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Sad Love Poems

Love is a Universal emotion, the goal we all seek, the prize that can make our lives complete and whole. Love is both timeless and, in too many instances, transient. These poems are about those times.

We all believe, if only because we must, that love can be found. Some of us - maybe most of us - have discovered it can also be lost.


Sad Love Poems (1-50)

  • by Christopher
    To love truly, is to love forever - even though the love be unrequited.
  • by Kit McCallum
    When life and love have torn apart your heart, where do the shattered pieces lie?
  • by Martini
    Sometimes, tears say all that can be said, and understanding comes only with time.
  • by Angelgirl020
    You must refrigerate your milk to prevent it from spoiling. But how do we protect our hearts?
  • by Prometheus
    How does one go about re-learning to live?
  • by jenawin
    You Favorite
    Love always changes over time. And so does the pain love so often brings us.
  • by Miss P.
    They say "life must go on," and during the day that's largely true. But when the sun sets, life again comes to a jarring halt.
  • by Sarah Healy
    Thinking is what humans do best. Sometimes, it's very hard to stop.
  • by jenawin
    Love doesn't always die in violent explosions of sound and color. Sometimes, its death is a quiet one.
  • by Alicia S
    Circumstance often dictates feelings. And sometimes the very things that drew us to a person can remind us why it didn't work.
  • by jenawin
    A glimpse is all it can take to awaken from an awful dream.
  • by Michael Perez
    Do you remember when she left?

Sad Poems Subcategories Menu

  • by Jeffrey Carter
    Divorce can too easily turn a journey into aimless wandering.
  • by bessy41
    Love, like the inner workings of the mind, is rarely simple.
  • by LoveBug
    All that glitters is not gold, and things that look warm are often cold.
  • by Jocelyn Galvano-Pickett
    This poignant poem is about the feelings of loss that come at the end of a relationship.
  • by Saxoness
    Some Valentine wishes should be sent, not with chocolates, but with hard-rock candy.
  • by Christopher
    Love doesn't always end in happily ever after, even if one still loves.
  • by Tima Chavis
    When the world judges Love, they too often forget the pain their verdict brings.
  • by Hope
    A teeter-totter works only when the weight is evenly distributed. It's a bit like love in that way.
  • by Amber White
    Love is about giving. But even with love, there can be too much.
  • by Mandy Turner
    The poets claim "Hope springs eternal." Sometimes, that's not such a good thing.
  • by Stymie63
    When sick, we either recover or die. But is there ever really recovery from Life?
  • by Mindy Carpenter
    The longer a relationship is alive, the longer it takes to get over its death. But, for all things, there is a time.
  • by Moondust
    The perfect love quickly loses its perfection when it must be faced alone.
  • by Red
    We can too easily find ourselves captive of our own love. And the only one with the keys to our prison, has left.
  • by Katie
    Though short, this not at all simple poem speaks of endless pain.
  • by Adrienne Alexandrea
    Can a mere seventeen words express pain and truth? And, perhaps, rid the world of confusion?
  • by Maze54
    Sometimes, when we lose one love, we are really losing two. And self-love can be the hardest of all to win back.
  • by Rose
    Love isn't always enough. When our needs are not met, it is perhaps time to move on.
  • by Michael Fry
    Memories can sometimes be so sharp they leave us bleeding
  • by Isis
    There is a time when secret love must forever remain secret.
  • by Kevin Blacker
    Is there any greater disaster than the loss of love?
  • by angel eyez
    Even in pain, even in anger, there remains a spark of love.
  • by Brian Hudson
    Time doesn't really heal all wounds. Nor does it always make letting go easier to endure.
  • by Cherenee
    When what was once whole is broken, the pieces can take on a life all their own.
  • by Sandy Fioretti
    Unintentional pain - is still pain.
  • by Judy Burnette
    For every loss, there is always something to be gained.
  • by Anonymous-17
    This is a wonderful story, showing that even lost love can make our hearts better places.
  • by Judley
    When your Universe is built on Love, what of the singularities?
  • by Elena
    Even when love endures, the happy endings may remain elusive
  • by Raquel
    Leaving someone is rarely easy. But sometimes it is good.
  • by John P. Fox
    In love there is pain. But, in beauty, there can be a healing.
  • by Nicole Kowalkowski
    For a poet, words are both powerful and dangerous. And some, we find, come back to haunt us.
  • by Monica-Angel Gellar
    Does there ever come a time when lost love stops hurting?
  • by Anna Gillis
    Sometimes, two people carry two very different dictionaries.
  • by Mr Smith
    This poem is about the loss of a wife and child. And about memories.
  • by Justice
    Time is both friend and foe to this thing we call Love.
  • by #5 Poetic Society
    Pain can too easily lead to resentment. And regret.
  • by Sonja
    Perhaps the worst thing about loss, by the very definition of the loss, is being unable to share the pain.
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...

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