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About the Poem

A couple of years ago, I went through a transitional period of my life. It was as if all of a sudden everything around me had fallen apart. I had been living in a sort of dream world where I though nothing could hurt me. Then something did.

I lost my bestest friends in the whole world, everyone who I though was there for me somehow betrayed me. It made me grow up more than I would have liked in the time span of a few months. I wrote this poem, because writing has always been a sort of escape for me.

End Of Innocence

Secrets, secrets
Lies, lies
She sits in her room,
and cries and cries.
There's no more trust
In this girl's heart.
She finally found out
That life isn't perfect.
She lived in dreams,
As children often do.
But she crawled out
Into the world everyone knew.
Things that once were.
Happiness once known;
The truth of it all
To her was shown.
Her little heart
Will never trust again.
She'll never know
A real true friend.
No more trust,
For no more lies.
She'll sit in her room
And cry and cry
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© 1999 Christina Montano Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

147 Visitor Comments

that really touched me because u basicly described me im 15 and never had a childhood. but u have afuture in this poem writing ceep doin yo thang gurl. much love me.
it bring tear to my eye i love it you inspire me to start writing poerty agean
I really really admired your piece of writing. it reminds me of my life right now. All my friends have betrayed me and constantly leave me hanging. My whole life i have been told by tons of people that they love me but then they have ALL hurt me in some way---in other words---my life has been built up of lies! Your poem really helped to express that. I am a poet as well and you have amazing talent. You have ALOT of potential to be one of the greatest writers there is. I love how your poem rhymed and had an easy flow. very fluent with words. overall, I absolutely loved it and I hope to read more of your writing.
This poem is great. I understand the writer since I have gone through this myself. After having a car hit me, I was hospitalized and my friends from school would visit me. As soon as I joined highschool though, they seemed to go away into their own little world since we attended different schools. I keep in touch with about half my friends but I never saw this coming. Starting at a new school, I had to look for new friends and it was hard on my freshmen year. Now I am happy to have the bestest friends that will never leave me behind.
after reading through some poems, i stumble on this one because I can relate to the beginning of a harsh world and the loss of true happiness and childhood illusions
that is a relly nice poem and i loved it so much
Trisha Nicole
I really loved your poem. I relate to it well. I thought i was the only one out their.
welll this poem rockz. very meaning full to me. love it gal
I think that was so real and it's true because sometimes I feel like that. Like life is not what it seems and sometimes I cry for the same reason.
I love this poem. i feel everyone has decieved me at one point or another. i dont know. maybe its me. but i truly love this poem
wow i really liked your poem cuz its what ive been throgh, it is hard to trust people now. keep wrighting youre very good!
I know what you are goin through. we all go through it EVENYUALLY. u may ask now. Why me God??But in the end you will realize it was for your own good to realize who your true friends are!
wow! this poem is so true! im 15 years old and reading this poem explains exactly what its like to be a teenager! i love this poem Christina! you have a really good understanding! :D
This poem's soo true! i feel like that at times, i dont usually like poem's but this one's wicked:)
La Toya
I am truely sorry that you had to go through that but i went through a stage where i felt the same way. i didn't loss my friends and they didn't lie to me but in many ways we went through the same thing. that was a great poem and i hope things have goten better.
i really like this poem i can relate to it good job keep up the good job! xx
hello i liked your poem a lot. i also used to think that i cannot trust anyone anymore, but then i found that when i do not trust anyone life feels very lonely. "do i trust some and get fooled by phoniness or do i trust none and live in loneliness?" -by myself, linkin park. i thought that it is better to take the risk than to feel lonely and alone. so i think that maybe you should try to learn to trust others again, even though i know it will take sometime for you to heal. but it cetainly is better than being lonely. just make sure that you choose who youre going to trust carefully. someone who is worth the risk! :)
wow. i really like this poem. i feel like it speaks for me and so many girls that i know. the end of my innocence came at the ripe young age of 12 when my twin brother betrayed my trust in a very deadly and harmful way (for him). and i know what you mean by poetry being an escape. i find it's always easier to write poetrywhen things are going wrong. it just lets you let go of those feelings in a nondestructive way. great job, and keep writing.
This was an amazing poem. i loved it!
your poem was great keep writing!
I loved your poem. I can relate to it a lot.
i love this poem its exactly how i feel and sometimes i cant find words to describe the way i feel and it feels good when you can read poetry and feel that you have finaly found the words to explain the pain you feel.
i like the poem because it reminded me of things that i am going though right now. i think that everyone that reads this will feel what you ment.
this poem was so well writen and made me feel like it was accualy happenig to me
i really liked the poem. spl because it reflects the reality of life. showing life is not a dream
i really liked this poem it was touching and you really understand greatly. keep writing god has blessed you in many ways and the older you get don't forget what you wrote cause some adults seem too.
Christina I thought your poem was beautiful, I loved it. This is my first time on this site, I write poems myself and a friend told me about this site. Your poem was lovely! Courtney
I really like this poem because this is the way i feel many of times.
reading this poem for me wasn't what i would say a thrill, no don't get me wrong i really liked it. i feel just like the girl in the poem . i too have gone through something that was like a punch in my face i thougtht that i had people that loved me but when i needed them it seemed as if everyone betrayed me. they say they will always be there but don't realize that i just want them to leave, they say they know when i'm sad but they can't possible know because i am always sad and if they knew they would know that when i needed them they would've been on my side insteade of on the opposite end of the river. well i just thought i would let you know your not the only one that feels that way and your a great poet
wow. this is good it really touched me becuase alot of people i have put all faith in ahve blown it up in my face, but what i found out which was lucky is that in mist of darkness there will ALWAYS be some one to take you back to the light, its just you have to find that person. but great poem, the structure and the way you used the words to hit people emotionaly is really very affective. well any way a very good poem
Your poem was great you described emotions perfecty. I'm glad someone truly understands.
I feel that this poem is extremely true. The emotions in this poem are just so real, and it's touching because most kids do cry when they find out there is more to life that the joy you get. I love this poem.
Emotional, I feel the same sometimes. Every goes in and out of hell. Keep writing.
I felt as if this Poem was speaking for more then just the reasons Christina said above maybe not for herself but other girls out there. From loss of virginity(the hard way or just physically taken advantage of and lied to) to friends hurting you to realizing you had'nt been prepared for the world and were going to be forced to learn it all by yourself without the help your parents could have provided. This poem Speaks out for me too, and I am sure it speaks for alot of other girls out there as well. ~trying to figure out this life~
I loved this poem i even saved it to my favorites on aol. I felt moved by this pom for it relates to my life.
this poem made me feel like you was talkin about me. my life has turned so many angles. i have been writting poetry for the longest time now, and they have all mostly been about the same idea. your poem was really good and i hope you get big in the poetry industry. i am sure it'll make people rely on it. i know it did me. good luck sweety!
WOW! I loved your poem and I can really relate when you say that writting has always been an escape, the only difference is that i find it difficualt to write when things arent going well. but i really enjoyed what you wrote it's great stuff!
i know exactly how you feel! your poem was a good one!
About a year ago I went through the exact same things with a group of friends and this poem helps me realize I'm not the only one who feels adulthood snuck up on me from behind.
it was awesome
THis Poem rocked. it speaks the truth and that is what makes it so unique.
This was a very good poem. Straight to the point and very direct. decent.
This poem took me back to see from a child's point of view of how this vast new world is cruel to them when they break out of their shell. Thank you for helping me remember that. =)
it was very very good i like it alota
i loved you poem it was terific and just sweet
i really liked this poem
I loved your poem it goes with my life perfectly. Which isnt a good thing. But o'well.
I think that this is the trues words ever spoken.
I absolutley loved this poem. It is very heart felt and as a poet myself I give this poem as many positive comments as I can give.
lil italian
i luvd this poem. its so true for me, it happened to me last year. keep writin suff lyk this! it lets ppl no they're not alone thanx! good job!
I really understood what this poem was saying and it really touched me in my brain because i kept me thinking and i think it changed the way i think now.
this poem is really good and it reflects teens life today
Often, people will feel like they have no one to turn to in this place. But we have to keep looking for true friends. I am sorry that you feel that way. I guess now you have mutured and understand things better. But I just want to write that I also felt like this but I didnt turn myself away from the world. Thanks for your wonderful poem -cristy
this poem exactly happened to me too! wat did u do wen everything fell apart tho?
I love this poem. it reminds me when i lost my best friend and well you know the rest, my world crumbled and everybody just kinda left me
This poem was really insirpational it is talking about EXACTLY what im goig through
Dang this is a really touching poem. It really can grab a persons attention.
i think this was an awesome poem so true about life.
I would like to thank the author of this amazing poem! most people dont really understand how hard life can be and how alone teenagers can feel, and the author completely captured this. It was so exact. I truly comected with the words and the message.
You are great!
good job this poem moved me
good job
When reading this I usually dont vote, but i like this poem. It shows that not everyone in the world is perfect and that not everyone can be trusted.
I just LOVE ur poem. u have a great gift for writing. Keep up the good work.
The poem is great, I am in 8th grade and at this time you can't really trust anyone thats why we should put our trust in Jesus. Or we could fight the battles of friendship just to be critizised.
this was a beautiful poem
Myka Lynn
Thank you so much for writing this poem. Poetry is my only way of escaping this cruel world that we live in too. I had (*have*) the same problem. I lost my friends to betrayal and careless acts. It helps to know that there IS someone out there who knows how I feel. I loved your poem very much, and you're an awesome writer. Keep it up. Oh yeah. and THANK YOU!
I loved your poem! Out of all the ones i read yours hit my heart because i too, am dealing with the lose of friends who said "they would always be there" but they aren't and don't care unless you can help them in some way such as getting them beer or keeping them from looking to killing themselves but when you are down and can't get back up the only one there for in the darkest hours is yourself and god. I have been in so much turmoil for months with my grandfather dealing with cancer, losing one of my best guy firends ever because lies told to my now ex-boyfriend , and not having anyone that truely cares. i really know what you mean when you write about crying and crying to yourself at night.
I was touched by this poem. I lost my best friend over something stupid with her parents, but i was lucky enough to get her back. I would be lost with out her. This poem brought tears to my eyes as i read. It is a masterpiece.
I love this poem! even though its kinda short it explains alot. sounds like you really mean it too. very emotional to me. good job!
The world offers a false peace and fantasy but the only one you can really have peace with is God! God will always be there for you, you can trust and confide in him and when everythyings going down around you he'll be there to lift up your head and tell you he loves you!
this poem explains me more than any other i can think of. thank you for writeinf this.
I loved this poem. It reminds me so much of my life and how I feel every moment of my life.
this is the best peom. i wish i had the talent to be a writer like that! but i really enjoyed reading it and usually i hate to read! thanks
Sounds like something I went through. I can relate. damn
I think that your poem is really great. keep up the great work.
this poem is very VERY deep.
I think this poem is very touching and very right at the same time,because that is the way i felt when I no longer was an innocent child! and i was shocked to find out that most of the people are bad and only think of their selves and I really like it!
Wow, that is such a sad poem. Well done with it.
i love this poem! this happened to me not to long ago.
I really liked your poem because I went though the samething. I thought people that said they were there for me would be there well they werent. It is girls that I cant trust anymore they hurt me to much. Thats why I have more guy friend then anyone in my school. so I vote for u.
tis poem ids exellent! and i loved it it is soo true. and applies to me in so many ways.
i think this poem is pretty decent.
i loved the poem
i think your poem rocked. And speeks the truth. I write to. But just not publicly
this poem is so true for me it just happned to me like 3 days ago!
This is a really good poem, I think it's very deep and u can see the emotion u put into it. Keep up the good work!
I love this poem it fits in with my life perfect thanks for writing it you did a great job!
I used to be in a wonderful group of friends. Then all of a sudden it fell apart on me. All of them were talking but nobody said a word to me until it was over. This poem is exactly how I felt. I love it! And keep writing stuff like this. It makes people feel as if they are not the only ones hurting!
I just read your poem and its say's the exact things I'm going through. It is nice to know someone understands. I thank you a lot.
i like that peom because a lot of people seem to loose friends over one person lies and it's very hard to try and trust another person and to call them your best friend again
This poem is very good! it shows everything, all your fellings put into words. it really shows people. what you've been through how you feel.
This poem is really good, emotional, but i guess thats what inspires me. I can really relate to this poem, Im sorry that you had to loose trust, Good luck in the future. x
that poem is so true it sayes everything im going through and everything i feel
Super FLY
it explains everything i am going through. im so inspired!
This poem meant more to me than you could ever know. It was as if you could see parts of my life and you wrote this poem for me. You may have had that period of "growing up" for only a few months but for me its been about a year in a half.
wow! this is a GREAT poem. it definitely made my think of a past experience. my trust of my friends and boyfriends is very slim and im so sensative with trust. thanks soo much for sharing this poem! it was so true and really well-written!
I found this peom so-o self appealing. GREAT JOB!
I really loved your poem. It sounded like a girl that i was reading about in a novel called Winter by John Marsden. Keep on writing that was great!
juz powerful.
you go girl. i loved this poem. i can relate- not to the exact situation- but the trust being broken. it hurts. this explains very well the raw emotion of it
very sweet poem. i think we all went through a stage like that. i sure know i did!
i think ur poem is awesome! im so glad i came across it becauseim goin through the same thing right now! i was living in a dream world and allof a sudden my friends betrayed me and so many lies and lost friends i dont know who i can trust and who is my real friends~thank you
this is a really good poem
Wow, very powerful and so true
This poem is really good. That happened to me too I lost my friends but along them I also lost the love of my life. That happened a year ago and I still can forget what happened I never felt so betray and so lost. Im also like you I write poems to escape from what Im feeling or I just do it to get out that anger I have inside me keep up with your poems
This is like the perfect and I do mean perfect poem. I too lost my two bestest friends in the whole world. A lot of people went for their side and I was left a loner. Itsaw then who my friends were. It's exactly like your poem. Have you gotten over it? Have you been able to trust again?
That poem is awesome! This girl def. has talent in writing poetry!
this poem illistrates exactly how i feel, for me it was like someone what displaying my inner most feeling that no one has ever known.
This poem is so true and i beieve i am the one you are talking abouut my bestfriend lied to me ( not no simple lie) i have had an hard time trusting anyone even my own brother
It was a lovely poem, i almost cryed because it made me think of how unsure life is.
This poem shows real, raw emotion. Not many poets can capture that with words.This is a very good poem.
Christina.Its an awesome poem
i rellay liked it!it is totally the perfect poem
I was deeply moved my your is absolutly magnificent. Well done!
hey, this is a really good poem.i can truley understand this poem b'coz im going through the same sort of thing. it'z a great way of expressing ur emotions!
This poem touched home for me.It tells how i really feel.
Yeah I just wanted to say that this poem was excellent in every way. I've written many lyrics about this sort of stuff but I could never really find how to express it as well as you did. I too, lived in a dreamworld and thought if i stayed strong, nothing could get to me. But eventually it catches up with you. If your still feeling this way, all u need is some confidence and reflection on past times. Once you learn who you are, and what you got to do, you'll be alright.
I really enjoy this poem, and think that every teen goes through this at one point in there life. So everyone can relate.
THIS POEMS IS SO GOOD! I AGREE SO MUCH W/ IT, IT'S HOW I FEEL! If people don't like you for who you are then they obviously arn't to good of a friend!
i loved this poem! i can really relate to it
very good, nice alliteration, nice amount of rhyme, and best of all, its in a sense true.
this poem is very good!Sometimes you have to cry and cry to let out all the pain you go through.
awesome poem it shows real life
i totaly agree with this poem because i felt that way for a long time i would sit in my room and cry and cry and i was all alone.
i like this poem it make me think about all the things i have kept for my best friend!
this poem is about a realistic thing, that happens to everyone at some time in their life. and i personally can relate to it, because i have just been through a very similar experience myself but my friends were there to catch my back. i am thankful that i have friends that i can count on. hopefully i won't lose the trust that christina lost and hopefully i won't feel betrayed.
i want to thank this poet b/c i messed up big time with my mom i thought i would loose her trust i didnt know what to say to her,or tell her how much regret i felt.then i found this poem on the internet and my heart sighed that was exactly how i felt about my life so i kept it on the computer and told her to read it when she got home.she did and b/c of this she didnt yell or cry to me she just said we'd talk about it all in the morning and that she knows how i feel.but as long as im sorry for my actions ,which i am,she wouldn't punish me as harsch as what she would have.all this misunderstanding my mother and i that has never really been resolved was b/c of a small poem with few words that described my thoughts to a T. thank you
This poet is just the way I feel about everything at the moment.
nice poem y do i vote for ir? Beause the same thing happend whith my best friend
your poem was great. It had alot of meaning and it was very sad. People these days have to relize that life aint easy and there is always down falls and your poem shows that.
i though it was a great and nice poem. it showed great interegy. thanks . email me some time if ya want thanks bye bye
It's a good poem that flows well. Good points and good alliteration
Christina, I LOVED your poem. I totally understood what u meant because the same thing happened to me. I was looking for a poem that could describe how i felt and yours did a great job of it. Keep up the good work!
I cried when i read this poem.. it is so true.EVeryone should vote for this poem, because everyone goes through this part of their life.
I loved your poem. maybe because it applys to me so much well bye :)
I can really relate to everything you say in this poem. IT reminds me of some poems that I have wrote.
VERY GOOD! I really like it. So sad yet the real truth
I really enjoyed this poem.It really made me think and realize the troubles that i've gone threw and within time overcome them.
This poem makes me think about all the lies my friends keep in themselves and how it can hurt people.
Wow! I read that and it struck me hard it was deeper than it appears. Very well done Christina :)
i think that this is very true and if Christinia reads this i think you should know your a very good writer and his is a good poem

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