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Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

This poem is about my ex- boyfriend that I loved with all of my heart. Then he dumped me and left me for another girl. And I still have feelings for him and I know that he hurt me but I just can't let go of the past and it is killing me inside. I can't seem to rid my memories of us.

Hurting In The Present For Persevering The Past

Now that you're gone it seems I long for you day and night
As I reminisce of your kisses as you held me tight
I never dreamt that you would leave
I thought that you would be here to stay
I cried my self to sleep when I heard you say
" Can we just be friends? "
Your words tore me apart, as you stole my heart
You left me stranded, no where to go , no one to turn to
In that situation that selfish person would be you
It seems as if you didn't care, about me nor my feelings
as you left me in despair
I start to cry whenever I hear your name,
as your voice repeats in my head

"Can we just be friends?"
I ask myself every day, Was it because of me?
But how? I never loved some one with a love so deep
I sit here now alone and depressed
Wondering if you feel my loneliness
Just then I start to tremble because I know that the answer is no
You left me because you loved her so
Wishing things were as they were
Before I lost you, before her
But. since my love was so strong I strived and no matter what hung on

It's been a while, at least a month and a half
You could even call it the past
And still to this day I still hear you say
"Can we just be friends? "
Although it's hard, I now know that you weren't the one.
And it is time for me to move on
So when you crawl back and ask
"Can we be more than just friends? "
You'll see me sigh, them give my reply.

"Though I have awaited this day for so long,
what you did was just wrong.
All the pain that you put me through,
my conclusion is that the fault was on you.
You had your chance, I just don't feel the romance.
It was your loss and my gain, sorry to say,
but my feelings just aren't the same"

Just then I start to cry because I know that my words are lies,
deep down I know I desperately want him back
But I am not going to give in this time
I've learned from my pain that I am not going to get hurt again
Now I say to you, " Sorry, this is the end,
We are just friends"
So in words short and few, "We're through! "

No more longing for the past that I once endured
The only thing it brought me was suffering and hurt
Now I'll just wait to see what the future has in store
And not wait around for him anymore.
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© 1999 Breanna Martinez Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

142 Visitor Comments

This poem remind me of how i felt about someone i thought will the one for ever. but he felt me for another girl.
WOW! I don't know how you did, you are such a strong person. At the moment i am feeling the exact way that you felt. My boyfriend an i broke up and i think , that was most probably one of the hardest days of my life, because i tried so hard not to show emotion, but the tears would just not stop rollingdown my cheeks. I think that you have a strong character and don't setle for second best even though he may at times feel like a first!
i just want to thank you. this poem has helped me. you see today is my 2 months. not 2 months in happyness. its 2 months of pain. i have loved someone for soo long. we've been on and off for the past three years. and quite frankly i cant take it anymore. in december we fell in love again. christmas "it" happened and it was the most wonderful thing ever. and he told me he loved me. about a week later ditched me for a new girl. as much as i love him i dont want to be with him anymore. for the sake of my own well being. our on and off relationship has to end and i wont if i just keep giving in. so i thank you. just knowing that there is someone else out there feeling the same pain as i means alot. cas sometimes i feel like im the only hopeless romantic out there with a broken heart searching for poems for some bit of evidence that'l help make sense of what their going through. great poem. and thanks again
omg! this poem is so right! i still feel that way about my ex boyfriend Michael. he broke up with me for his first love from the year before. it kills me to see him everyday with her, but i prretend it doesnt bother me. when eally i just wanna run up to him and kiss him and hug him! but i love ur poem! great job! it means alot to me! xoxo Krystal
Yea umm id just like 2 say that the same thing happened 2 me and i 2 took him back but now i feel like i made a mistake because the fault was on him and now its even harder to let go .
This poem is really good! but trust me he'll be back because they always do come back!
I can really feel you on this one! I couldnt have put it in better words. *Laura*
HeY THiS PoeM iS AWeSoMe!. iT iS eXaCTLY HoW i FeeL aBouT MY eX BLaKe!. i STiLL LoVe HiM Soo MuCH!. WeLL JuST WaNTeD To SaY THaT!
oh my gosh this poem was beautiful. I just broke up with my first love. Now i just sit here and wait wondering if he will ever come back. He didnt say bye or even why. I hope one day as in my process of trying to let go that i will have the power and strength to tell him i dont feel the same way. I can relate to your experience soo much cuz if he came back my heart weak enough to give in. YOu inspire me to be brave or not act blind.
This poem is about what I am going through right now. I know I should forget about him but I cant all the memories I just want it all back, I can hear him still saying can we just be friends. The bad thing about it is that he treated me so bad,examples he didnt call till 2:00 in the morning and then he cheats on me. But right this moment if he called me and asked me to go back with him I would go in a heartbeat. I just want to live in the past and that is what is killing me.
very very very very very deep. i mean i lived every word. good expression
this poem really means something to me it everything that i going through now but in the end he will be back because hell relize that shes not what he wants
this is exactly what happened to me! My ex dumped me on Easter. and he e-mailed me the break up. then 5 days later dances with one of my friends and goes out with her 2 days after that. i just hope i am strong enough to tell him no. cuz even after all that i still love him
hey breanna! if this is the breanna martinez i know you go to my school this is rene! honey you should have showed me this. i love that you write. this poem was great! i love you and don't forget it! have an awesome spring break if you read this while we are on spring break. tootles.
that was me exactley YOU and he wanted another chance but i said noway he could just throw a year and a half away for some hussy well i dont need him as you dont either although every single day i still think of him i knew i made the right choice
This poem hit home with a problems the same to the t that my 16year old daughter is going thru and having a hard time moving on thanks so much 5 stars to me
This poem was amazing. it gave me confidence. Because i was in the same position. This poem really helped me an i like it a lot!
hey! your poem really touched me and helped me to realize Im not alone. my boyfriend of 5 years just broke up with me 2 days ago for no reason and then asked another girl out(his "best friend") and now their together. I couldn't help but just sit back and cry. I just wanna say thanks for this amazing poem and good luck in all the others you may decide to do in the future! ;)
I really loved this poem! Out of all the poems that I have read this one really touched me. I experienced a similar situation except the guy didn't want to be more than friends at the end.
I really like this poem because I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half and I know in my heart that I will feel the same way!
that is a lovely poem. it really touched me. my b/f dumped me 8 months ago and i was devistated and i didn't feel like i could carry on living, but every single night i was praying that he would come back to me and i was wishing aswell, i love him so much and he gave me a second chance and last month he came back to me and he told me that he loves me loads. you just have to keep on believing in yourself and even if you don't get him back then there will be plenty more people out there that want you. you have to keep living because once you stop believing in yourself then you start feeling really low and like i just wanted to kill myself but i believed that he would come back and he did. god bless you and hope that everything turns out right. keep writing those lovely poems because i believe that they express peoples feelings lots and lots of love x x x chelsie x x x ( age 16 ) it can still happen if your young
Hey girl that was amazing you know the thing that happend to you is happening to me right now and thats the way I feel right now but the hardest thing is that he keeps talking to me and he says that he still cares about me but he says that we could just be friends and thats killing me inside
I know the fleeling all to well. He didn't leave me for another girl as far as I know we loved each other despite the distance between us but he had a rough life and we did not really get to speak much if you ask me because of his mom. There are times i wonder if he heard my thoughts because after i thought of a certain thing for a while he would end up bringing it up but I still would not mind going back out with him.
this poem is so sweet and nice it realy touched my heart
your poem really move me. actually it was great one of the best poems that i've read in a long time. keep up the good work.
I LOVED IT AND I CONNECTED WITH IT SO WELL! my boyfriend just broke up with me. and even though we only dated for a little over a month, i've been crazy about him for atleast 6 months. when i read this poem i started to cry because its exactly how i feel. especially the part where the girl says that the words she would say to him are lies coz she still wants him back. i felt like i was looking through a window to my own life. i just couldnt connect with the last paragraph coz i dont feel that way but the poem is beautiful and yo captured this feeling of loneliness and lost love so well! i give you three thumbs up!
I enjoyed your peon - it's very well thought our and written - you have talent. Keep it going. Annie
This poem totally describes what i am going through right now concerning love in my life. Thank you so much because, knowing that i am not the only one helps me and makes me stronger.
This poem was soo good! I loved it. I am going through the same exact thing right now. Keep on writing.
i luved da poem
this poems reminds of my first boyfriend and i still like him a lot. but he moved on and now he has a new girlfriend. the hurt is still with me after three years. i know exactly how you feel And i feel sorry 4 u.
OMG! That is exactly what happened 2 days ago to me. It almost about killed me. He had left me 5 times before but me being the forgiving person took him back everytime. and im like you now. I have time now to catch up with my friends and all the time i'd lost with them dreading over him. Yea I miss him GREATLY but sumtimes i sit and think that it feels great not having to worry about where he is 24/7 since we live about 30 minutes away from each other. well. AWESOME POEM! keep up the good work!
what you wrote was deep and it really spoke to me. that has happened to me in the past but i wasn't as smart as you i took him back and sure enough he hurt me again but now i know how it feels to love some one so much but have to let them go. your poem really got to me and i hope you keep writing because your really good at it. thanks for writing this poem.
it was a great poem
Great poem. it fits with me. I guess it's because I going through the same thing. Great job
i loved it im crying because i know just how you fell my ex just left me so he can gay with one of his friend so ya it des hert
this poem was so nice. Mostly I know U'r guys pain because i been there and i'm in the passion right know. of telling that i love him but it's not worth it no more. nice work,
This poem touched me when i read it because i am going through the same thing and i think this is the best poem i ever read so thank you because it helps to know i an not the only one out their going through this
I like this pome alot because it reminds me of my baby's dad(my xboyfriend)I still love him but I don't want him back and he's with another girl. I'm happy with the way things are.
I loved this poem. My boyfriend has just recently broken up with me for another girl. After reading this poem i no now i have to try and move on and if he comes back be strong and say no. Thanks so much keep up the great work.
dude, thats so tru , u have to move on , and i went through the same thing, and i love to write poetry , and i have a few poems that say simalar things as to your poem there, and it did touch me, i kept having like, flash baks of me and my ex diego lol. keep up the wonderful work ! luv kat
Hey, you did an AWES0ME job on this poem, I thought it was great. I was kind of in that situation at one time, so I know how you felt. but anyways, keep up the good work.
I think this was good, I wish I was as brave as that. As i did have him back but because things weren t the same it had to be ended. I have come to the conclusion that things only happen for a reason as i have found the man I am going to marry and it was not him. Who knows i bet there is someone much better for her out there TO. she is very brave and a brilliant poem. WELL DONE!
This poem really touched my heart. i know how u felt cause I went through the same thing that u did, but I made the mistake of taking him back at first but now we don't even really talk.
this poem describes how i felt when i was with this boy his name was jason and he had left me for another gurl i loved him so much i never felt that way about any one before but it's been a while and i just saw him the other day with her it hurt but like you said one day they'll try to come back and tho we wanted it so badly we'll say no Thanx for feeling my pain
that poem made me cry. i fell the SAME EXACT WAY! . my ex boyfriend asked me to be just friends. he liked some other girl. and i also think about that every day. i c ant even explain how true that is for me to. well now i feel a little better to know that someone else feels the same way as me. thanks. i loved it so much!
stay strong homie keep in touch
I LOVE that poem. It really touched me beacuse like a month ago my girlfriend said "Can we just be friends?" because she liked someother girl and it really hurt at first caz i love her but i knew i had to move on and now i'm not that sad anymore even though i will always remember her and the times we had together. I just hope she doesn't come back to me asking if we could give it one more shot because i know i want to so bad i will have to tell her no,no matter how it hurts caz i don't want it to happen again. So as you can see i am going through something alot like your poem right now so it really touched me deep down.
this poem was so great. i loved it. i jsut went through the same thing my ex broke up with me and said he just wanted to be friends and it hurt so much he left me for some one else. i know without a doubt i love him. he wants me back and this poem helped me with telling him no thank you
i have just broken up with my husband after 14 years he left me said he needed time and space. He says he still wants to be friends but will come back one day, i know this is not true. This poem touched my heart.
I loved it! I know how you feel its happened to be and it took me about 5 months to accept that he wasn't coming back.
good poem. I really enjoyed it.
Dianalyn Rose
Ijust love your poem and i can certainly relate to it. I once went through that feeling and it took me about 4 months to finally acceept it. It's such a great poem.
Oh my god i love ur poem sooo much. And if u worte this because of how u feel then i know exalt what u are going through. When i read this peom it made me cry because it was perfect 4 the way i felt about this guy i was in love with. And it gave me the strength 2 tell him how i felt. So i just wanted 2 tell u that i really like ur poem.
I loved it! I'm going though something like that now and there's a child involved. Your poem inspired me and now I know what I have to do. Thank you so much for sharing you beautiful poem
I really love this poem it puts me back with the feelings that I felt with my ex-boyfriend. This is really good!
i really liked ur poem it was really touchin made me almoust cry cuz i past thought the same things that u did i know how u fell
Great poem, absolutely great. i loved this poem so much, cuz right now i'm in the same situation. Except for when he came back to me, it was all i ever i wanted, so i took him back, thinking it would be fine, but then he broke my heart again. So good for all of you, who know well enough,(unlike me) that its his loss if he dumps you, don't fall for his tricks again.
hey i really love this peom because this happend to me and i really did felt bad and i just wanted for say is that it really hurts you deep down inside. I really like your peom
This poem reminds me so much of my hurt feelings for my ex love. This poem is nice keep up the good work.
That is a really good poem,My vote that i give u is off the scale!
I like your poem alot and I like the fact that so many kids can compare the same thing to it. I sure can after three years of being in love and it just ended so yea. Im glad im not the only one out there with the same problems.
I really enjoyed this poem. It was exactly how I felt after my boyfriend and I broke up. It really helped me realize that I can move on. Thank you. It was a really great poem and I believe that the author is very talented.
the poem is straight up goods
I'm really touched by your poem. I've just broken up with my boyfriend of 3 and a half years. I really hope that i can be as strong as you are,to turn him down and say no to him. Your poem has certainly helped me in a way. Thanks alot.
when i read this poem i was shocked that someone could write a poem this good i loved it
i could really relate cause im goin through that right now but the sit- uation is kinda different.
I really liked your poem while i was reading it i totally related to it because the same thing happend to me and even though i love him so i just have to let him go
Hey, im a guy and i read your poem and it is never really to good to give some guys another chance because SOME guys are jerks and they will hurt you more then once if you give them a chance no matter what you think of them it seems harsh but thats how it is sorry if i seem harsh to but im just telling you that your decision was for the best. Even though it might happen again (i hope it doesnt) with a new love that you might find. You must move on if he wanted to go out with you again he should have never ditched you in the first place well im prolly wasting your space and keep your art coming its beautiful until then good luck to you. CIAO
hey. i really love your poem! your poem describes the exact situtatin i was in and still am in see me and and this guy were dating and he said he just want ed to be friends and it is kinda hard to just forget but when the time came and he asked if we could be more than friends i had to say noo that we were not going ot be any more than friends, but i still really care for him i just dont wan to hurt liek i did anymore. love the poem!
I Love your poem so much, i was with this guy for 2 years and one day he just called and said can we just be freinds. I totally freaked!Your a really great writer.
I love this poem! i know how it feels cause i've been in the same situation & it's hard!But as you have done & so have i we've gotten over it! there is that "perfect guy" out there for you & i hope you find him!
Oh My God! This poem is an awesome poem. Ur feelings are truly shown in the poem. I know how u feel. This is da best poem ever!
gurl that poem was GREAT ! it really proved that i need 2 get over this guy(wade) and maybe one of these days i can tell him the same as u did! - u go gurl!
I can really relate to this poem, and you did a extremely great job describing exactly how you feel when this happens. My ex and I went out for a year and a half when he all the sudden told me he didn't love me anymore! I still love him with all my heart, but he won't talk to me or even just be friends. I couldn't express how it feels in my own words to even come close to what a good job you did it for me! Thanks!
I really like this poem. I felt the same way when my ex broke up with me but i keep going out with him and he keepet hurting me so you were so smart not to take him back.
This poem describes my exact situation. My boyfriend broke up with me about a month and a half ago and i miss him so much. He's got a new girlfriend, but he still flirts with me. I have this feeling that eventually he'll want me back and i hope i won't crumble and say "yes!" He put off and that was his mistake b/c i know i would've treated him right.
This poem is great! Me and the writer can really relate! See my ex-boyfriend of 8 1/2 months dumped me and is now going out with one of what I used to consider, one of my best-friends!
wen i read this poem it seriously made me cry, it reminded me of my ex boyfriend who i've never stopped loveing.
I understand how the author feels. TOP POEM.
i just broke up wit my first love.. im 16. your poem fits my situation like a glove. thank you for the ending.. it will help me get through this. your words are direct and hit all the emotions on the spot..
OMG!! I know how u feel about the saying lets just be friends.. i went through the exact same thing and i just wanna say thanx.. cuz ur poem is so tru and real to me and it has changed me! so thank you and i know how u feel so much!
Oh my god that was such a sad poem and i know exactly how you feel my boyfriend who i loved so much and deep down still do broke up with me for another girl and like you i was longing for the day that he'd want me back and but i was foolish and i took him back and got hurt again. i'm with another guy now who i love heaps but i know i will always love cheyne in some way because he meant so much to me. you did a great job with your poem i wish i could write like that keep up the fab work!
I Love this poem!!! I gotta say its one of the best poems I've ever read! I can relate to it alot! Heartbreaks is one of the hardest things to get over...but we gotta be strong and not show them we care cuz people like to take advantige of what people feel!
I really can relate to this poem. Even though me and my ex broke up almost a year ago, he just recently got a new girlfriend. She is the first one since he broke up with me, and I am having the most terrible time dealing with it. Thank you for putting into words exactly how I feel.
this poem is true it made me think of my ex as well as cry
I really liked this poem it reminds me of my ex. Even though I don't love him anymore we are just friends so i can relate. THe only difference is I dumped him
Wow. this poem is very amazing. If I broke up with someone and they wrote a poem this meaningful, I would try to get back with them. I hope the author of this poem sees my message: YOUR POEM ROCKS!
that was an excellent poem it remind me of myself and what i went through! Great work babe keep it up!
This was such a great poem. I have been there before, and it has given me the strengh to move on. Thanx!
Oh man I feel you soo much here. How many times I have been in the same situation in the last few months but the difference is I didn't ever have the strength to just say no. Congragualations and the more power to you!
Your poem is wonderful! I went through the same thing with my ex. he was my 1st true love and he broke my heart. Your poem and touching words, has helped me to stop waiting around for him, he will never come back, no matter how badly I want him. I really love your poem keep up the great work. keep smiling :-)
I htink the peom you have just written is a very good peom you wrote. I hope you can write more poems like this one
WOW this is an awsome poem it's exactly the way I feel about my ex-boyfriend!thanx
Girl, this is a very good poem and that is exactly how I am feeling right now. Keep up the good work!
i went through the samething with my ex-boyfriend. everything you have said in this poem is exactly how i fet and i love this poem. you have alot of talent
I know what you mean.
i like this peom cause i know how you feel cause the boy that i loved, that was my first love said can we just be friends too
Hi! Breanna, I wanted to tell you I enjoyed reading this poem. I broke up with my ex about 6 months ago and let me tell you the pain still hurts like it was just yesterday. Don't ask how I handle seeing him and his new girl together but I do. In my mind I know that he definitely isn't the one but my heart doesn't seem to care. How sad is it to love someone who says "I love you" but doesn't act like it. It's like a figment of your imagination. This hurts like hell!! I can't explain anymore. I try to push him away but his words are so pursuasive. what a situation!
I can relate to what your saying. I felt the same way when my boyfriend and I broke up. It's been 7 months now and I try to tell myself if and when he comes crawling back to me I'll say "No I don't feel for you any more." but I know the truth -- if he wanted me back I would say yes in a heartbeat. See not only did he leave me alone but he was my first love and I always told him how I felt and he kept saying "We're to young to fall in love." but, obvisouly he's just a guy with no heart! I really enjoyed this poem!! I'm really sorry that some one else had to go through the pain that I did I know it hurts really bad!! Good luck to you in the future with other guys!
WOW~That was a great poem! It fit my feelings exactly about my ex-boyfriend. Thank you!
your poem really touched my heart b/c i went through the same exact thing as you..i loved him with all of my heart and he left me for another girl supposively he loved to,so he asked me the same question "can we be Friends"? i was i know how you feel.i wish you luck in the future..i hope things will work out for you and you love life..take care:0)
I think this is a great poem!!
i like this poem alot because my first love left me for another girl and now he wants to come back to me and i love him soooo much i just want to say yes but i am gonna hafta tell him hell no!!!
I loved the poem! the exact thing happened a month 1/2 ago! i didnt give him the chance of day cause i found someone that truely deeply cares for me! i write poems all the time about love! and this poem encourages me to do more! Thank-You
nice poem really touches the heart..
only if he could truely see what you went though. Maybe he will if he has a sister!
hey breanna, I cried when I read your poem. Has that happened to you before? I has too me.How old are you? You must have had some deep deep feelings for that guy. If you don't mind hearing mine I'll tell you it. We're at the dance and this girl that likes him was there. They must have said something to eachother on the side and I didn't know cuz he broke up with me that night.I cried of course, my best friend yelled at him. the best thing about that night was I met someone else who I with right now.Eventually when this guy knew he did me woring he came back, Isaid no, I wanted him back but I went though so much hurt I couldn't love him like i did again. His loss! I live and learn. Sorry so long. God bless you and take care. Thnax for sharing your poem.
I just went though the same situation, and I still cry every night for him (its kind of recent) your poem gave me strength to get over him, Thankyou very much
I finally know I am not alone in how I feel about my ex. This poem is great!!!
This peom was soo kinda said what i feel at the present time..this poem is soo touching!
this poem is hella dope cuz i can totally relate to it...mad props to the writer!
This poem is outstandingly true and I agree with it, it felt as though I was sitting there reading about what happened to me..I feel for you and I LOVE this poem, thanks :)
This is really an amazing poem, it describes exactly what I'm feeling right now.
This was a really nice poem..
i just really enjoyed reading this poem. it was the best out of alot that i've read. it really touched me. thanx for writing it.
This poem explains exactly the feelings I still feel for my ex-boyfreind. It has been two years since we have been together but he was my first true love, and many other first. Sometimes I just wish I could stop thinking of him, because now i am engaged to be married and my fiance gets very upset about me still loveing my ex-boyfriend. I know how you feel, and it unfortunately doesn't ever change.
I cried just reading that poem. I am a guy and my girlfriend just broke up with me and said the same thing. I can't get her out of my mind and i can't get the saying can we just be friends out of my mind also. If i had to put into words how i feel i would have to say you put them just right. That is how i feel right now. That was a very beautiful poem. I loved her with all my heart and she broke up with me and said can we just be friends it hurts so bad.
This poem has helped me through a huge breakup and I can totally relate to how you felt . You will never know how much this has helped me and I thank you for that ..
I can relate.
I enjoyed this poem. I can feel the pain that you felt and this has given me the strength to move on out of a relationship that the love is no longer there.
I am not experiencing this right now, but I know that soon it will come up. So I just wanted to say I loved this poem! :D
i really loved your poem it matched extacly what happen to me i feel u in this poem keep it up good luck
Hi, It's been about 3 months that my boyfriend broke up with me and I still cant get over him, no one had ever broke up with me and it hurt reall bad, I thought I loved him and now I don't know. Well I loved your poem, I'm looking forward to reading more of your poems :)
I love this poem and I can relate to it greatly.
Well I decided to write to you to tell you that I really like your poem. I like how you express your feelings.
I went through the same situation, with my ex. Everything you say in this poem is exectly how i felt and how i still feel. I think your poem was really good it expressed many emotions that i personally feel and that many other teens can relate to.
I think that is a great poem. i think you should write more poems and put them on the net!!!
Hi.. I really love that poem it is GREAT. I guess i like it because i can relate.
I really love your poem. everything you said on that poem was true couse it happend to me. He hurt me so much that when he asked me out. I said no. it was like a nighf in you heart. well god bless you
This poem is great and well written. but dont feel alone because we all go through it. You have inspired me!
I really really enjoyed your poem. I dont know if it's just because it's a good poem or because i can easily relate to it as i was in the same situation with my last boyfriend.
I really liked that poem I have to say it is one of the best I have ever read and I am not just saying that because you could tell that it came from the bottom of your broken heart and it hit me pretty hard because I crd when I read it
I love this poem,i think its more than perfect or very good .101% ,to say the trught it is very touching .
Thank you for writing this, it helped me a lot with my ex-boyfriend! Thanks:)

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