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About the Poem

This poem simply expresses my feelings for a man I met online and our new found love. After more than five months of ignoring each other on our forum, our worlds suddenly collided one night in a chat room where, when alone and with all pretenses aside, our conversation was like second nature, honest and refreshing.

We became friends. Since then, we have discovered that we have more in common and have shared more than many who have lived their whole lives together. This poem wrote itself as I attempted to describe my anticipation in meeting him for the first time. I sent it to him for his birthday . . .

My Kindred Spirit

My kindred spirit,
Do you doubt we’ll share,
A love transcendent,
And truly rare?

Our souls dominion;
Will give us no choice.
Time will stand still,
When I hear your voice.

If fate has its way
Your eyes will meet mine,
Lost in forever
We’ll travel past time.

Then, long awaited
Our hands will touch;
Mine, fragile, soft,
Yours warm and rough.

No thoughts will break,
Or suspend our dance.
When our souls meet,
We’ll be left to chance.

A force of nature,
Destiny shall ordain.
Our will cast aside,
Released from the pain.

To each other's center,
We will be led,
Seduction upon us,
Our hungers fed.

My heart, for you only,
My flesh will surrender,
Respond to your warmth,
To your touch, so tender.

A coveted encounter,
Fulfilled at long last,
We’ll know from then on,
If this will just pass.

The danger for us,
Will be revealed then -
What might be our future,
Are we lovers or friends?
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© 1999 Babycakes Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

46 Visitor Comments

As soon as I saw the title I had to read it. I have been corresponding with a close male friend on the Internet for 4 months now. it now seems to be heading towards a romantic one. our similarities are so uncanny that we often refer to ourselves as kindred spirits,lol. so when I read the poem the words was so perfect to our present relationship. the not knowing if we will be lovers or friends. I just had to send it to him. Thanks so much!
I rate this a 1000000000000 out of 1
Very good, thanks
I liked it because it tells the feelings one has giving yourself to someone you haven't met.
This poem really touched me, I too know where she is coming from but could not put it into words half as well as this. I love it :)
i liked it alot and i hope you stay this good
I LOVED everything that this poem conveys. It's not often you find that one special moment to lose yourself in forever but I believe this poem portrays that moment. AWESOME
Hi, just wanted to say that i just loved this poem!
Hi, I want to commend you on your poem. I have been reading many poems lately, and sad to say, most would make me give up on poetry. I for one do not like prose, and good rhyme is very hard to come by. I think that your poem is excellent and I really enjoyed reading it. Congratulations on a poem that is really a work of art, and not one just trying to create imagery without meaning or understanding.
WOW, how incredible you express yourself. You are a true poet. This is totally how I am feeling right now. It has lifted my spirits. Very nice job!
Thanks so very much to everyone who took the time to read and comment on this poem. The only people I've shared this verse with are the netpoets. com readers and the subject of the poem. Nostalgia brought me back a few nights ago and I was so pleased to see the thoughtful comments from fellow readers and writers, especially those who have been in the same situation. I've given Ron a new email address - hopefully just in the nick of time before "My Kindred Spirit" hit the netpoets recycle bin. I've also submitted a followup poem that I wrote this past summer - which provides an answer to the question I asked myself at the end of this poem. For me, writing in verse is the best cure for heartache! Thanks for indulging me - babycakes
i've met a wonderful man online we are meeting up in just under two weeks, he works away, i am sending him this poem, i know he will appreciate the meaning of the words.
this poem discribes my feeling for my love thanks you for your honest feeling to read and savor love at its core
i have just started a relationship with a lady that started just like this poem was a great read
It's a beautiful poem that truely describes the emotions of meeting someone who is a true kindred spirit. We all dream of this happening, then when it does the longing, desire, and fear of the unknown are so powerful they are almost overwhelming. My best wishes to the creator of the poem. It's comforting to know there are others feeling the same as my ~kindred spirit~ and I. It's inspiring to know that dreams can come true.
Oh, that was just very sweet. I'm talking to this guy right now and it seems like I'm really in love with him, but I am not sure. I think in the near future I will meet him.
Very nice. Quite realistic.
that was sweet
I completely understand exactly what this author is speaking of. It is almost like she wrote everything that I am feeling on paper. Excellent poem
A wonderful and moving piece of work.
This poem describes my relationship, the anticipation, the unknown
A poem so many can relate to and to those that can't my own personal wish that some day you will for it is the most sensational feeling one can experience...good luck to the author and her friend extasy awaits
I was scanning through poems one night really late, trying to find something that described what I was feeling. And then I came across this poem. The emotions flowing were of the same emotions I was feeling. She desribes the anticipations & fears that you feel in dealing with an internet relationship perfectly. I connected with her style and I was very impressed.
Hi, Very good,I really like it! Very deep.
OOooooo.... Like it alot. Wow... that one hit deep. Very nice. You write very well... and keep it up.
I know how she feels...I met the lovely lady I intend to marry much the same way. I wish her all the best and hope that her and her man spend their lives together.
This is the poem that most expresses my utter wonderment at finding the man of my dreams.
It is a most beautiful and very appropriate for these cypertimes and the many relationships that happen over the network and the sentiments are spot on and I can relate 100%
I think the poem is extremely powerful and it hit my heart because it is exactly how I feel about this guy whom I've met over the internet.
THANK YOU! My Lover and I are in the process of meeting for the first time but we already know that we are Kindred Spirits and we are planning to spend the rest of our lives together. Something we thought we would NEVER find. Your poem brought tears to both of our eyes as he sat and read his copy so did I and all we can say id "Did she write this just for us?"
Nice poem.....hope the dreams expressed come true
Bravo,bravo.The best the poet could offer,it's worth it's weight in gold.
this is the most beautiful poem, my eyes ever encountered. Everytime i read it my heart beats faster, my breathing gets heavier, because this is the true description of love
This was a very pretty poem. I really enjoyed it and I also can relate to it. It touched my heart to read such words. Thank you for sharing this poem!
That was a very nice poem and it tells you what love is really like it was a really lovely poem and i would send it to my boyfriend any day.
I really can relate toyour poem, for I have found my kindred spirit. than you for expressing what i feel in your poem.
It truley reminds me of my love for naga-chan. A beutiful poem.
Lovely amature work!
Now this poem i honestly love,it makes me think of a very dear friend that i never met face to face.
Wonderul poem, i too can relate to this, having met someone that i am now engaged to online. It happens, and its GREAT!
As a poet writer myself this poem was beautilly writtin you Are a great poet keep up the beautiful work. Your Poem was great I must say that will I see it I think about my love way Hes far from here and all my tears I wish this day will finnally end cause I think I have no boyfriend
this poem is very good. i can relate it to my personal life, and i found it to be very moving.
In cyberland it is so easy to love. but yet so hard to let go. thank you for this poem just what I needed as I LET GO
Very beautiful words..
i met someone on the internet about a year ago. from the moment i got to know him i knew i was in love. we met and now we've been going out for 8 months. hes brill and i really love him and the poem means so much to us both. thanx
Wonderful piece of work.

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