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About the Poem

This poem is about my boyfriend and myself. I wrote it in hopes that it would spark his romantic side and give him some ideas.

Loving You Loving Me

As we walk along the moonlit beach
Watching and listening to the waves gently roll in
Underneath the vast, clear star- filled sky
We stop and stare into each other’s eyes,
You lean down, gently kissing me and take me into your arms.

We start to dance, slowly moving from side to side,
But all of a sudden we stop.
You carefully lift up my face from your broad chest,
Then you tell me how much you love me.
I reply by telling you that I love you as well and always will.

It’s just then that you kiss my forehead and take my hand,
We begin to walk again and find a place to sit.
As we sit, we talk for hours,
It seems like we’d only been there for minutes
Then we see the sun peeking over the horizon,
We watch the sun rise and then go out to breakfast
Thus starting another new, beautiful day together.
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© 1999 Ashley Mclean Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

58 Visitor Comments

I think that was a very nice poems. You should keep up all of the good work. Keep reaching for your goals!
dude. i lov this poem. and wish this exact thing would happen with my boyfriend and i. i love him to death. this poem touched me.
I love this peom
this poem is great only if i had a brain like that
WOW-Wee! Talk about romantic ideas. Beautiful.
your poem was amazingly touching, it reminds me of my last love, absolutley perfect! loved reading it, thank you for brightening my day. . .
I absolutely love it. It reminds me so much of me and my boyfriend. It is so sweet, keep it up girl.
this poem's mad sweet. awwwww that lucky girl better be happy cause if she dont want him anymore ill take him.
I loved this poem! It says everything that's real in a true relationship. Also, it seems as if you can picture yourself w/ that special someone while you read. It's a beautiful poem.
This poem was really beutiful, very touching.
your poem makes me thik orf my frist love and how we would tell each other how much we love each other so much your poem was one of the best one hae read this year and i hpe it stays that way
tihs is a good poem. but there is a weird thing . a couple of months ago my EX-BOYFRIEND and I were on a date and he was telling me about this fantiseand it was the same exact thing only at the end we went into a log cabbin and thae only light was candle llight and rose pettals were flying ever whereand we just layed in bed with eac other and just enjoying the time we had to gether and i waish he actually meant it so it's really a relly good poem . i just wish we were still toghter some times.
I love this poem. I am the one who would like to turn it into a song.
It was a nice and cool
Oh my od, I really wish my girlfriend would say something like that. But she doesn't even know what the world looks like after 10pm.
that was a very good poem i really liked it alot
I like this poem i think it wounderful. It reminded me when i first fell in love with a guy that i really liked
great poem. very poetic and expressive. :) good luck with this guy!
eventhough most don't realize that the dept of teen love is sometimes the best and deepest it's evident in this poem. i loved it mostly because of the insite.
I just wanted to tell you that this poem was very nice. I liked it so much, and it really reminded me of me and my boyfriend. The things you wrote is exactly the things that i want to share with him. So yea excellant job and keep up the good work.
Good poem
THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD! I loved it. im in love as well with elliot and i know how u feel!
This is such a great poem.
I loved it. It rminds me alot of a night that i will never forget. The night of my first real kiss and my first night falling in love all over again from when the time he kissed me. Its a very nice poem. Good job!
I really like this poem so keep wrighting
I absoulty LOVE this poem. This is my dream date, spending the day at the beach, I shall fulfill my dream when I get older. But this is the perfect Dream Date!
this is an awesome poem . it made me realize i need to be thank ful for all the thing my boyfriend does for me
Throughout the poem when I read. I smiled. haha. I was 15 when I wrote a poem so so similar. I was amazed of how your poem and mine were so similar, great job.
Oh my gosh! This is the best poem i can relate to it so much! Thank you
i love it is a very good poem. that is what i wish my boyfriend was like
reminds me of a night in myrtle beach. very nice.
I really love this poem. You are a really great poem righter and I encourage you to keep writtin them. Write about what you feel or how you feel inside. Keep it up!
if your boyfriend didn't get the hint from this. he must have been blind and deaf. excellent job
I really loved your poem. It reminded me of myself and my boyfriend. I read it to him and he enjoyed it too.
ash, all i can say is wow. this poem took me away into a state of where i would want to be with my one and only true love, rich. this poem literally left me breathless and i know your boyfriend is going to love it. i know if i wrote this to my boyfriend, it would mean a lot. you have a talent ashley, your very lucky and thank you for shareing this poem to people like me can enjoy them!
I think you have a true talint.
OmG! I just want to say that was a really deep poem I liked it a lot! Good job keep up the great writting!
i love this poem when my friend ask me what my prefect date it was like this but little diferent it so sweet
Wow, I love your poem because it reminds me of the best time I ever had with the love of my life. We both met and worked at the same summer camp and when the entire staff went for a week long relaxation trip to the beach after a long summer, Alan and I spent many mornings and many sunsets and many walks together on the beach and it truly was the best time of my life.
I think that any romantic couple can in some way relate to this peom. and if your man is not romantic then this peom can make him think. so i belive that this poem is very well said. also you can tell they mean what they say!
Ashley, I think this is a beautiful poem. I am 15 years old and this poem brought tears to my eyes. I just wanted you to know how much i love this poem and how much it means to me. Thank you for sharing your thoghts with me.
I love this poem.When i decided that i anted to write a poem for my boyfriend and i didn't have anything to write,so i looked on this web site and seen this and now he have changed now we spend days together,if it wasn't for this poem i don't know what i will do.
awww. that's all that can be said. awww
hey, i really liked your poem it had many facets that intrigued me. but i guess the one that got most to me was the fact that my gf and i had an experience that almost paralleled it.
All I have to say is "Oh my gosh". That was sooo incredibly amazing. You are a great poem writer! Iam guessing that that was a real-life experience. Good job, I really enjoyed it.
i love your poem it is very nice and it is exactly how my boyfriend and i feel too.
this is how i'm actually feeling with my boyfriend. We've been dating for 9 of the greatest months and this how i feel. Its good that i know that other people feel that way too! this is one of my favorites!
That is such a wonderful poem. It's so romantic, I should have my boyfriend read it!:)
This is a very insightful poem! I read it to my boy-friend and guess what? He has changed so much he is so romantic now and I love him so much (even more than I allready did!
I like your poem. It is a wonderful poem. I have ever read any poem like yours. I hope you don't mind about me reading your poem because I am Asian.
I love this poem it's the sweetest ever!
I voted for your other poem too. "You" I think that u r a very talented writter and I know how you feel. keep on writting!
this poem is awesome. completely how my boyfriend and i are.
this poem is great, i love it!
this poem really touched my heart because that is exactly how my boyfriend and i feel!!

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