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About the Poem

This Poem is what I feel about a certain guy . . . I guy that I can't touch . . . one that will never look at me the way I look at him . . . but then as there is with everything . . . I have hope . . . and that is displayed within this poem . . . Yes it doesn't really have a form . . . or a rhyme to it . . . but then do all ideas?

Angel's Wings

It would be so nice
If you just gave a glance my way
But , who am I kidding?
I'm just a nameless loser
Another someone who's far from beauty
But just you wait and see
Because someday . . . far from now
God's gonna take us up
Way up
And I'll be beautiful in your eyes
Because he'll give me angel's wings.
And when you look at me
I'll smile , as a tribute to that day.
Because that will probably be the first time
You look at me that way.
And you'll know me as Emily
Instead of who?
Too bad its gonna take those angel's wings
To make my dreams come true.
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© 1999 Em Bohrer Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

20 Visitor Comments

I like it.
this may not rhym but no matter what it is considerded very poetic and gentle
this poem is sweet, sweet to me because i feel the same way about this guy.
i love this poem. i have loved my brothers friend for 7 years and he barely knows me. sometimes he forgets my name. this poem is pretty much how i feel.
Lovely! Your'e an excellent writer!
That was a realli good poem i know exactly how you feel its the story of my life i never ge tthe guy i want he doesnt see me the same but i guess some people are just unlucky
I could really relate to that one. It spoke a lot of things
That poem really touched me! your right, not every poem needs a rhyme! Yours was great, one of the best on this site. I no how you feel being in a situation like the one you told us about in your poem. I liked a boy i met on holiday a few years back, he was a couple of years older than me, and never saw me in dat way, jst saw me as a friend. I was hurt bt i new i had to move on! Well done
hey! i started reading some of the poems on this site to get some of my feelings straight for my boyfriend and your poem really hit me. it reminded me of when i liked another guy. i know what that feels like. i really luv your poem and even though there isnt really a pattern to it i think its one of the best ones ive read. keep writin and God bless!
I loved your poem! It made me think about a boy that I like and I'm pretty much non-existent to him.
I realy like your poem! it relates to what i'm going through and my feelings towards a special someone.
This is really good poem. It reflects the feelings im going though right this second. Im in the same ship as you with the same feelings and emotions as you. very well put poem very well.
This is really beatiful. This is my favorite of the ones I have read so far.
Touched my heart very much
Oh my gosh, This poem really relates with what I'm going through. I love this poem so much. Good Job!
wow. beautiful. I think almost everyone can relate and thats why its perfect.
i know how it feels when u like a guy so much but he dosnt feel the same! and 1 day when we r in heaven maybe that guy i loved for 6 years will look at me the way i looked at him!
A beautiful poem.
This poem was really good. It was expressed very well! I know how you feel about a guy you really like and they don't like you in "that" way! Keep up thw good work:)
I know how you feel "but honey if he doesn't see you know, it wasn't ment to be because God doesn't give you some one who will put you through pain,any way the way you feel "think" mabe your to blind the same as him to see the person who really does love you and he is distracting your true love

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