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I love this person and he doesn't know. Now he's leaving me and I wish I could tell him

Don't Leave Now

don't leave me now
don't let me go
I'm in love with you
and you don't even know

I miss you already
I cant stand this pain
don't leave me drenched
in this pouring rain

don't turn around
or forget I'm here
don't leave me empty
in cold and fear

I miss you already
I can't breath without you
please, don't leave me now
I'm in love with you
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© 1999 Phoebe Dukes Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

37 Visitor Comments

This touched me. Really amazing work. I can relate because Im afraid someone might steal someone special away from me. Keep it up!
nice poem, i wish my ex-girlfriend comeback
luv this poem keep up the work wer do u get all these from ? ur a top poet im also in da same position mi ex left me n i wishhel realise jst how much a luv him keep it up hunie xxx
this poem waqs so beautiful i love the handful of earth you are!
gave advise in lots of diffrent ways
I think this poem is wonderful. Prolly because im in the same situation right now with a girl I love more than anything. Hope you dont mind, but I sent it to her. So I just wanna say, nice poem, it really touched me =)
wow this is a really great poem. i can relate my boyfriend of three years has moved firther away and we dont see each other that much.
baby J
ur poem was reall awnsum keep it up
hey love this poem. i am also in the same situation. keep up the good work.
I really like this vote it really touched me
oh. my gosh this poem is so amazing, i really wished my ex-boyfriend had never left me. i really tohught it was going pretty good but right after another i notice we were thru. well hopefully he can trust me and give me other chance i need him by my side. LOVE me A. A
I can truly relate and believe this is a beautiful poem.
I like this poem because it relates to me in a very personal way.
I liked this poem cuz it reminds me of something im goin threw.
You have no idea how much I used to relate to this. Not to sound all "know it all" But you should tell 'em. I told the girl I loved, and now, I hold her every day, and I;m thankful for it. So let them know, it makes all the difference in the world. 10 stars!
This is a great poem it really touched me, because I am in the same situation. You are a good writer, and this was a beautiful poem.
I can relate. That is exactly how I was about my ex-boyfriend.
i love this poem it is soo true
it was really nice and i have even changed my msn name to it. I was browsing the site and this one really came out to me!
OMG! I love your poem! I know what your going through. I love my ex boy friend and I always will. he said he loved me to but then he told me that he had never been in love1 Keep up the good writing!
this is so weird , cause i can totally relate to this poem, cause there is this guy that i like soo much . but in a month he is leaving to another state . and i knowni'll never see him again . i just with he knew how i felt.
Oh, boy. I'm so happy somebody feels the way I do right now. I really need somebody right now. Because the boy that I love happens to be my bestfriend, and it hurts because I've given my heart to him, but he won't give me his. He also happened to have left me, and walked away from me without a sigh, or a sorry. But the words that keep replaying in my mind is "I'll never leave you, I'm not going anywhere" that what my love said to me. But he did. He did.
I love this. It makes me think of myself and a person! Keep up the good work!
hey your poem its just so wounderful. it really touches the soul and i know how it feels to love someone and then have them leave and you couldnt even get the chance to say you loved hi ( keep up the good work )
Wow. i love this poem. I started crying when i read it, right now i feel the exact same. I love my ex boyfriend, but i never told him, and now he broke up with me. So now i feel like he never knew, and its too late.
I like your poem and I no what you are going through I think you did a really god job making this poem
phoebe..u r so great! there's this senior guy whom i really like and i only had a crush on him since the 2nd sem. and its just too bad that he will be graduating soon. you are SO great! the poem was too touching.aaawwwww!
words fail me..this poem blew my are EXTREMELY talented..whatever u do. don't lose that.keep on writing - i wanna see more of your work!
Amazing and touching poem, I love it.
this poem was tight 2 def
this poem touched me so much. when i first heard this poem i started to cry. i read it over and over again hoping the guy i met will soon return to my heart.
I thought this was a great poem, and I can totally understand where the poet is comming from.
Very touching poem.reminded me so much of the time that i lost my x-boyfriend, because it is when you lose someone that you realize how much you really love them.
This poem is so much about me, I love this poem so much
i have one word "wow"..and i mean that in the best way posible
This was a really touching poem... although it's short a sweet, it's got a rythm that gets into your heart.

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