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About the Poem

It's hard being best friends with a guy when you are a girl. It is so much harder when you both start caring in a more-than-friends way. The most painful thing that could ever happen is when you realize you're both better off without each other.

I Can See The Pain

I still see your face in my dreams
It hurts and it doesn't help at all
I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems
I want you to catch me when I fall

I still remember the first time we met
There was something so different about you
Your friendship was something I wanted to get
That smile when you said hi to me was so new

Out of no where you called me on the phone
I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever
You were so new, so crazy and unknown
I just knew that our friendship would never sever

Two years and we are barely holding it together
What happened to the way this all used to be
I never wanted you out of my like ever
I sat there for a long time pretending not to see

We decided to go out and make it all all right
It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't
We couldn't even really stand each others sight
It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't

I miss you and everything you were to me
Ten years from now we will look back on it all
We will be older and finally be able to see
That love will stand the test of time and never fall
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© 2000 Nikki Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

479 Visitor Comments

your poem rocks i am going to use it for my class poem it is ok with my teacher.
that poem was totally awesome. and really deep. i'm going through something like that now so its really great to know someone else is to . Keep it real. LOVE YA"LL!
tHis poem is touchin because it meanz so muj 2 me bcoz Im currently seperated with my best frend so thanx for dis great poem
Gosh this is a good poem!ur good at writin poems i whichi was like u!it would be so such easier for school,in poetry anywayz lol!have a good day!
it really makes me miss a friend of mine, but i know that she is happier w/o me
well nikki though the words were so simple bt really good effort u r very much successful in lettn us remembre our frnds
i lost my friend too
Ronna Faye
wattah! ang ganda po dis is truly inspirational for me and my friends.
i felt every word of this in my soul
I had a friends for 7 years and her and i ended it just like the poems stated. This poem really touched me. I can see us in a few years looking back and seeing that it was something that we could of fixed but never thought that it would end so we never took the time to fix it.
my best friend died in a car accident so i liked this poem it got to me a lot
very very good thats wat always hpn really liked it
i liked it it's so true
nikki touched my heart by saying all does words she/he nearly mad me cry that why i vote for him/her
All I have to say is Wow. This is the exact poem I was hoping to find, something to describe what I'm going through right now. I just want you to know this poem is very accurate, it makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way. Thank you for that.
This look like me and my friend it really touched me this is great!
Its a really nice poem but I needed something different like I didnt fight with my friend she's just not talking to me
This poem is so touching, im today leaving my friend who works with me in the same company and i could not say him that i'm changing my company. could not say him that leaving him and going away from him. i'm not able to express my feeling to him. i can feel the pain stated in this poem. :-( i did not feel this pain before thinking of changing the company, but now??? i dont have words to say how much i like him.
This poem did touch my heart because it happened to me. Now either me or him never contact each other again. I really did not know was it my fault or his fault. All i knew was our friendship ended the way i never expected will occur.
That was a beautiful poem. I know exactly how that feels. It hurts more than anyone can imagtine. It can scar you for life when you see that something just can't be and you know you've got to let it go.
it's iz so so cool and it 'a so so s sad too.
oooh this touched me likee very good :] xxx
This poem was so nice I can not express myself. It touches your heart and soul. Only I can say it is a wonderful try. with best wishes, shashi.
I like ya poem it was good.
great just great
I like this poem because you have good friends in the beginning of the school year. When summer comes you will be away from them for awhile. And you think. next year will they still like me? Also everyone gets older and leaves you. you only have friends through highschool. I loved this poem, it touches me
i really like that poems. it's remind me when i was losing my friend. i think i will give this poem to her. i really love her and miss her.
this poem reminds me of my friend who died september 2005 miss him loads xxx
Mohd Mansoor
this poem indicate just like my real life so i like it
it very deep and truly
I can relate to this poem it reminds me how my boyfriend & I argued so many times & it was stupid & I was to selfish to say I'm sorry he passed away dec. 14,2006 at the age of 31 he was my life.
This poem is very touching. It's the same thing i'm going through but someday we will work it out. Thank you for sharing this touching poem
I had a friend circle of 6 named lucky 7. Now its gone forever. This poem made me look within myself and finding my fault,only if I could reverse the time.
I feel i have lost the best person i have ever had. She is more than a friend to me. My sis!
This poem really touched me because I had a really good friend that I lost over an ignorant argument, but now we are barley holding on with nothing to catch us. So it makes it difficult to fix something the other don't want fixed.
I thank it was good becaues i lost a friend in a car crash. it hert to find out that i lost a good friend.
thank you, thins poem really touch me, and love it. hopelly my friend forgive me!
I liked it.
this is really touching i have known my best friend for 8 years and now its just all going down the drain she really doesnt know what she is doing to me she is picking her boyfriend over me
This poem really touched me. It reminded me of my old friend and I. The line,' Two years pass and i hardly know you' that is the way we were/ are. I knew her so well and now it is like a piece of life missing.
this really hit me hard i had a really good friend for 13years and never wanted to lose that person i still love him but we went our own ways deep in my hart i still love him. so when it said the test of time and never fall i can only hope.
wow that was sad
you are really good i love it.
My feelings when read this poem make me remembered my lover which is same thing happen to me, eventhough it is a poem about friend. For me i love this poem and i will keep it in my mind because it same as the thing happen to me.
this poem just touched me like oh my gosh i kinda of that life and even with all my friends as well. this poem is so nice.
I enjoyed the poem because it perfectly relates to what me and a friend are goin throught right now. Actually almost down 2 the last line. As if it was wrote for my situation. (I kno it wasn't im not crazi =P
This poem reminded me so much of my eldest daughter and her first boyfriend. They were good together but my daughter did not want commitment so they parted on good terms. I think she still loves him though, and if he is prepared to wait for a few years, who knows??
this poem is the one for every lost one
i vote for this because its very good for somebodys friend passed away
I think that you should wirte one about kids that get pick on in school you are a real good writer
i love this poems cause it happens often but i think that it sad that poeple say girl and a guy cant be bestfriends i think its possible but people always want more and i think thats the problem
oh god! this poem didnt touch me alone , it touched all the people who read this poem i really liked it, GO ON NIKKY
this poem is really good! it brings back so many memories for me. and it features my life! def. something for a tee to read!
This poem touched my heart just as I hope it will touch yours!:)
this poem touched me because i once lost a friend my best friend. Anyone who lost a friend i know what you are going trough. And i am very sorry. yours truly victoria
i like this poem because it remind me of someone that i lost it make me wanna cry and it hurt me so much!
The same thing happened to me. I was best friends with this one guy but then later on I started fallin for him. hard. Right now it aint goin so great. we went out once. It didnt last long though. we are still friends but its never been the same. i still have feeling for him and i think i always will no matter what. I really liked this poem! Alwayz Hannah
I like this poem because it touched me in brought tears to my eyes cause I have a friend that I have lost in can only see him in my dreams! Sinceraly, Sheena Danyel Brodie
I had xperienced this and this poem really touch me in a way that nothing touched me before. rip. jess
i think this is a really good poem and it reminds me of alot of stuff.
This poem really struck me. It is the same thing that has happned with my best friend. We were friends for 3 yrs then she stopped calling me and I stopped calling her. I tried becoming friends again and she was nice to me to. Then we broke into a fight and I'm afraid I have lost her.
i give this a ten and this is something i should know about i am a girl and my best friend is a guy we tried to date but my feelings was romantic we still talk but not like we use to
this poem expressed exactly what i feel and wantto say but am too scared to.
thats at true one. i like it, reminds of my friend! it's a tite poem.
Its really touch my heart. I too had written a poem, wen i compare both, its look similer, the meaning is same, Once the thing is lost, its lost forever, there was no proper understanding in my friend, she never understend me,so I lost her, now with help of your poem, I am trying to get her,Thanks and great to read it.
this is a very nice poem i love it with all my heart is there any more i can read ? this is the best
that is so true
this poem is just like me n my ex-best friend!
This poem reminds me of a few years ago. The same thing happened to me.
i liked dis poem a lot. it actually reflets wat i went thru when my frndship wid my best frnd shattered. it puts in words perfectly the feelings of loosing some one close!
WOW this was really good it was crazy i was talken to my best frinedsd just now thta i really like and we are planning on going out then i read ur poem and the he ust started talking really wrd liek idk but i was reading ur poem and i kind of made me cry cuzz i think that is what happening with use and we havent even started dating idk i just wont to say it really touch me thanks
really nikki who so ever u r i loved ur thoughts. u were mindblowin n i hope that u reach to all da great heights of da life . i really appriciate thy thoughts its like u read da pples feelin of heart. it touched nainas soul completely really completely. what else i can say . i would really like to be ur frnd if u accept ma deal of frndship. i rarely write for anyone on net but u really made me do so. ur words wil always cheerish in ma mind. urs n only urs luv naina.
i liked this peom because its true, its sounds like what happened to me with a bestie. great work!
i feel related to this poem because something like this happened to me and one of my best friends
well i had a friend like about two month ago and he got out of school and know everything changed because i lost him and he was a very good guy friend and i loved this poem because this happpened to me!
A sad girl
This is a great poem. It made me cry :( I'm going through the same thing at the moment. My best guy friend for more than two years went to college in Europe last week and now I feel so lost without him. We were the closest friends ever, we did everything together in and outside high school and after graduation we had the best summer and now he's gone. :( We both know that we have feelings for each other but we never told each other, we found out through our friends. And now he's making lots of new friends and i'm just so scared that he'll forget about me, cause he's going to study there for five years. i don't know what to do, i just keep thinking of him everyday, but why do i have this feeling that he eventually will forget me? :(
I was really touched. I once lost a friend and it almost made me cry.
This is a really good poem. I liked it all the way through. Awesomeness!Ok well bye.
made me to cry in my heart.
The poem is beautiful.
super poem. it really touched my heart. me and my friend stayed away bcos some special feelings were developing between both of us. we know that we could not be together. so we tried to stay out of touch. now no calls, no mails. jus the feelings and memories. it pains like anything. i jus ask my self. y i was a boy. i m incomplete without her friendship :)
This poem was amazing. it really touchedme and I am going through some problems with my ex best friend. This poem really helps me think about my situation. It really is an amazing poem. ~aks
I think this is the best poem ever.
this poem impacted me by the 1st sentences, that is why i choosed to use it for my best friend's funeral this week. thank you for helping me feel better and see that life still goes on but leaving me with a beautiful memory of a beautiful person.
This is such a beautiful poem! Just recently my best friend had passed on due to a ATV accident. and he ment the world to me. So this poem really touched my inner feelings and i thank you for posting this. Sincerly, Crystal
this is a very good poem. i just lost a best friend. she pick a boy over me. it isn't exacrly like the poem but i know we won't be friends again. but love will still be there in ten years. it hurts, but i can't do anything about it
this poem is really good it reminds me of all the old freinds i had, i love it !
This poem was very good. i am 14 and i love poetry. this remindes me of my old friend. well good luck with it all. bye.
honestly i loved the poem. keep up the good work nikki.
This Poem actually made me cry. Its Amazing how it connected with me. I lost my first love, and best friend of 2 years recently, And This hit real close to home. Amazing Poem. Talented Writer.
This poem is very unique,it touched my feelings because I've been there in ur place Nikkie. all I can say thank you for sharing your poem with us
I swear i could have wrote this myself, it happen to me just like that.
I lost my love his name is shawn I loved him a lot
i felt as if my life had been replayed. that is exactly what i feel right now; two yrs. and now its not the same!
This Poem is really good and shows all the thoughts that a lot of people go through. x
I enjoyed the poem. It is sad when a friendship turns into an "in love thing" when through your riendship you have learned who this person is. The other person, through the friendship has revealed a side of them that you never knew. When you fall in love you then wants the "ideal relationship and the problems begin!
great nikki. really it happened with me too. i thought i shud read it earlier . it gives me a lot of support to stand alone without my frnd, GOOD GOING NIKKI. THANX FOR A GRT GIFT TO ME .
That is a true poeem I know what you mean that I vote on this poem.
this poem touched me it makes me look at how much friendships are inmportant
This is a really good poem. I trully enjoyed reading it.
I liked this poem Nikki. I liked it because it shows how me and my old best friend was and now we well I meen me I dont like her as much. My name is jasmin and her name is Shyiah and now I have a new best friend her name is Sarah. I can trust her. What I really want to know is did this happen to and how did you think of this poem. but mainly I loved it your great.
This poem said the right words, the words which I needed to say to my friend today. I love him so dearly and it is sad to see us drif away.
Excellent! is a very wonderful and amazing poem that i have ever read in my life and it does have lots of meaning thanx alot for ur poem i appreciate it and keep up the good work buddy peac out
this poem really touched me as i have been in the same situation and still are ive always wanted to write to him but could never really put how i felt in words. we arent talking now but i really miss him his friendship means the world to me and it always will. i want to say thankyou nikki for helping me see that if he felt the same way love will stand the test of time and maybe one day we will be together again. i hope things work out with you and your friend. love shan xoxo p. s. this poem was deep, thoughtful and awesome!
verry good poem i feel like i can relate to it
Its like every thing thats going on with me and my best mate but in words, best poem ever.
this poem was amazing you did a great job writing it it touched me
it was so impressive and talk about lot of stories like it
I'm goin through the same thing and its sad and emotionally draining. This poem really captures everything im feeling
This poem is great! It reminds me of myself and others in my life. If I had to scale it from 1-10 and 10 being the highest, I give it a 9!
this was a good poem i lost a friend once and it basically said everything about him i loved it
This poem touched me to the moon and back. The reason why is because me and my bestfriend did exactly everything in this poem. and we are still bestfriends and everything. I love it.
some poem was grate i really like them. it was fantastic. even i can't make one of one of them poems. it was lovely!
This poem is really sweet. Only a person who hasreally lost something as precious as a friend can understand.
This poem make me cry and I could remember my best friend it just the same as this one. This poem is awsome
This poem reminds me of others that I have written, about a friend that I have lost; that I pushed away. I am glad that someone else besides myself has gone through the same experience, has felt the pain that I have endured, and knows why I can't go back.
I am experienced this so it hits close to home
your poem touched me alot. i have this friend madonna and my dad won' t let me hang out with her or nothing. we still hung out behind his back. then her boyfriends grandma kicked her out so she came back to me and said she is leaving, like going to charleston and is never coming back to mattoon high school. your poem sounds like my life also. im 17 yrs. old she' s 18 yrs. old that' s why he won' t let us hang out or anything.
This poem is like a total me. It says everything that's been going on in my past two years. Great poem x
your poem explains my feelings right now. well we all go through this once in our life. right. well thank you. for making that poem it makes me understand why i'm so scared.
omg. this is so true! i love this poem. its very touching. :)
I feel related to this poem because it's what I'm going through now
this poem was the best thing ive ever read. keep doing your best. ur good at it. bye!
good poem i know how you feel
christie ann
OWhwhwuhuhu. Im really touch. because I can relate to it. I really miss my friend, but it seems i have no choice, all i can do is to be happy for where he is right now. The poem is so great! Well done, Nikki!
very good poem. ! it was very sad :/
One of the best peoms i ever read. I had alot to relate to it & it made me see there are alot better things in life then to just through yourself away for sommething that isn't even inportant. Reading peoms help me see things in a different veiw.
This poem reminds me of my friend that moved away 3 days ago and i realy liked her a lot.
it jus brought a few memories back of a boy who i met january last year, everything in that poem was sed 2me by him needless 2 say he fell up line and sinker for me, n now we are engaged,it tickled me as if i dint know who wrote it and it appeard in my inbox months ago i would have swore blind it was him nice work anyways i saw the reality in those words zoe
The reason why i voted because i had a friend that i lost and am trying something to get her back she been gone for many days and i just wanted to see her again but she is serving her time for what she did bad.
This poem fits me and all of my friends. I love it.
it touched me cause i just broke up with somebody i love so much i never wanted him out of my sight but now he is gone.
U are great i love your work thanks
This poem talks about me and one of my old friends. we just met about a year ago and just like three months ago we went our own ways. i miss her to death because there was something about her that just made her different about every oter one of my friends. and i never would of thought that she would turn against me like she did. well i guess what im trying to get at is when i read this poem it brought back all the good times and the bad -Micayla
thanks so much for your wonderful poem i like it so much!
Syed Nadir
This poem describes exactly how I'm feeling about one of my friends right now. We've known each other for only three years. felt as though we knew each other for eternity. but now it seems as though I didn't know him at all. I just wish that things could go back to the way they were but that seems like a vague dreamland. But I never say never. I will send him this poem and see if it affects him in the same way it has affected me. Thank you so much. God bless.
i really like this poem and touched my heart.
I just lost one of my friend, we went our way, but one day we wll met again because I can see the Pain, that was nice of Nikki
i know it hurts but soon youll get over that person and move on
great poem. so touching and so real. it really said abt my own life. the lost can never be compared with anything new. i miss my friend. my one and only best friend. hes no more my friend. we had to break up for several reasons. but it hurts like anything wen i think abt him n those moments we shared as friends. yes. fate is sometimes very cruel!
This is a very sad and touching poem. I was in tears when I read this poem. besides I really like the poem so much that I sent my ex-boyfriend one.
Im in y9 at a school in lancaster !I knew this lad called Tom , he was one of my sister's bets m8s brother and we just happened to hit it off ! it was amazing i had my best m8 beth but tom was a lad and yet i had such a connection with him ! like it says in the beginning of this true poem. I had been best friends since y7 , we did everything together and i mean everything . then one day tom starts 2 not tlk 2 me afta feb half term for reasons i dont even understand, i was sooo hurt and soo was he something had been said and ha dbeen twisted or something , if we tried to talk we would just end up arguing . i hate him yet love him soooo muhc and i just want him back but that cant ever happen . This poem reminds me of him and me . Of how times have changed . Mayb if i send this poem to him he will understand but mayb i dont want him to understand . i just dotn know what to do . But i know now that i am not the only person with this feeling . It is an amazing poem and very touching thankyou xxx rosie bates xxx
This Poem was so on time. I actually Just Let go a Best Friend of Mine. Did i want to?! No Definately Not. Cause Now I feel a since of void without her. she was my everything. we known each other for 5 years. She was only a friend but we crossed a Only One Line. for being friends. the line we should never crossed (Thats the Kiss) It wasnt no intimate kiss like you thinking but it was a kiss on the lips! In any case. She is gone out of my life now and I Feel a Void out in my life. I will never have a friend i Love so much after brittany. Thanks so much for the Poem it was a great poem and Keep ministering your Poems to us who really need them in our lives. Sincerely Levi!
i really like this poem. i almost lost a friend this weekend but i gess she didnt leave qith her dad. i almost relate me and her with this poeam. It is really nice. i loved it.
this is something that touched my hart so much me and my best friend have always been together ever since we could talk we were callin each other best friends but almost 3 years ago i moved away i waved out my window until she faded away the members are still there along with the love and caring we had for each other but thing will never be the same i cant stand to be with her for a long time she will drive me crazy i get a phone call from her every once in a while but we cant talk that much because we can barely stand each other . i still love her more than anything and she loves me too . i would be now wheres with out her and i now that but i have to say will the friendship we share take us through the hard ships we are in. or will it. !.
this poem is amazing. its alot like what happen to me and my old best guy friend. good job and keep on writing poems. ur really good. :)
i love your poem it is so touching and it makes me realize a couple of things between me and this friend who is boy u really helped me in a way of understanding thank u love Diana(:
When u choose some one as friend then same person as best and then as lyfe paterner and then u lost him it's hurt inside. this poem make me cry.
it was really sad and touching
I really liked your poem =]
My best m8 moved away nd i really miss her so i give it 9/10 as i cryed and it reinded me of her
very good has alot of feelings
i Loved that poem very much. really all the lines touched my heart
i think this is a very ,very good poem it kinda reminds me of one of my friend ships! thank you it was great! my favorite
Im votig for this poem because I really love it and it really relates to my friendship i use to have with someone i really liked. It just feels so real.
This is very sad, I've lost a friend that I've had for a little over two years and everything fell apart. I feel the same way about losing her and still want things to be the way they were. Only time will tell. Devoted Reader
I definitely like this poem because I can identify when love and friendship mix. I wish I had never had fallen in love with my friend. It is hard because I see him everyday and I basically still love him also.
you did a very good job and i just love your poem because it is just what happen to me and my close friend. please write some more like this one!
I feel like this poem hit my heart. its like i lived it. i just want to say good job.
I love this poem and the writing style of this reminds me of my self I love the simplicity of the poem and I could sure relate to this because it happened to me already
wonderfull i like it soo much it's touch soo badly ,god bless u . n' good luck
wow this is exactly what happend between me and my best mate and i think its fab and so true!
it is really a lovely poem. and no doubt very true as well. really dun hav words to express it really has touched my heart very deeply. awesome poem. takecares n keep smiling. ALLAH HAFIZ.
Dee Jay
That poem touched me. I can relate to losing a friend.
This poem reminds me of me and this guy name nico he was my friend and like u said its hard 2 be friends with a guy specially if u feel that little something towards him or even worse when u love that one friend. the sad part about this is this on april 01 he asked me pout and of course i said yes so on april 02 he called early in the morning 2 tell me to get ready because we were going to go out on our fist date as boyfriends. i was happy i even went to the store and bought me somthing cute. he never came that one nite i didnt call him at all that nite but i was mad. on april 03 his mom calls me so i thought man he made his mom call me so that i could forget him but the news were these he had got shot on his way out a store were he had bought some clothes i guess 4 the same reason i had bought my clothes. back 2 ur poem I LOVE IT.
i loved this poem becuse it was tacking like my life i'm pasing through that now
That Poem was very touching i write poems to not as good as that though and i am only 13 people say i am a good poet that poem was amazing
Anyone who loses his or her friend will feel something if he or she read this poem. For me, I really like the sound of it; it touches my feeling. Yours, Malong Malual
i had a friend whom i knew only since a year ago. his friendship meant so much to me from the begining. but i meant much to him only in the begining. tis says it all. the poem really touched me
. And i felt as if you have wrote it for Me!
Really heart-touching. Made me think of my best friend and cry silently.
i think this is a great poem. I'm not that old and i like it. It wasn't long from now but i felt like wat the poem said and i still do. who ever wrote it really must know what happens in life,because it happened to me.
it is so cool
Wonderful poem, I can see myself and my frineship in this poem
I liked it. it is deep. and i know it because i also felt it. even now. until now. and i know this will never end even i see them again.
it. s the wonderfull stuf tat i ever read.
this is like deja vu to me. i love it
Its like me and my best friend 2 days and 1 year ago
i lke it
i really liked this poem because it is like what me and my friends are going thourgh. so that is wasy i picked it
this is such a touching poem and i love it. its so true!
i think it is well written but what do you mean at the end like in the future do you guys become friends again? that was the only confusing part but the rest i enjoyed keep it up!
i liked ur poem it was mad good
i relly like this poem it make me sad because my friend did that too me and goodjob
This poem really touch my heart. I just wanna say,"Do your best, Nikki!"
This poem is very touching when Itred it, it reminded me of me and my friend.
This poem is so true and it touched me deeply!
This poem is so truly amazing. I had a guy friend form 6th grade and we finally in senior year took that step and went out. He changed. I changed. We no longer even speak to each other. The worst part was I made a new gf and He now is her best friend.
this poem just touches my i love this poem just simply love this poem
i love the poem. I just hate how it reminds me about how i feel about a guy and how he feels for me.
i love the pome cause i had a lot of people leave or walk out.
yea i feel you because i once to lost a friend she move was was like sister
I reallyloved this poem because it explains so much between two people and the love that they have for each other.
i love the poem it reminds me of my second serious relationship
this poem is very good i know what it means and i like it jus keep wrighting more
Too good.
This poem is so true to me. it's exacly what happened with me and my best friend (who was a guy). It really brought me back to memories i had with him. before we 'split'. Now we barely talk and things aren't the same. I still miss him so much. Awesome poem!
it touch me , i just lost a dear friend
This poem is soo nice. i kno how it feels to lose a freind.
i like this poem because it rimands me my first love. i still love him.
it was realy a good one it was sweet a little dark and light i realluy love it
This poem really touched me because i once met this friend of mine who's name was Christian and we were the best of friends but he had to move to Salem,Oregan because they needed a roomier house because he had 8 brothers and sisters. Anyways, it broke my heart when he left and i have never heard from him or seen him since.
this poem i loved b/c it reminded me of the friendship i havenow
Leigh Ann
This poem is so true in real life and it was a great poem. I can reall relate to this poem it's better than most poems I've read about lost loves and friends. On a scale from 1-10, I rate it a 10.
nikki i under stand completely i am best friends with a guy and the words just seem exactly like us i love the way u write keep it up kim nsw
I loved this poem so much! I can really relate to this. I just recently "broke up" with my best guy friend. I am now having the hardest time coping with being without him, it is so hard once you realize your beautiful friendship is gone. I wish i knew what I could do to get my friend back. :(
hey this is a really well written poem that has expressed a lot of emotions. i can feel the pain behind the poem. this really touched me.
ITs a awesome poetry, i got remind of my college days and lovely time which i spend with my friends.
this reminds me of my baby josh
i loved your poem
I really realize today, what a friends is mean to us. Today, I lost my best friend of my life. She is lovable but i just hurt her. Oh God, pls forgive me for my works i have done but pls return my best friend to me. This poem realize me what worst i did. Pls forgive me my dearest friend.
A painful lost, lost in pain, lost in sadness, lost in love. A good poem, which relates to me. Time might make things better, but the scar will always remain. All this pain, I want to forget, but why am I, still so lost? Great work, Nikki. Really touched me. I hope you're coping well now. I lost my 'best friend' last week, a friend whom I've only known for 2 months. Two unforgettable months, so hard to believe, but she really was the one whom I could connect with.
amazing really brilliant it made me cry because i was in the same situation it was truly touching :)
Great poem I like it. this is really true
uff. (ur frendship) i'd never forget
I liked it. I liked it a lot. It spoke from the heart. And overall, I can relate. as many others can. Well written Nikki!
Dis is a good poem reminds me of a friend that was scared to show his feeling but we are ok now but we dont talk at all anymore but the only way we keep in touch is texting and i really miss him
sammy jo
it was touched by this cause it reltaes to wats appin with my friendship with this guy and it helped
i really liked it alot
Nikki, Your poem touched me alot. By reading this poem i relized that people get angry with their friends to easily. Also by reading this it makes me get closer with my friends. (im almost cried when i read this)
that such a good pome. i know how it feels to losse someone. keep up the good work!
this is a great poem. it hurts me to read it but i read it all the same. i was best frinds with a girl one, and then i fell in love with her. we havnt talked for two years.
this is an awesome poem!
i loved it,i wish i could write like that the way it explains how we feel an what we feel when the love you had you think is gone(atleast i think it dose) keep it up cause its just great
This is the best poem. It expressed all thats in my heart and i wanted to say, yet couldn't. Good Work !
I can relate to this as i've had friends which i've grown apart from and wish I hadn't. Apart from that there are a lot of other issues which arise in this poem if you look deep enough. Love it. Keep writing
i love your poem
this poem discribs my realitionship with one of my past best friends too bad things didnt go the way we wanted to be caz it would be much better for us
i had a some what same relationship!
I like the pome, because you can feel the pain when you get into a fight with your friends, sister, mom.
This poem is what I am going through right now and I realy like it. You are a really good poet so make sure you that you make more!
I really liked this poem mostly because its true.
Ruth Ann
The poem touch me so much. Its so truth,cause i once had a friend he was one of my best friends. It became something more,and it went wrong. I know within my heart that our friendship is still there, i can feel it. I love the poem keep the good work up. Best Wishies
you poem is great
that is a great poem i really hit home for me keep up the good work
This is an Excellent one and it resembles my life, for once i lost my best friend, it touched my a lot.
i loved your poem. it was soooo sweet. do u always like to write poems??. i no i do. welll. thanks to cheer my day wid ur poem. thanks!
i realli inspired by this poem
I vote for this poem because it touched me. Two years ago I became friends with my X boyfrind (now) I loved him so much, i wanted to talk to him for hours. Then all of a sudden two years later he wants nothing to do with me AFTER TWO WHOLE YEARS! I know thAT ONE DAY YEARS LATER HE WILL LOOK BACK AND WILL SEE WHAT HE'S MISSING. I love this poem bacuse t=it seems to be speaking out to me.
i really enjoyed this poem because i have been in that same spot just recently. i dated my best friend and it didn't work out and for a while he and i never even looked at each other. so i do relate. however the diff is that true love does really last because i am now closer than ever to the guy then i was bfor
this is the greatest poem i have raed i love this poem b/c the same this=ng is going on in my friendship well ur good at writting poems keep it up
i love this poem because it is true about me. i lost a close friend of my. she betray me or whatever because she think that i was saying stuff about her but i never did and she says that some girls told her and we became enemy since then. i really misses her and i want to tell her everything. but oh well!
good job! this poem touched me in several ways.
It just matches my own story. but life must go on. so it goes on and on. Really a touchy poem.
wonderful poem, it really hurts losing a friend
This is a great poem and i have to say. it made me cry because it is soo discriptive that it completely spelled out me and my. "best friend" great poem though
Hey that's a really GREAT poem!yeah it reminds me of me an my old best best friend me an her an my sister an brother grew up with her an her 2 brothers an her sister an we were really close. and now me an her are just not freinds anymore,because of this boy,and its makes me wanna cry to even read poems like this because it makes me think back to all the fun times me an her had,well GREAT POEM!
this is the best poem ever
it fits in. thanx
I love this poem. Whoever wrote this knows about my life
i could relate to what u wrote. an awesome piece of art,,
omg this poem is da one for me n ma ex best friend
This is a really good poem. it desrcibes wut im kinda going through now with my best friend. its hard just to say bye and like u want things to go just to the way they were in the beginnging when u first met but yeah awsome poem!
i think it was good but when i first saw the title i thought they had died or something but its really good!
i really liked this poem it was like something that had happened in my life. it was really good.
this poem is really nice and touchy i really liked it and tell u a secret i lost my best friend and this poem really it really discribes us!
Jordan Alesa
Yes, i love this poem. Me and this guy, we were REALLY good friends the last two years of middle school, and this is our first year of highschool now. We planne to go into highschool together, as bestfriends. But when he asked me out last year, i wanted to say yes sooo bad because i really liked him but i didnt want to mess things up between us. But i said yes anyways. We broke up but stayed bestfriends. Then, our first week of highschool, he tried to kiss me and i really wanted him to. But now he wont even talk to me and he acts like he hates me! It hurts me sooo bad and i tried to talk to him but he wont listen to me.
you are really good keep goin with it
This si a poem that really touches me and i poem which i can relate to. From a scale from 1 to 10 i would give it a TEN! Awesome.
hit close to home
it wake up my thoughts
that situation was realy happen to me. its realy touching my heart.
i cant believe how much this poem relates to my own life! it's really good. make more.
hey ur poem was amazing and really sweet
I Love that poem!.
im going through this now
Well, this poem clearly identifies the ending of a friendship. I know how that feels, and from my angle, it does feel to good, not good at all. While this is a great poem, i really don't need to be reminded of the pain. but its excellent!
That poem really touched me because many people go through it all the time.
OMG. i thought this poem was the cutest. If it is alright with you can i please put this poem in one of my online stories. all the credit will go to you i swear.
i really enjoyed this poem because i could relate to it. i knew this one boy all my life and we both had strong feelings for one another so we went out and broke up and now we dont even talk. it's like we are invisible to one another. thank yoo for posting this poem it means alot.
This reminds me of MY best friend Jason and I and how we have grown apart from each other.
this poem is sad and good. but who ever wrote this i'm truuly sorry
hi nikki this poem was really great keep on writting your best friend Silvia
This poem is a lovely poems i really do like it. This poem reminds me of my ex bf he was proppa mint. the poem is klass
WOW! This is a really great poet! This seems alot like one friendship that i went threw. i didn't want it to end! She was my bestfreind ( so i thought) then one day she went to soccer practice and never got a phone call from her ever again! I see her at school and he locker is right next to mine. but she dosn't look at me, dosn't say a word! Just looks the other way and walks away! I hate that we dont talk. but i guess if this is what she wants. then this is what she'll get! right? Well i loved it alot! and thank you for writing something like this because it made me really think about my friendships! I hope i see more of your poems around!
My Name is Bailey I think your poem was really neat
This poem is very nice. It describes what many people are going through.
lovely poem nikki. it was so touching. and it feels so real. the very thin line thats there between friendship and love (between a girl & guy),when crossed gives rise to the pain and feelings which u have tried to tell here in this poem. great work
this was a really good and sad poem.
I really liked the poem. It really touched me . because the whole thing haz happened to me to. keep up the good work. and i LOVED the poem
your poem touch me because that the truth about having a guy as your friend that happensalot of times.
This is a good poem. I wrote some poems myself and maybe some day you can read them or whatever!
this happened to me and my friend. we had been friend snce the 8th grade, then she got a boyfriend in the 10th grade, we were all in the same class. so she usually sat with him. as soon as he asked her out, she stopped calling me, i realized rigth away becase we use to talk on the phone every single night. i would call her, except she was alwasy on the other line to her boyfriend. it was liek she had no more time for me. she never wanted to do stuff onthe weekends, she was always busy with him. this poem touched me, coz its exactly how i feel
I love this poem. i can relate to it so much. it's exactly what i'm going through right now. thanks so much for posting it.
I loved your poem I totally got it. My best friend and I are no more and it hurts. Thank you.
If u want a vote out of the following: 1 horrible- 10 the best. I would say 20 million because it was very touching i have lost a friend and it really almost made me cry. Thanks for this poem. Your a wonderful poet.
u r simply splendid!
I'm a guy, but i stil know what is feels like when you start feeling something more for your friend. I just ended a four year frienship with a girl i really cared about. It was just to hard to be friends, pretending that there was nothing their. Both of us tried to ignore it until it finally killed our freinship. your poem just made me remember all the good times we had and it sort of killed me. Great poem
this peom was very lovely and i like it and i under stand
Very touching
hey i know how you feel and i feel the same way as you do but the way my english teacher says "all those who are born die at a certain time and those who die are reborn" so don't be sad ok
I really love this poem every time i read it reminds me of my ex. ur a great writter ur really one of the best!
The poem is just mindblowing. it so nice and tauching. Thanks Nikki sharing with us. god bless you.
This poem is great, it kinded happening to me I wish it never happen but it did. lossing a close friend is really painful and it still hurt right now
This poem is a reflection of my life. It almost made me cry. I too had a friend, I would say him the best of friends. whom I would never like to miss in my life. Sad thing is that he behaves as if he dont need my friendship anymore. I wish one day will come. when he feels my love and friendship. when he knows the value of a true friend. Nikki. it is simply great. the emotions in the poem touched my heart.
I can relate to this poem in a number of ways. An excellent poem written with its own special meaning.
Kriselda Mae
I like the poem bcoz' I can relate to it
Very good. I am crying just reading and rereading it. I just lost my best friend of 4 years. i never thought i would say goodbye to him.
this is very true, reminds me of my best friend n we tried to save it but it didnt work but i alway told her we can look back at this n smile. time is the only thing that can heal the pain
this poem touch my heart as i miss my best friend
wow! this was amazing! It completly touched me probably cause me and my friend are going through that! wow! Amazing! good job!
being friends and trying to be more, happened to me and it was tragic. reading this is exactly how i felt and how it happened. this poem is SO amazing!
hey, i just wanted to tell u that i really like ur poem. I feel like i can really relate to it even under different sircomstances. My bestfriend sarah and i were unsepritable for the last two years, then she started to go out with this guy and now we dont even talk anymore. ive been tring to talk to her forever about this and i dont know how but now i think im gonna send her this poem because it is perfect.
hey i reaLLY liked your poem but a few tips from me is i lost a friend that i been knowing since i was 1 year old and me and her have a fight going on and i told her its up to her if she wants to still be friends and we are just tell him that i really hope this advice helped some but its really good thanx ceaira miller
it was appealing to me. and these words as though happened in my life. so cant express my feelings in words aim totally touched by this poem thak u so much for providing me such a mail.
I Like This Poem so much because it has happened to me but i knew my him since i was 2 years old and i am now 15 so . i have went throygh so much pain and crying but what can i say he is a jocj and i am just a normal school so jeremy if you read this then you will know that i love you so much and i miss you loads and loads . i cry evrey time i see you and i miss you so please come back to me . you hurt me so much and dont worry i will hurt you right back . Love always michelle
This poem meant something to me because it made me realize that friends are supossed to be forever but thats usually not the case. I have been best friends with this girl lesli for 12 years and then this year she decided that she wanted to do drugs and drink and smoke pot and i dont do that stuff so she started ditching me for that and for this stupid trashy guy that she only dated for sex, so i finally just said whatever its her life and if she wants to screw it up then whatever. but i really miss the old lesli and just reading this poem made me see that i dont need her anymore. Ya know what they say. there's other fish in the sea.
This poem touched me one of my best friends that i had met just last year seemed to be the perfect friend i never had and then i found her we had so much alike in eachother it was unreal we could finish eachothers sentences and we shared everything together then she grew bitter and had jealous and i tried to pretend not to see but it was true now this year she talked behind my back and calledme names and i havent spke to her for 5 months after i told her off and i want to be friends with her at schoo ltheres always negative feelings around her but i dont wanna be hurt again by her even though i want to be friends again but my heart tells me i shouldn because she will betray me again.
i really loved this poem because thats exactly how i feel noe. me and my friend were best freinds for 5 years and now that i moved, it slipped away. awesome poem! i love it!
I really like this poem because u can tell it has alot of meaning behind it. I relate to it because things w/ friends have happened like that many times before.
wow, this is a poem that describs me in so many ways. i myself have written a poem like this when i was going throuh a rough patch, and i gave it to my bestfriend after we were friends again. all im saying is. WELL DONE!
That was a GREAT poem. I wish i could write that well.
i was touched by this poem. this is how my friend is now. this is how i feel.
hey im jst reading through somr of these poems and i rally liked this one. i have a friend that i lost because of a guy that in the end was so not worth it. im rally sick of the bitching so thanx for putting it in perspective for me!
this peoms is cool but really sad at one point
i love your poem. recently i had a break with my best friend it was sad we were hurting each other, i found your poem and it helped me, i now believe that maybe someday we will meet again and maybe we wont make the same mistakes.
this poem really tuched me because i am going through the same thing. who ever wrote this is very good at writing poems
because i had i relly close friend that this happend to me and her and it just really touched me i love it alot. !
i can say shurly that it is amazing
that is a cute poem i love it keep writen
i loved this poem it really made me think of a friend. if i were to judge this from a scale of 1-10,id give it a 10
great poem
thanks it explained exactly how i feel
Loved the poem it really touched me.
hey nikki, your poem touched my heart bcoz its expressed my feelings. Languishment from a good friend is always painful and ur poem is too much apt with this theme. Thanx a lot for writing this type of poem. Thanx again. Carry on with some optimistic poems.
This poem touches me so much because, it is *exactly* what happened to me and my old girlfriend!
I loved the way it touched me because it has happened to me. The pain of loosing friends. I know what it is to feel pain & be pleged by it so thank you for that poem!
hey Nikki. that is a very good poem about being a bestfriend wit a guy. i have a guy bestfriend too that i fall for eventually. but things went sour coz he is with someone else. i cried so much coz i know i have lost him.
this is a rilly good poem! it reminds me of somthing that happened with my friend
i really love this poem. it really touched me
touching, good poems, true feelings of the poet were display in an excellent way
i felt what this poet was saying it was if she knew exactly how i felt rite now w/ loosing my best friend i loved it
I love this poem its sad and reminds me of a friend i lost along time ago
I liked this poem because it's alittle what would happen to me in ten years but maybe get over him soon or alater
its a good poem
I love this poem. Im kind of going through that same thing. And yeah, its kind of sad, but really great! I absolutly LOVE it.
I Can really relate to this poem i lost a friend of 8 years she was my soul sister she ment the whole world to me i didnt care about anything else she was there to keep me from falling one day she just left moved away no goodbyes and she called me only once and i felt like i didnt even know her. i fell hard and i still cant get up its almost been a year keep up the good work NIKKI. I LOVE THIS POEM!
Wow. this poem is amazing. I'm going through the same thing right now and its amazing how i can relate. only we haven't gone out. but I love the poem
Hong Linh
This poems is really graet! I love it
Omg this was a faboulous poem! I loved it. It really made me think of how important my friends are to me.
I like this poem because it happened to me. But I found a way better friend so I was actually blessed.
I realllllllllllly liked this poem. Almost a year ago me and my friend of 2 years decided to date and it didnt work at all. and just recently we tried to make it all right. i guess sometimes you just cant fix whats broken.
this poem so relates to what happend to me this year. and your right before you know it you can't stand each other. but in the end you will relize that this helped you grow and learn more about your self. i know my situation helped me.
WOW. WOW! I don't know what to say. well perhaps I do. That poem is soooooo me right there! I loved it. everything you wrote happened to me. everything. I had to say that. I love it. great poem.
this is a very sad poem. i went trough the same thing about a year ago and i still don't talk to that person.
This is a great poem which touch deep into my heart and i am going to post it to my frnd who walked away from me.
I loved this poem, it describes what I am going through right now, and it sucks what I am going through:(
I like this poem because it reminds me of my best friend, who is also my ex-boyfriend. I went out with him for a year and two months before he broke up with me for another girl. This poem just remined me of him and I thought that it was a really touching poem.
That was a really good poem. Nice Job!
This poem really got to me. It's so real!
Nikki this pome is so beautiful,i cried through it,it also reminded me of a friend i had we arnt friends anymore God Bless Bec
Hey! This is the most amazing poem. It relates so much to my life. thanks for it. it makes me feel so much better!
OMG! I love this poem. When I was reading it tears rolled down my face. This happened with a friend of mine that I loved and trusted with my whole life but we never went out, but we were the closest of friends. Thank you for that poem. I will never forget it!
This poem means alot because its what has happened to me . I loved It !
this is a great poem. this happen to me a year before i moved. now me and my fried don't see that much of each other any more. right before i moved me and my friend worked every thing out and now she is my best friend. i still talk to her all the time.
I think this poem is great. The poet expressess her strongest feelings very well in this poem
this poem really touched me. It relates to what has happened these past few weeks. i love this poem.
I thought it was nice.
I think anyone who had a troubled friendship can realte i had a wonderful friend for so many year but in like on month it was gone it was the hardest time of my life. Great poem to express ur feelings. Keep writing
This was a really sweet poem. I think that at one stage or another everyone has lost a friend that they wish they didnt. I had a friend and as the poem went so did we! We were like? Different people and he showed me so many things about himself and people that no one has ever taught me! I will never forget him! But he did leave me as well and I think thats what I could relate to the most in the poem!
this was really great it remind me of my best friend and i you lost a friend but now u gained one
Wow, that was beautiful,and God bless you!
Nikki Your poem do so touch at the heart of my marriage now. It has only been a year and a half. He is just now telling me the things that he does not like about me. And as you say we hardly ever touch and we never talk unless it is about bills or something like that. But just to talk like lover should talk it is out of the windows. I think you are a VERY GREAT Poetry. Thank you
Good poem, it reminds me of me and my ex best friend lily. I thought she would be true to me but everything fell apart :(
Really this poem is superb. I recollected all my previous memories. Hope no words suits to praise this poems. Really fentastic
It really connected to a friend of mine and I loved it.
This poem is juz like me. i have a best fren who happens to b a guy. And i start out liking him at first. den we talk and talk and slowly we become the best of frens. he knws i had feelings for him, juz that he nv returns it. Your poem touches me deeply and i hope it touches others as well.
This poem is great. It really captures every feeling there is to be felt. It hurts, you know? Keep up that good work
i have tried to exprees the way i felt and i read this tonite and it hit the nail on the head it really describes how i feel!
Hello that poem was great it made tears fall down my eyes this poems is top ten no matter what. thanks god bless you and good luck on more poems
Your poem was good andi liked it alot
Hey i really liked tha poem
I really like your poem. I reminds me of how i feel right know with my best friend thats a guy.
This peom was really good. I can relate to it on such a high level and it scares me. For awhile, I thought I was alone. Thank you for reminding me that I'm not.
i love poems about friendship . that poem means alot to me because i just lost a friend and i want her back . your poems are really neat . ! GREAT JOB !
Your poem was truly heartfelt, and very relateable! the way you can reminise your experience with this guy, and express it in such a way where it is actaully listened and really thought about ratehr than brushed off or put to the side is truly commendable! well done!
i really love this poem it's really sweet keep on the good work.
Hi Nikki. I have to say. This is one of the most beautiful poems I've read. It is so true wat you said. Absolutely gorgeous.
hey nikki wow your poem hit me like a pound of bricks, god i have felt the same excact way as you
yeah. its gud!
Your poem was great,i could fell your pain.
i am going through the same thing with my guy best friend! we went out and then became best friends. now we barely even talk! i thought the poem was great!
this is a great poem i understand it completly, i know the pain the loss of a good friend can be
you did good job and you need to keep writing and love what you do
Nothing matters to me, but i hope i dont loose my best friend, Lucely. I actfake round her, but we tell each other our lives! But we barely tlk o the phone, or even on the comp. Im more skater, but ghetto, and shes spanish ghetto, everyone wants to be her best gurl, but i start to loose her
This is a really good poem it reminds me of my ex best friend. We had something very special that faded away. Our friendship wasn't strong enough to past the test. Keep writing your very good at it.
It's a really pretty poem and I can relate to it in a way :)
when I read this poems i remember my best lover Toni 22 years ago . she comes to my mind. i could say every word mean alot to me. love you Toni all these years . I just see her face in the dream .
very true feeling also in me
a sense of guilt,words from heart have spoken now. its easier to brake but hard to keep it safe. a feeling so pure and emotions of regret
This poems is a perfect explanation to all my tears today.
Wow. This poem is sooo true. It's absolutely brilliant. I'm sure everyone experiences this once in a while, worse when it's one way and this poem captures all of those emotions.
Nikki. your poem is beautiful. as i sit here and write this to you. i realize how imprortant friendship is and that me and my friend will some day soon make up
That poem brung tears to my eyes. I have an older friend that everybody thought she and I shouldn't be friends. After being close for 9 months, this December we decided to stop speaking. It tore me up. That hit the spot
I liked the hole thing
Nikki-right when i read ur poem i knew exactly how u felt. There is just a difference though, my best friend and I didn't go out, well we aren't best friends anymore. His girlfriend replaced me and it still hurts but everything u said reminded me of what it was like w/him and i before everything got messed up. Thanks, ur poem helps me to stay strong. Life just isn't fair but that's how it is. Thanks!
its really great i cant believe u hav written the exact emotions i went through before 10 years and now too .
This poem is very neat and well written, and my friend and I just hooked up to be boy-girlfriend and I really hope that it never ends in a bad way. i cant say I love him already, its just that i really do like him and I dont want to lose him.
Nikki, This is a wonderful poem, I also started dating and fell madly in love with a good friend. He and I were together for 3 years when I found out he was seeing my Best friend. I was devastated, its very hard to lose your best friend and the love of your life in one day. I really related to your poem, because I feel I will forever love him.
i know how this gurl feels and did feel b/c it was the same for me but he didn't like as a friend or more than a friend. But i liked him more than a friend even if he didn't lie me in that way
this poem its very kool. i really love it
your poem was very good i know how you feel
This was the best poem that i ever read and it was very well writen
hey i loved ur poem. i feelk i realt to it. i hope that u keep on riting the poems
Hats off to Nikki, I respect all the poets for their creativeness and vision. This poem has touched my heart and open my wounds. I have been through this stage and hope Nikki you may overcome through soon. There is no point in holding the past.
This poem reminds me of the first guy I fell in love with. he was my friend, we were so close, then we fell in love. Next thing I knew he was gone and hadn't heard from him in 17 years. The out of the blue he is back and once again we are friends. Forever this time!
I was on the same level with you throughout the whole poem. Me and my Best Friend aren't talking right now and it's tearing me apart, but no matter what I will always love her and to me finding that one person who you can trust and enjoy spending time with is everything. Thanks for an awesome poem!
That was a great poem it made me almost cry
Hye ur poem is so true. I can relate to it very well. Keep up d good work
This is just like the mess i ve gone through!I loved the poem!and it reminds me of my "bestest" of friends that we once was! Amazing poetry!
I think this poem is realy well writin. Me and my best friend are in a horrible fight and it hurts so much cuz i love him and now we can't even look at each other! I feel so lost without him. And this poem made me think so much of him
Nikki, your poem, oh my god. It's like everything that happened to me and my best friend. But we're over and done with, and its like getting hit with a Cannon to your chest. It hurts like hell, and now I know that more people like you understand what I'm going through.
I think that this is a really good poem. you should keep up the good work! You are a great poet and you could go some where!
Great Poem!.
I am fighting with my best friend of two years and this sounds so much like what I am going through. I love the poem.
Nikki. this poem is very beautiful,I had a good friend who now hates my guts! Your not alone. This poem is very well written and thought out. I couldn't of thought of anything better. Good job.
Its amazing,what a wonderful translation of emotions. really great.
I really do like that
This is a brilliant poem but at the same time it brings back memories. sad ones too. Just as the poem explained I fell inlove with my friend and so did he with me. unfortunately for the both of us, things didnt work out. it basically ended in tears and we no longer speak or see each other. What hurts more is the fact that I miss him sooo much. He was such a good friend to have and just writing this comment bring tears to my eyes. I really miss him. Anyway, thanks for sharing such a beautiful poem to many of us. I appreciate it loads!
nikki. great job. it melts everyone's heart
This poem makes me feel like I was the one who wrote it. It reminds me soooo much of me and Ross. We used to be best friends, now we cant even stand to look at each other. I really miss him as a friend.
I really like this poem. It's words are so amazing and it has true meaning to me. I love the poem I really do.
I really liked this poem and I know how you feel. I met this guy about 6 months ago through my best friend and four months after meeting him I started to fall for him and I told him right away how I felt and he was cool with that and now two months later when it was talked about again, after we became best friends, we bearly talk anymore and it really hurts no you lost the best thing you had for the last two months and knowing that he can never be replaced.
your poem hits the point. me and my best friend are not on speaking terms. and im glad that im not the only one that feels this way. thank you for the great poem.
I LUV this POEM!Its sooo sad but it happens. it happened to me n some of my friends. I like it wen I can relate to something. It was worded really nicely.
Your poem was so touching to me, because I have fallen for my best guy friend. You expressed your feelings and thoughts so beautifully! Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading more of oyur poems!
Nikki- GREAT POEM. it is exactly what happened between me and my best friend Derik. you have a lot of talent. keep up the good work. you expressed what happended between me and derik better than either of us ever could.
I really like this poem it reminds me of one of my best friends that doesn't want anything to do with me.
I think this poem is great i have felt this exact same way. he was my best friends and then it was more. but when it went sour i still feel the loss. Thanks for expressing what so many feel.
hey, that was good! i never have heard a good poem about friend like that one.
To Nikki: Your poem was so Sweet, i sent it to a guy, we used to like eachother, but it didnt work out, but hes still in my heart. ur poem wuz perfect. thanx:)
this poem is so true, its happened to me before and its very sad
this has put me in tears. this boy hurt me so much only weeks ago and i was reading this poem and it made me realise how open my wound still is. thankyou for a wonderful piece of poetry.
Omgosh this was so perfect! My best friend Danny and I were best friends for 2 years too, and then we started to go out. We were together for a long time and then it was great, but now we almost hate each other. I need to tell him goodbye, but I cant think of how! Thanks!
This poem tells so much about me and my best friend. We went through the same. Friends first and best friends then loves and we were crazy at each other, but it was better off being apart. Great poem
i luv dis poem, it is very true cos it has happened to me, i jus read dis and i let out a tear cos of da bad memory, it is well written, i no am a guy but it hurts to remba the bad times
This poem explains what i'm going through. This poem really opens my eyes to. Thank you so much. This poem puts tears in my eyes.
This poem is so sad. but something like this has happened to me. good poem nikki.
this is a good poem i lik it a lot
This poem really touches and pears my heart . I find it not as a piece of words in net , but it semes to be my a part of my life. I don't read this words but really experience it as I move in --Greate lines
i think this is a really great poem, it shows what can happen when you're feelings for you're friends turn to love, i feel exactly the same way as you one of my best friends, i have fallen in love with her and i just don't want to tell her because i dont wanna lose our frinedship.
i really liked your poem. i moved away from my friends about 4 years ago when i finally got in touch with them they just didn't seem like they wanted to talk with me. I found stuff out about them that i thought never would happen to them some of them turned into druggies and i NEVER thought that would happen. i really thought your poem was good and well written!
Incredible poem, you're not alone Nikki. This happened to me and many I know. Great Job!
I really liked it. You were just telling everyone how you felt at the time.
I think it's cool
I don't like this poem because it scares me, but it is very well written, it just makes me sad.but it is true and I hope it doesn't happen to me
such a great poem created beautifully..thanks for james for telling me this site!
Great Peom ! Keep up the good work, Nikki
What a great poem! It trully touched my heart and helped me call my old friends and catch up on old times. Great job Nikki!
I think a lot of heart-felt thoughts went into this poem, it's something that's happend to a lot of people and i think Nikki worded it brilliantly- well done, Nikki.
good poem
Fantastic and moving
I loved this poem alot. It reminded me of my best friend Meghan. We haven't seen eachother for two years. We were so close and now we never talk.
This poem is soo like my life..Juz describes me..makes me wanna cry when i read touching
that is an awesome poem. it made me cry. to think of old friends like that.
Like Janet said, this poem is EXACTLY what happened between me and my old best friend.keep it up, Nikki!
hey, i really like your poem.
Great poem! It's so 'it'! It's exactly what happened to me and a guy I was crazy about when I came to my new school! Only we never went out... :(
This poem brings back memories of a friend that I lost because of the fact that I found another love so I left him.
Nice poem
this poem was very good and it made us both cry.It was very sweet and that gives us something to think about when we lose friends!!!
It's a good poem.
GREAT poem!
Hey nikki i love your poem damn it's exactly what happend between me and my friend raul ch
this poem reminds me alot of my last relationship .we use to friends it grew into something more than it all was another it hurts to see him after so long when will he see what he means to me by:felicia everything you said in your poem what about all that happened to me 6 months ago .thanks for helping me understand keep up the good work!

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