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About the Poem

My poem is about the way my boyfriend totally took advantage of me. It's about a risk that I took to love him and how much it hurt to know that we would no longer see each other. In this poem, I show everything - my emotions, my feelings, and my love in its entirety. It expresses why I still and always will love him, from the bottom of my broken heart.

The Risk I Took To Love You

I've written these words to help you know
The love, pain, and hurt that I never did show.
I knew your cousin, my best friend was she,
I was aware of that fact that you didn't know me.
After some time, she introduced me to you.
How surprising that we became friends too.
At that time I had no feeling of this sort.
I guess it's because - for me you were short.
Not only that, but you were younger than I.
It looked really funny when it was me you stood by,
But after a while of laughter and fun,
I had this feeling that I knew was too dumb.
I started to like you - I don't know why.
You just gave me a feeling that made me soar high.
I knew in my heart that I couldn't let you know,
Because of the risk, I kept it an easy-going flow.
The days after that, our friendship was great,
But then I thought, "What if I was too late?"
I gave it more time, more consideration,
In order that I would make a wise decision.
I knew you wouldn't like me; the fact was so real.
But what would I do with the emotions I feel?
I gave it a try, but not so clearly to you,
I just thought that I would give you a clue.
I was afraid if I told you, my newest friend,
Our fun and laughter would come to an end.
Then it came the time to speak my heart,
Even though I knew that our friendship would grow apart.
When I told you that day, you took it so well,
No longer in that decision would I have to dwell.
The weeks after that went by so fast,
But I knew that one day our friendship would no longer last.
Soon I started to feel nothing like before,
I guess you could say I liked you even more.
But soon after a while, it started to come true,
Farther apart I became from you.
At first I didn't know what was going on,
But as soon as I stepped into reality, you were already gone.
Now you are just a picture, a dream in my mind,
But trust me at times I'm happy when it's your memories I find.
When I remember those times and recall your voice,
I think of the past because I really have no choice.
I tell you that at many times, you've wiped away my tears,
And at many other times, you've thrown away my fears.
Please don't ask why because I can't exactly say how,
But it doesn't really matter because you're gone from me now.
Just remember that at anytime, anywhere,
To me you could look because I'll always care.
Even though we went our own separate ways,
I'll never forget our happiest of days.
Tell me your problems, I'll understand.
Tell me your needs, and I'll reach out my hand.
But now that's just a fantasy, as true as it may seem.
Yes, you my old friend are just a dream.
For always I've wanted your hands to hold,
Because I wanted your friendship, it was more valuable than gold.
For one year, there were things you had said,
That with your words and love, I was led
To show you kindness and gentle care,
And to treat in a way that I knew was always fair.
I wondered many times about the friendship we had
What wrong did I do, to make it so bad?
I gave everything you wanted, almost anything.
I gave you my heart, my everything.
But I've lost you now, you're gone forever,
Just remember that I'll forget you never.
Yes, loving you was worth the risk, though it broke my heart in two.
But I'm glad that I had taken it because it brought me closer to you.
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© 1999 Daisee_aj Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

58 Visitor Comments

i love this poem i went out with a guy name Sam knew him for 2 years then eventally i told him that i like him everything was fine until one of his friends said i saw him with this girl and i knew who it was but it just hurted that he would do something and not fell bad for it at all but i have moved on and i found the perfect guy to me
your a good writer i really like your poem.
wow!wow!its so perfect!wow!its realy realy a fantastic poem. you showed how you feel. i love your poem its true!that defnitly a numba 1.
Lil Alex
Im really feelin diz poem keep writing!
This poem is just great, I am sure so many people have felt like this at one point in their lives, maybe some more then others but it has really just hit the spot that everyone knows about. I was really touched by how you expressed yourself, I think it was amazing.
omg that poem was like so very much pretty me and my girl really enjoyed eading it. we like your poetry and we think u should keep on writin. 4rm Jose & Aileen
I really was feelin this poem. I felt the emotion the writer must of hvae and I can relate really well. Its like she took all the emotions that i had and put them in the right order. It felt real.
omg i cried when i read this it's so amazing and i love the message behind it
this is an anwsome poem it ispires me
very good
OMG this is one of the best poems i've read,It made me think alot about one of my ex's. You do really well writing so keep doin it!
Hey i really loved the poem its the first poem i have came across that i actually like. I think its one of te best poems i have ever read and i have read alot of poems its exactly how i felt but i still have him somewhat i think.
i loved it too much, it brings up goo times i have spent with my girlfriend. thanks for the poem, and i will never forgit it. it will always be with me when i need it! -Douglas
WOW I LOVE THAT POEM! It's just like my problem now. But im the younger one! I'm goin give this to him if we ever drift apart! I hope not i love him with all my heart! He was just my cousins friend and now he is the one i love to death!
that waz amazing it is so titi all the feelings expressed in the poem gives me hope
it fit the way i feel it sounded so real and emotional
Oh my. Dats all i can say! This poem, the way you expressed yourself. Im goin to read it to my best friend Katherine who will cry after i read it. Kuz it relates to her, every lil detail! Me an her are best friends an i introduced her ta ma cuz an she fell in love but now he jus uses her. An her and i write poetry an it was hard for us ta find or come up wit one an i jus did. It will be nice 4 her ta kno how someone out der relates an feels da same! You write beautiful, thanx 4 expresssin yo self.
That is a great poem. A lot of us, ok, I, can really relate to what yoo went through. But we all have to toughen up and take risks right?
This peom was just so emotional and so beatiful. I felt as though I was sitting right there when they did all these things together. I could remember some of the things that my first love and I did together when I was reading the poem. Thanks for writting this poem and putting it on the internet.
I really loved it, and yes it really touched me. I wanna get in touch with you so bad. I wish I had your e-mail address cuz I really got alot to ask you Well Ill c u later
this poem is so sweet and I really enjoyed this. You are a great poem writer and I hope that you go far.
I really liked this poem and I understand what you were going through. Keep up the good work.
i luved ur poem!
I really liked your poem. It reminded me soooo much of my ex-boyfriend. ur a great writer so keep writing. always shorty
wow thats good no guy should take advantage of a girl but i guess they can be sweet and suck you in like my boyfriend well im really sorry 4 what he did.
These poem was really nice. What I like the most It's happening to me. Can you tell me what should I do? should I tell him?
That was a great poem Keep up the good Work it really made me think. Thank you i needed sum advice and i got it from this poem Thanx once again Kristin
Wow, your poem was really good. I liked it a lot. Good Job!
U go gurl! U snaped w/dat. damn. it reminds me of my ex, and probably alot of other fefe's too.
This was one of the best teen love poems that I have read.
This poem was increiable I love and keep up the good work .
Absolutely amazing. Totally can relate to nearly every word. I know you don't even know me, but you've lifted my down spirits more than you know. Thank you. :-)
This is a real good poem and at one point or another everyone has taken the risk to love someone. Good!
good work i like it
I love this poem it is really true!
hey i love your poem and i know exactly how you feel because the same thing happened to me
This poem is really long but something that everyone can relate to.
Your poem was very touching if i had to rate it 1-10 i'd give you a 10. It's the best poem I have ever read, keep up the great work!
i thought i had the best poem untill i read this one. it was truely amazing
man.this was a truly great poem and it reminded my of this older girl that i felt for the same way and i'm glad to see that i wasn't the only one to go through that feeling.
hi, i love your poem! it is wonderful i want to thank you cuz it has helped me through a hard time! thank you
This is one of the best poems that Igave to one of my friends because I fill in love with her boyfriend and Ithink it was really good and nice.
this poem is exactly what i went through and it is so true
That was the best poem I have ever read, it was so sweet! I can relate to your story, I have had the same problem.
I really enjoyed reading this poem. This whole experience has happened to me. Being to afraid to tell your best friend, that you do care, but once you do, you guys grow apart.. and you don't have anything except just knowing that you finally told him how you felt
This reminds me of the all too familiar phrase "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." I think of this because if you love someone and things don't work out as long as you have learned something, it is all worth while! Good poem! I really liked it!
I'm sorry this had to happen to you! This poem was so meaningful, I hope you write a lot more poems because you're really good. You put a lot of emotion into that, and I hope you do find true love someday.
I cried because I saw myself in the narrator's place! Daisee_aj, you are not alone.... you couldn't have written it more beautifully!!! x-x-x :)
Bravo! I know it's hard wanting to keep a special friendship with a guy but when you start loving them it's hard to keep it in the dark. It will show and things might change to the best or love but thats just a risk you have to take. God Bless and take care.
I think this poem is a really nice poem and should be one of the favorite poems because this kinda happened to me!when i first read it it touched my heart!
the best!
I totally feel this. This guy ive been friends with since my freshman year, now im a junior, i just now realized i have feelings for him, btu im scared to tell him because of what it might do to our friendship, and i would never want anythign to come between me and his friendship. But i dont want these feelings inside me any longer. This is totally respectful, i wish i knew the person that wrote this so i could tell them how much this poem means.
Your poem is really similar to how I felt about someone a long time ago. It is very good.
this is a great poem.brought tears to my eyez.good luck on writing more
That was a very, very beautiful poem, even though I have never been in that situation, It was very precious. I truly hope you find true love ou there, it's not easy, let it come to you, also you need to write more poems, you're really great
i love it! it kind of relates to me and my guy best friend. i love it!
i understand how you feel and i love that poem!
Thank you for sharing the wonderful poem

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