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About the Poem

I wrote this poem for my boyfriend on Valentines day. He has changed my life a great deal and I wanted him to know the reasons that I love him, and how much he really means to me.

The Reasons I Love You

I love you because you make me happy
I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
I love your smile
I love the way you say my name
I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put
me down.
I love the fact that when I'm around you I can be myself and not worry
about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be.
I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days
At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, and
feeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you
are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like
there is no tomorrow
And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the
love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable.
I love your laugh
I love hearing your voice
I love that you get along with my family and friend, no matter how much
you dislike them, or who they are.
And hearing you tell me your stories, you could tell them to me a thousand
times, and I will never get tired of them, because they are a part of you.

But the main reason I love you is because.....

You are you!
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© 1999 Carrie Sue Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

46 Visitor Comments

this poem reminds me of me and my boyfriends relationship. expet for the feeling your heart beat and seeing you breathe (we dont live together)
well, what am i to say? I LIKED IT. every time when i reread Ur poem feel about US (Me & MY husband too) thank U for Ur creation. it`s great
This poem was not very complicated, but it really touched me when I read it, because it is straight from the heart. It reminded me of why love is worth sacrificing anything for. The author did an excellent job.
a feeling from inside which comes outautomatically ,,,,,its not artificial nor forced ,,it depicts trueness of love . excellent ,,,,one ca only express this way when he/she is him/her self in love .
this poem was so sweet it meant so much it made me think of my boyfriend and couragre me to write a poem about him thank you for a wonderful poem to read this really terffic.
I give this a perfect 10
i think this poem is lovely because it shows in words what love is all about :)
erickson janz
a very good poem that i never seen be4. if u dont know what is your feeling to your loves 1,u can make this poem as direction to guild u see clearly why u love your loves 1
I love this poem. it touched me deeply. I feel like this poem is an excellant birthday poem that i am going to give to my boyfriend. thanks for writing this poem so I could give it to my boyfriend. AWESOME JOB.
nice poem
This is one of the best poems I have ever read, it really touched me, because everything you said in it is so true. Thank you, that made my day.
this sounds like the same thing that i feel for my boyfriend i love him so much and i would do anything for him he is my dreams and it's hard to sleep knowing he's not by my side and i cry and i wounder is he going to leave me but i know it has to be somewhere in his heart saying he loves me and i love him the same to.
i liked this poem because it was real the words she was saying were all true.
wow thats so cute
that was so sweet is a lovely way 2 tell sum1 u love them
this is a good poem. we need more online where we can send friend and all.
It's hard to find the right words to express how you feel about someone, and by reading your poem, it made me see that to express your feelings is easy. Those were the exact words I was thinking of when describing my feelings for my boyfriend. Thanks for sharing your poem!
i realli enjoy the poem the words its just perfect keep it up
i like the poem because i had a freiend ike that and it really touches me in a good way.
I liked this poem because of many reasons it touched my heart
This poem is amazing. it is just what i wsa looking for. i couldnt have put it better myself. Your a very talented person!. and good luck with your man. also im looking for more poems about how me and my boyfriend argue, but no matter how much he fusterates me or how much we argue i will always love him.
Well i tell my girlfriend how much i love her. you know a whole bunch. well i want to put into words why. i cant do it i just love everything about her and that doesnt seem like enough to say. i read this poem and it is so precise. it just helped me a lot. thanks
this was a wonderful poem and i loved it my byfriend will love it too and i am happy that someone had wrote this because it touched my heart when i read it
I'm voting for this poem because the poem brings all the reasons why i love my boyfriend and is my favourite poem which i've read so far!
this poems really touch my heart. this poem need to a perfect 100. thank you for this poem.
Love this poem. Describes my boyfriend and I down to a T.
Deals with real life situation
i htink this poem is really grtae and she tould her boyfriend how she felt and thts really kool tht she can do tht i lvoe it
ur poem is so0o0o pretty i love it. its kinda how i feel about my man if i could write poems i would so heres my vote. Wonderful
i really like this poem . when i frist gave this poem to my boyfriend he loved it as much as i did!
you couldn't say it any more perfect, this is a very beautiful poem and it's exactly how i feel about my boyfriend every word in this poem is perfect i'm goin' to make a copy for my boyfriend for valentines!
i thought it was okay! its to loving for me! i wish u the best with him!
Now this is LOVE :) It reflects my life with my boyfriend . I'm going to send him a copy or mebbe write it out for him . Love the poem lots :)
me and my friends really liked this poem it was sweet how the writer explains why they loved the other
this is the way i feel about my boyfriend.
This is EXACTLY the way I feel about my boyfriend. This poem helped me express my feelings.
I aboslutely love this poem...Carrie Sue has a simple, yet complex way of stating the feelings of love. Much thanks to her, helping me realize how I feel about my boyfriend.
EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT poem, It made me cry because it spoke the exact words that my heart trys to say, everytime I look into my fiances eyes... I really enjoyed reading it!
I came into this site looking for a great poem to print out and to create a nice picture frame for my husband. I believe this is the one. Its perfect. Thank you!
I loved this poem. My boyfriend always asks me why i love him and i can never quite put it into words. But you have...
Its a great poem!
It was a wonderful poem.
This poem was beautiful. I sent it to my husband.
This is EXACTLY what I feel for my boyfriend, thank you for showing me it is true love. Blessed Be
I think that it is really sweet and that she is a great writer. I know her feelings. I really liked this a lot.

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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