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About the Poem

This is about a girl that thought she found love, but after she gave up her virginity, the guy left her. Lost love....

The First Time

When I saw you, my heart fluttered with butterflies
When I was near you, my life was full of sunshine
When our hands met, my whole body shivered like on a windy day
When we held each other close, I felt as if my heart would explode with emotions
When we kissed, our lips met and I tasted pure heaven
When I laid my head down upon your chest I could hear your heart pounding

When we made love, all I could picture was you and I together always
When you looked at me, my eyes twinkled like shooting stars
When I looked at you, your gleaming eyes burned like flames upon a candle
When you left, I searched the world for you, near and far
I would've gone to the deepest ocean to drown in all my love
I would've climbed the highest mountain to seek for all of yours

When I could not find you, my soul was as empty as a water dried well
All my sorrows gathered deep within me until I was ready to explode in tears
This love is special because it sent a thousand daggers through my heart
Blood flowed down from my eyes and created a dark red puddle beneath my feet

When I was no longer able to feel pain and sorrow, I felt anger
So much that it tore me from others surrounding me trying to comfort
thinking of you for what seemed like an eternity put hatred in my heart
I gave you my love, my soul, my all, but all I got was a meaningless letter
When I read how you effortlessly tried to express how you were sorry
The thousands of daggers dripped with but more blood and my body grew stiff

How could you hurt me so, sending my heart shattering towards the ground
For many days, months, and years that has passed by, I still could never forget
The sweet smell of red and white rose pedals which lays dormant across my bed
Reminds me of how my childish ways lend me to swirls of confusion in my mind
Never again would I submit myself to such pain that causes death upon my soul
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© 1999 Lan Trinh Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

58 Visitor Comments

I really love your poem poem its really touching. Sorry about gettiing hurt
this is deep and meaningful! i luv it! keep up the wonderful work! ;]
this touched me deeply as this is exactly what happend to me, it is so true, and it brought tears to my eyes as it made me remember how much i thought i had loved him n how i had given him everything and in return all i got was a letter about how he was sorry that he just didnt love me anymore, it was an amazing poem and im sure it will touch many more peoples hearts just as it has touched mine take care kirsty xxx
very good
da exact same fing append 2 me it makes ya feel lyk a twat let along realli hurt ya .
Your poem touched me soo much. about having sex and everything! becoz i lost my virginity to this guy and now i regret what i've done! i did everything for him n i got nothing in return.
i love it it was really nice!
it made me cry cuz this happen to mei loved it
hey my name is shauntika i like your poem because the same thing happen to me wen i gave it up to this boy that i throught loved me and now i have learn my lesson and every sence then i havent gave it. keep writing your poems i like it
your pome was so deep i felt what you was feeling.
I Loved This Poem It Touched Me.
that's was so good i love it
I am really sorry to hear that but yo poem touched me deep down inside i will always remember that i will keep that right in my heart.
hey, i think that this pomes is the best pomes becaues i feel the same as you and i just brok up with my boifriend too so keep writing ok and good luck with all your pomes bye bye bye bye.
i love this poem it reminds me so much of my first time.
That poem was great. I feel you on that.
This is such a great poem that it touch me deeply. That a tear fell from my eye.
it really touched me because it reminded me of the time someone hurt me! the poem was wonderful and beautiful!
This was an awesome poem i give it two thumbs up! It really does express the pain a teen feels when they lose their virginity and a guy leaves them, which happens alot now adays! i dont think i could have been written any better!
I Just had my heart broken not to long ago. I lost my virginity to a LOSER, and thats all he wanted he told me how much he really liked me bla bla bla, and its been hard trying to get over it, and move on, so I need to do some research at work and see what could cheer me up and just the fact that u are brave enough to say ur feelings and let everyone read them is incredible. The Guy who took my Virginity was in jail half of the time and now that he's out he's trying to get back with me and I dont know how to egnore him, its hard. But Ur poem really helped me alot, feels like u are here with me trying to get through this. Thanks
What a touching poem. I feel like you were speaking to me. maybe you were?
I have trouble seeing if the poetry comes from the heart of a person sometimes, but in this poem I think it diffinatly did. I am a guy and have not experienced your love nor your pain. As a matter of fact I haven't even had a first date yet. I'm not a bad guy I guess I just haven't tried hard enough yet.
wow this is very deep. when i read this this all i could say was wow. if that happened to me i would just die . great poem loved it . you should have a poetry career.
you're not the only one that has had this happen to them but there is never less nothing we can do. the guy who tore my heart apart took my virginity and kept playing the game. i wish i had gotten out sooner but i kept believing. this poem is the first one i've read to express that pain of what is taken from you that can never be returned just for the fun of a game.
this poem is soo amazing. i love it because it made me remember what happened to me and i realize that i wasnt the only person that was done this way. after two years i still remember it, but i am thankful because it helped me and i've learned a lot from that one experience. guard your hearts and yourselves ladies!
You know this really sounds like my sister. This guy took advantage of her when she was vulnerable. Now she has a kid and the father is in jail.
i was suprised at all the girls comments that said "the same thing happened to me". So yep it happened to me too and the pain you feel is imaginable. It hurts to know oyu were used but even though u never forget it u will get over it and live on and find someone who really loves you. But u learn from ur mistakes, and hopefully any other girls can learn from ours. It was a grest poem. Keep ur head up
OMG! i loved this
i really like this poem
this poem is a great way of expressing how much a person can care for a nother and get hurt so bad. this was a great poem for me because the same thing happend to me.
I really thought this poem was great. It happen to me too. I know how u feel girl. It hurts u sooo much but yet u can't hate because u still feel something. Keep writing u have a talent
I loved this poem. i know how thid gurl feels i was used just like her. thanx for the great poem.
That was a great poem! Don't put your life on hold because the guy you are writting about is not worth it. When you finally meet the right will all make sens :) I hope I get to read more of your poems, that was truly touching.:)
this poem is amazing, i really like how you portrayed your feelings. the passion and love you felt is skillfully brought over. it sounds like he did not deserve you any way.
This poem is great! I know how she is feeling! It happened to me too! I thought that we were in love and that we would be together forever! Well I guess that i thought wrong! I gave him something that i can never get back and after like a month or two afterwards he left me!
I love this poem and something sort of similar like this happen to me and it hurt so bad. I use to be in a relationship with him and after it was over that's all he wanted but I will forgive but never ever forget.
I really love this poem. I csn really relate to it. The only difference is the guy stayed with me for 8 1/2 months after we had sex but thats not a good thing because thats the only reason he stayed with me. Not only that but he wsa sleeping with my cousin too! So all i have to say is keep your head up and someday the right guy will come. BE PATIENT and ask God to help yuor heart to heal and give you some peace. He'll send the right man for you when its time.
after reading this just make me realized that i have been through this slipery situation before.
A very powerful poem and I really liked it.
OMG! this poem was the best poem i have ever read! I am crying right now! I have never had a poem get to me like this one did! i was just thinking about having sex wit my boyfriend but, now, i am goin to think twice! thank you soo much 4 this poem! keep writing you have a true talent!
this is a great poem. it says how i felt when my ex bumped me cuz i did things with him that i had never done, but i didn't have sex with him but i alomst did and i read this poem and it says how i feel in this situation. keep up the good work.:)
i think this poem is so true and i love it
I found that to be a great poem. You sound like a deep caring person and i'm certain you'll find the right person. BTW. The guy sounds like a prick to make you feel that way.
I really love your poem because i was in that situation
Your poem is beautiful...although I have not experienced what you went through I know that it is every girls greatest fear.
I loved the poem, it was very touching I believe this poem will help others to think twice about what there about to do. I really enjoyed reading it, I think your an excellent poemt, and I would like to read more of your poems. I loved it!
I really like the poem because the same thing went on with me
I just wanted to say, that I really liked your poem, it is very deep. When I read it, it reminded me of my first time. The guy did the samething to me as he did you. It really hurts.
This poem is very heart felt. It is deep and expressing those deep feelings in a person.I hope the author of this poem continue s and has much success in poertry writing.
I just want to let you know that your poem touched my heart. I myself did not have a great first time experiance and I would take it back with every fiber of my being if I was given the chance.
that was really deep. i loved it . i started crying all through the poem. please send me some more of your poems. i would really like to read them, thank you
i love this poem t is very deep!! :O)keep up the great work!!!
I really felt for this poem because I've been put in that same position. I never thought that my feelings would be able to be expressed as well as they were in this poem. Being put through this has made me a totally different girl. Since this happened I completely regret ever losing my virginity. I wish I would have saved myself for someone that was a real for sure thing, that would be there for me always.
unbelieveable. My heart grew into this poem. Your a beatiful person.
I can totally relate to how she felt. The exact same thing happened to me, and it tore me apart. But I soon found a great guy and it all works out ok
i just love this i read it i just felt the girls pain i could only imagine how devistating that must be.i really enjoyed this poem and wish to vote 4 it...
this poem is great...i can really relate to it...the same thing happened to me...and i have never been the same since...its good to know someone has been in the same shoes as me.

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