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About the Poem

I wrote this poem, "Screams of Frustration" after studying The Holocaust in English class. I could not believe how a war like that could have happened and so many people were murdered. My heart was so sad for the many people who died, so I decided to write a piece of poetry in dedication to them.

War is hell and I sincerely hope nothing like that tragedy happens again.

Screams Of Frustration

How I wish I could look back to understand
back to when lives were taken
back to when families were separated
back to when children were murdered
I wish I could have helped to save them
I wish I could have tried to understand this senseless taking of human life.
They are no different than you or I.
They did not deserve this pain, this torture.
I wish I could look back to understand, to set lives free
to learn their pain and frustration.

Trying to understand;
I can hear their screams
I can hear their pain
I can hear their fear
I can hear a mother's cry when children are shot down
Oh, that pain so great, so terrible
I can smell the odor,
the odor of burning human life
I can smell the sweat,
the sweat of hard labour
I can smell the fear,
such an atrocity

I see the footage today, trying to learn what happened to them.
I watch the films today, trying to comprehend the pain they went through.
We all see the pictures, watch the torture, just trying to imagine this tragedy.
But the fact is we can't, unless our human life undergoes this.
These poor people, my heart cries out but there is nothing I can do.
Oh, please hear me. I am so sorry this had to happen to you.
Your time is now, it is here, time to rest,
time to be reunited and live everlasting in that great kingdom
called heaven.
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© 2000 Lindsay Todd Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

89 Visitor Comments

this is exactly how i feel about the Holocaust Great Job!
Kewl poem i think your a real good poem writer
that was a really good poem. you should keep writing. you have more heart than most people so dont lose it.
this was a poem that really touched me and i can relate to it alot
i love what you said and i think that you should really consider writing for more than just fun. you seem to be very open about what you feel and are not afraid to let everyone know it. Amanda Stephen (19)
thats is the best poem ever. We must not forget about the people have came before us and that they died make us and great future that we have today its great keep on writing and will keep on reading.
I'm Jewish, so I know a lt about the Holocaust. Many of my relations and friends relations were caught up in it. No-one could understand why such atrocities were done during the Holocaust. So many lives were lost, and so many were destroyed. Even now people still cannot come to terms with these horrors. If you are interested in the Holocaust, I suggest you visit Yad Vasem in Israel. It is a building completely dedicated to those who died in the Holocaust. They have one room with someone sitting there reading out the names of every known child who died in the Holocaust. It'll take a long time. Thank you for taking an interest in the plight of the minorities.
I really liked this poem because it was deep. and i feel that
dis poem is also tru i agree alot wit not needed everyday murders. keep on doin wat u doin!
i think it is very sweet. i mean, not what happened to the people, but that she wishes she could help. i wish i could have done something as well, and i pray to god that nothnig like that will happen again.
I can relate to this. I remember learning about the Indians. Excellent poem!
greet job! very heart touchin helps me know some1 has a burden 4 the past n the *PAIN* the past has gone threw i enjoyed it alot *dead/4 eva chrissy*
this poem has a great meaning to it. i been through the ups and downs. but everybody that is having pain in their life keep ur head up high and don't let pain win everybody needs to keep their head up high. and u'll get something great in life.
I think your poem has feeling of deep hurt but it is a nice poem!
Wow that is a great poem!
i love this poem it is all about the world today and its all that happens
Very unique, good use of detail and termanology, made some very good eye catching points and also If I were a teacher or someone whos word actually mattered I'd say it was simply the best. Good job I like it.
this poem is really amazing it has everything it talks about reality and it talks about THE TORTURING LIVES THAT I DIDN'T REALLY WANT TO HEAR ABOUT but that's okay because it made me open my eyes. to look around me and to be so thankful for what i already have i'm glad i read this poem today. it made me realize that family and friends and everyone around you will always be there for you,even after death. and i'm ever so greatful for that. THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS POEM.
I like it because people can really hear things like that and because it sound just like you really put your all into it.
I have never ever read a poem as spectacular as the one you have written! I love it and it has inspired me to teach other kid's how the live's of innicent people were taken! Yhank you so much!
this is deep. iwrite and think the same way. well sort of.
this poem touched me i loved it
that is awsome and made think u r so right
This is a very good poem. Its very touching. This poem could touch alot of people if they read it
I loved this poem. I really seee what their getting at and their right.
this poem is so touching because it actually happen with the holocaust not solong ago and some of us can even understand that hatred does not leave us any where
This poem made me think back when i was watching the history channel(i couldn't find the remote) but when the Secrets of the Halocaust came on i just had to watch it but when the movies of the people who were being totured came on, It was really hard to watch. War is the worst thing to ever happen to any nation things should always be resolved through peace and discussion.
I love ur poem! It was heart-touching.
this poem touched me alot because it reminds me of somewhat what my childhood was like being yelled at and hit all the time seeing alot of kids now and days being beatin and torture and scared to death it hard and its horrible. But this poem touched me ie really did.
Your poem is very iteresting you have lots of potenial. You have lots of heart homie so keep them coming (Your inward words)aight. Also rember just let your mind go and let that pen or pencil flow. Peace your homie Jodacie.
Keep up the good work
it touch my heart. what he wrote is true.
i loved this poem, it was amazing. its so direct, but at the same time it is so broad, it could to relate to the holocaust, the genocide in Rwanda and Sudan, sept. 11, the suicide bombings in Iraq and so much more. thank you for sharing it.
This is a great poem it looks like you put a lot of time into it u have a very good talent hope to read some more of your poems in the future
I loved your poem it is so true. keep up the goo work.
wow i really like this poem it was kind of sad but really touching
i think that was the best poem i ever read. !
lil italian
I looooved this poem! it really made me think of the holocaust and how horrible it was. i love your work keep writin poems!
i'm glad that you wrote this poem. we are studying this in my class. and it is one of my fav. subjects and after i graduate i plan on going to Auschwitz also
It touched me in ways that I cannot express and had an awesome effect on me. Recently I visited Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam, and it bought up all sorts of emotions.
Wow, very touching. It grabbed me! I love this poem. Its the truth, and the truth is everything.
So beautiful and true so realistic and understanding. I give this poem a 10, 10 being the best.
I really liked your poem! It was really emotional, really strong! I even shared it with a friend and they thought it was great as well as having a great point! I can hear, feel what your saying! Keep up the great work!
I love it
this is soo amazing!
this poem was so sweet
i liked this poem because it showed how i feel most of them time. i wish i could go back in the past and really actually see and feel what is was like back then. i believe people didn't deserve that kind of torture and pain. killing such innocent people torturing them it was just wrong. it's sad what people went through back in the days. i think it's very interesting to me and to learn what it was like for families. like it said "i wish i could have tried to understand this senseless taking of human life, they are no different than you or I" Thank you for letting me vote
this poem relly touched me in fact i'm doing a report on this very subject and i know exactly how you feel just seeing all those inocent people die for nothing you have done a awsome job keep righting
This was a beautiful poem. It brought me to tears, just to think of everything she said and looking back on everthing i've seen about wars, everything thats been said. I loved it.
O it was so touching and sad. I loved it so much. I haven't even read any of the other ones. But the name just caught me. And it is wonderful. And better than all the rest. I loved it. Very good.
wow! that is pretty much how i feel about what has happened in many peoples lives and i think it was wrong too but you did an awsome job keep it up!
Im studying the holocaust in R. E, it rely got to me too!You rely should visit the Beth Shalom house!Its a kinda museum. I met a surviver. God bless. x
it was tounching and a tear jurker i give it 4 thumps up.
Because my friend got murdered not along ago
Hello there, Well, thank you everyone. My name is Lindsay, aka *angel*, the author of screams of frustration. I just recently received an email about my poem and clicked on the link to find this site. I could not believe my eyes! I have not been on this forum since year 2000 and what a sight. To read these comments, to see my poem placed under favorites is an absolute delight. Your comments brought tears to my eyes. It is such a joy that this poem has touched each and everyone of you. I was rather young when I wrote it, only 16. now I am 21 and have been writing more than ever. I would love to share some of my other poetry with you all. I will have to find out how to use the forums again. What a wonderful treat today! I am writing 3 finals for my university degree today and was rather stressed, so this has made my day. Thank you all so very much. -Lindsay
this poem makes you wanna cry because what she expresses in the poem about the pain and suffering of today is sad.
this is the same way I feel about what happened i really love the poem
I love everything about this poem. You did a super job. Please keep up the work I would love to see and hear more of your poems.
It is an excellant poem that tells of the pain and suffering of human life. Nobody should have to go through the pain our ancestors went through.
i love this poem! while reading it i thought of the holocaust. it makes me so angry to think that one person influenced others to commit genocide all because of ones religion. i wish i could do something, i really do! i would do anything in my power to have kept that from happening. i thank you for writing this poem, it shows a lot!
I really like the poem it was really good I felt every bit of it
I loved the poem. It was so awesome. i feel what you were saying.
this poem is great I love it, it just touch me and made me think about the things that happened on a world we never knew, I wish I had being there to help all that people who were suffering, try to saving too, you are a great writer hope you continue writing, I applause to you
that poem was really good its so true and real,
this is an amazing poem it reminds me of all the emotions that went on on sept 11 you should really consider trying to put it to music it would be amazing!
it's great, you really capture the essence of what was really happening today,good work. Two thumbs up!
it was really touching! i almost burst into tears!
i really liked your poem i would like if you would make more touching poems like that hopefully you do soon. bye!
I also learned about the holocaust and this poem touched me I feel what you fell. I can relate to your feelings. For I have the same outlook befoe I read this poe, so it REALLY touched me. I loved your poem I wish I could of helped them but i am doing a study on the holocoast and writting a book on it and I am only 15. As you can see I have alot to say and this poem is exactly how I feel. finallly someone cares about this. I thought that I would never find anyone to say anything like this before but thankyou.
i think ur poem is very very nice, i almost cried just remembering their pains. well, i just wish we could help the children of palestine! :'(
this is really good poem
This was really sad but very well written. It was very nice of you to deticate this to the lives that were lost in the heat of battle. Your someone, a good someone.
Very toucchng. I practiclly cried.
That was the bomb poem
this poem is ace. it is really deep and meaningful. i think you have put into words how a lot of people feel!
I love this poem, it reminds me so much of the world wars.
i just want to say this poem really touched me,it's really great. keep up the goodwork
Your poem is the bomb. I read it everyday it sit's by my bed at night!
This poem is great it touch my heart. I love this poem!
I understand how you feel!
this poem was really deep and i think that many people feel this way even though they seem to not care. This poem is really great and i hope that you will write more.
I just thought that it was great, I could really see where the artist was when she was writing it.
Sure, everyone can rhyme, everyone can plagarize, and just about anyone can write a bunch of silly words. But by reading this poem, you know instantly that it wasn't written to be was written to be FELT.Good Job! Keep writing!
Your poem is the best one iv'e read so far! It has so much meaning and u really pored your heart into it. Your lucky that u can write so well, for you wrote the feeling of so many of us. That we wish we were there, and could have done something to stop it.
that is a very nice poem my son just got through reading that book . his name is chris he is in the 10th grade.i didnt really want him reading the book ,but now that i read your poem i dont feel so bad for chris to read stuff like that you keep writing poems .
I really liked this poem. It nearly made me cry. It is just so true. I have not studied this but I have studied other things such as Hitler and Stalin and I know exactly what u mean. It is impossible to know the pain that they felt or to understand why anyone would want to make them feel that pain.
I really like your poem.It really makes you think about who you are.Thanks!

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