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About the Poem

Sometimes you see a person for the first time and feel strangely connected to them. You learn and grow together. Have many first's together, first love, first kisses, first break-up, first fights. I found someone like that, his name is Stephen. We grew on each other and became fast friends, we stuck by each other no matter what. Granted we had our fights but we always made up soon after saying we were sorry and we couldn't live without each other around for help. We've been through a lot.

Then one night we were talking with my friend Jess, and he just left, walked right out in the middle of our conversation. I was hurt, and betrayed. This poem is the results of that. Of course we made up the very next morning.


I thought you'd always be with me.
Always by my side but then you betrayed me,
in more ways than one, you left me to face
this cruel world alone.

Set adrift in a sea of night, my tears fall freely,
my face an open book showing all the pain
you've caused. First you lie, then cheat,
then deceive, then lie again, then cheat
again, then deceive again
When will this circle of pain end?
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© 1999 Ashley Dickerson Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

17 Visitor Comments

AWESOME POEM I so can RELATE but to answer your question which was mines one time " When will this circle of pain end? It will end when you let go! Let him go! God didnt intend us to live with such pain! Life is hard already! PEACE BX CRIZZY
My supposed "best friend" betrayed me, in the worst way possible she had realtions w/ my boyfriend. Yeah i blame them both but more her since she was supposed to say no to him not give into it right??? Well i sent it to her and she was really sad and sorry i guess me sending the poem to her was better than me trying to tell her how i felt. So thank you for writing this poems i knwo it sure has helped me. Thanks!
Hey, whats up me nuttin but sittin here written to u to tell u yo peom was good i really liked it its all bout me well write me sometime ,and keep up the good work. holla
you read my mind and heart!
i can realy relate to your peom i was at a party where this girl was flirting with me i thort she was the one but i then found out she was making aother person jelous by using me. i dont reli know where i stand but this peom has played the strings of my heart.
i was deceived by a close friend so i sent this poem to her i have just done tht now but it felt better to get my words and feelings out through a poem thankyou for writing this poem
sounds like me at the minute
this shows the well the true cycle when we are children we are taught that love should be "perfect. " Some search for there elusive soul mate there whole lives. But in reality love isnt perfect love is flawed as is all things.
I know how you feel. I went back to my ex after he cheated on me with my best friend. Then I took him back all 6 times he did it agin. I decided to say good bye and not to take him back. iam glad iam not the only one
I really enjoyed this poem. I have read other poems and submitted my feelings on them so I will on this poem to. I like this poem because it reminds me of me and my ex boyfriend andy we were really close but hen it all went down the drain!
Dis Poem is wikid! I rele understood it. It touched me deep down and i understand xactly how u feel Ashley. I gess it's just life. I luv dis poem, keep rytin poems lyk dis 1! Bileev me if u do, u'll hav mre n mre readers! Well done Ashley! Dis poem is da BOMB!
I really liked this poem because alot of my friends that i have betrayled me so many time it hurt. Keep up the good work Ashley!
Your poem was great! I understand your pain, but ya know sometimes u just gotta let it go. I know it was hard, but its gotta be done. My ex did the same thing and i kept taking him back also. It then got to the point where i couldnt take it anymore. So i broke it off and we went our separate ways. We talk once in a while to see how eachother are doing. Thats about it our time is done and we gotta face it ITS OVER. Sometimes i regret it but it had to be done.
This type of poem is something that actually happens to people. It did me. I read it and thought this is what happened to me and it really is the best poem I have read in many years. Well Done Ashley Dickerson. I hope to be reading alot more of your poetry!
Ashley this is great poem and i know exactly how it feels and i am still w/ my person i have never left him even though i know i should but i think i am in love w/ him! So i just wanna say this is a great poem and im glad to know someone else feels the same way i do!
Your poem was great but I don't understand how you can keep going back to someone who hurts you and causes you so much pain. You deserve someone to love you the way you love them keep writing.
I think this is a very good peom on how people get hurt and it explains the hurt people cause us. This is a great peom. Keep up the good work and get some more peoms out there like this one.

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