your poem excellent.
Erin. I absoutly loved your poem! I to lost my daddy. But I was only 5. and yet i knew what was going on. I miss him terribly and this poem brought back all the good memories of him. just the time i need him the most he cant be here. well just not physically. Thanks Erin. Keep writing!
Its a great poem is really nice and sweet and I'll be sure your dad will love it. I love my dad and I wouldnt know what to do if I lost him. keep up your good work and dont worried if you fall everyone falls but for u is different because your dad will catch u.
That was a very sad poem. It almost made me cry. I just wanted to say you have a great talent in writing and i am sorry for your loss.
I loved the poem! its great its sad it reminds me when my father died when i was 12 death is no joke its serious. i wish my dad would come back im now 15 yrs old and its really affecting my life as im growing up?
Your poem reminded me of the relationship me and my daddy had. My dad died suddenly on July 27,2001 and I was 14 years old. Your poem made me feel better! Thanks!
I really liked your poem. I lost my father at a very young age but I know he is keeping me going because I know he is still with me.
I loved that poem it truly touched my hart, I know how it is to lose the one's you love and that poem helped me out. Keep writing your very good at it.
i just wanted to say that this poem touched me. i lost my mother when i was 13. i am 15 now. i miss her and i know how u feel. thanx
Erin, i know how you feel, my daddy died when i was 7, i miss him so much, i can still remember him,now that i'm 14,i was always known as daddy's girl, and i still am. i really loved your poem!
I loved your poem it was so great I almost cryed . It was really really good
I am now 17, I was 15 when my Daddy died. I know exactly how you feel. I don't know how your dad died but my dad died a very tragic death. I know it was intentional but that person see at judgement day what will happen. Just a little hint on what happened (My dad's brother killed my dad) Thank you, and your poem was really great.
This was a really great poem. I lost my daddy a month ago I am also 15 so I am with you
wow that poem is fantastic! You have put alot of thought and heart into that poem i really can tell i just want to say that the poem is great it brang tears to my eyes! Its lovely!
this poem was good. i really liked it. It touched my soul.
Erin~ Your poem was one of the greatest I have ever read. I know how it feels to lose a father. I've been there. Your really inspiring. Keep at it.
Your poem really made me think, and has made me appreciate my family more. It brought a tear to my eye. Your dad would be really proud of you!
Very powerful adn very sad!
Yur poem was so sad I could not bare the thought of my dad leaving me I am 14.Yur Poem brought tears 2 my eyes! But I really liked it
Erin- I loved that poem. It's very good. You put it together very well. I think you should pat yourself on the back cause it was great. I understand how it feels to lose someone. Great job Erin.
This a really good poem. I too lost my father and this says what I have anted to say for a long time. Keep writing!
erin, i love you hun and this is an awseome poem! HIPS forever no matter what we will be there for you!CONGRATS! your awesome
this poem is very moving and i like they way u expressed you feelings. A little adice to everyone who reads this "NEVER BE AFRAID TO EXPRESS YOURSELF TO ANYONE." that is that way it should be. Very sweet poem!
i really liked this poem becuase my dad died when i was 11, a year and half ago, and this is exaclty how i feel, he made me happy when i was upset, i saw him the day before he died and i new what was going to happen, this poem brought tears to my eyes because i no what the authour of this poem means
I understand how you feel to lose someone .. I didn't lose my dad but I lost my uncle. He was just like a dad to me. He was almost the only father figure i really knew. My father or as i called him daddy was in and out of my life. It was like i was a rag doll he could throw around and didn't have any feelings. But, I am a human being just like anyone on this darn earth. I have feelings as well as he does
This was a great poem it reminds me of my father when he passed away when I was 12 i started wrting poetry about a year after he passed away you did a great job i almots cried
this poem is really great! it reminds me of my step-dad he was there 4 me since i was 3yrs old.after a serperation he died. y he had 2 commit suicide i dont know he had so many ppl there 2 help but 1, 2, 3 dead.. once again this poem is really great!
This poem is so good.I love my DADDY very much.He give me all he'd got. His love inspires me.
i like this poem because at this moment my grandma is in the hospital and she isn't doing well and i know when my father dies i will say this poem at his funeral thank you so much for wrighting this poem i need to get some tears out and i did as i read this poem
I liked this poem, my has died too, not even a year ago and the poem could have been written by me. I hope that everybody who loses their parents suddenly when they most need then is able to find the good thigs of life.
this is a great poem i loved it it reminds me of my dad when i was young he died when i was to a i really miss him i never got to really see him and i loved him very much i was he was still here and i still want him i still cry about him even thought i'm 13 now it doesn't mean anything i still wishes he was here but i still love him very much and thsi poems reminds me off him and i loved this poems you did a great job Erin thanks
erin- i dont know what it feels like to lose a dad, but i kno what it feels like to feel like u lose em, my dads never really home, he works so much, but i feel for u. me n my g-pa were close,he looks Jus like me, but he passed away-But time is like a band*aid. all u need it time, to be better!my prayers are w/ u!
This poem is excellent, I lost my dad when I was 5, that was just over 10 years ago and I can relate to it in many ways.
is very touchin'
My uncle is dying and I was looking for a poem to give my cousin for comfort. Your poem was my pick because it was very touching and inspirational.
I know how you feel i also have just lost my father and your poem is just wonderfull!!
This is the sweetest poem I have ever read and Erin deservews to get first place.
this is a very good poem i would have to give it a top ten.i know how you feel my dad died when i was 5 years old and i am now 19 and still cry over his death i really do miss him,but our dad's are in a better place now.and god will take care of them
that poem was real good. i under stand how you feel as i lost my mum to at the age of 14 now im 16
I really like poem because my daddy died january,24,2000 and remindes me of him alot!
i was aslo 14 when my father died i really liked your poem

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