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About the Poem

This poem is about how people tend to take pity on me because of my asthma. I just want people to treat me like anyone else because I'm a normal person who just has a breathing problem.

It's Life, I've Dealt, You Should Too

You work so hard to deal with this thing,
The fact that you have it and the problems it brings.

So when you finally get control of this flaw,
Everyone around you seems to watch you in awe.

You never learn why it’s happened to you,
And you must work that much harder to make dreams come true.

But what’s happened has happened, and it’s now part of life
So why give up in yourself, why live with such strife.

The best you can do is fight back twice as hard,
Just be careful, make right choices and play the right cards.

As they say what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger,
It’s been here for awhile, it’ll be here for a while longer.

So why can’t people see past this technicality,
Having problems with my breathing is now my specialty.

I should have a master’s degree in what to do,
So please don’t treat me any different, I’m just the same as you.

When people have pity it just makes me feel sad,
Do you think it makes me feel better, well it makes me so mad.

I can’t stand the fact that people look at me and stare,
What you don’t think I can see you, oh I know you’re there.

I know what I can, and cannot do,
So why try to stop me, it’s not up to you.

If I want to work my ass off until death,
Let it be that way, let me use my last breath.

I’d rather go through life living, even if it is in pain,
Rather then sitting all day, slowly going insane.

So now that you know just how it has to be,
Are you going to treat me right, or like a baby.

I don’t care what you think is the best thing to do,
If you can’t support me and my choices, then the heck with you.
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© 1999 Starburst Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

73 Visitor Comments

This poem is so cool. I loved it because mainly its about your athsma. My best friend has athsma, and during the sports carnival this year, her athsma was the reason she didnt fufill her dream of coming first in the long distance race. i admire your courage!
I like the poem and it says alot about people that I know and it says that if people can't support u they shuldn't be around you
This one is one of the one that touch;s me alot.
Your poem really touched me because i know what its like to be treated bifferently because you have problems. I have a learning bisability that is called a cagnitive bisability and it affects the way i process information. Meaning it takes me alot longer to learn things and memorize things than other people. Well because of that people have always treated me bifferent and think they know what i can and can't do. Plus sometimes once people find out about it they start avoiding me ane it really hurts. Well anyway it was a really good poem and i hope you keep on writing.
When i was 14 i had a stroke. Since then no one treats me the same. I am 17and back playing basketball and softball. I am because i didnt care if i run different and talk different. Your poem is exactly how i feel!
it's great to ha have a member with this amazing soul angel kiss
Iloved this i have that problem to so i know excatly how you feel thanks for writting it down for the rest of us!
best poem yet, it's nice to know someone feels the way i do.
ur a great. u r not afraid of anything.
yes that poem i really the same why like if i dress this why people will say this about it and i work so hard and people think that i a baby some poeple i think that they use me. Today my friends had a secret they told each other but they didn't tell me or aspen friends right?
this poem is very good and it toches my heart and ryhmes as well i will luv to here more
This poem really touched me because I have heart problems and I just found out that I may have a brain tumor too. And to go along with all that I just got mono and everyone seems to treat me differently because of the problems I have but I just want to live my life to the fullest and be treated the same as everyone else.
I really liked this poem because I can truly relate this to my life!
This poem really touch me becaue it down to earth
this was a bad azz poem hit touched me in a lot of places i kinda know where she is coming from so keep yo head up high lil momma
YOU Have cracked the code at such a early age which is rise above stubborn minds. This happens so much in your teens and twentie. Exellent poem mate perfect keep writing ok Im aiting for your book an so are many others!
I really like how you don't care what other people think. You should do whatever you want regardless of what other people say, except if it is a doctor saying it. I think it is a very good and touching poem. Thanks for sharing it.
I really loved your poem. Before I read your comment on the overview of it, it made me think of my own problems. I have asthma too and my whole life people have told me that I will never get better and that I can't do this and that. I have proved all of them wrong every time. I will never fully "grow out" of it, as people say, but I have learned to control it better. If you believe you can do it you can and I hope you can get control of yours too. Thanks for letting people know how it is.
i think its great! i loved it and i can relate o it. my sister is bipolar and shes suffered alot but is now fine. i also have add so i know what its like to not be treated the same. this poem makes me think about how there are other ppl who can relate. TWO THUMBS UP!
I like this poem so much. It touched me in a way that made me wanna cry. Being a teenager I have many relationship problems, school problems, and many family problems. The most thing I hate is when people stare but I am really admired by the words expressed in this poem.
I have a bleeding disorder, and as a child I was always getting sympathy. On holiday I had to stay inside a read book, I wasn't allowed outside in the summer incase I had a nosebleed. I had to make sure I stayed cool and was forever sucking ice cubes! I hated the way people treated me, worried that they might catch it (you're born with it). I hated the way whenever I had a nosebleed people would start talking about when they last had them. The way they'd gasp when they saw blood. The way they'd ask if it hurt and they look ate me pityingly. I'm thankful that you've said what needed to be said an maybe ignorant people who read this will finally understand. Well done.
Wow! That was amazing, it really touched me since I can relate with the message. :)
all i want to say is thanks. this poem really helps me with my problems that im going through. all i have to do now is to remember this poem and u who have wrote this and say "thank u for writing this poem for it helps me so much. "
I really loved this poem. It sounds a little like me. I also have a problem and people do stare, Im glad you are able to believe in yourself. Well anyways, great poem.
You poam truly touched my soul as if the words were jumping right at me. Im not in the best of health and people and famlie treat me different at time but I just want to live happy as i can. Thank you
This poem coul make a difference in peoples life because it takes part of life helps people to be strong and to never give up. to learn from your mistakes. That poem is great.
that was awesome purelly because i am like u. but it dont matter wat others think of us cos we rock
This poem is one that is very good. Great job i write poetry myself and this is very good. Keep up the good work great details and truth. You are an excellent writer and i think you will be great some day. You go for it girlfriend.
wow your poem is so good! have u ever thought about these wack contestsman this poem will surely win well g2g bye!
i love this poem i also havve a medical problem and this poem goes so well with how i feel about it. so to starburst : i loved your poem it was ausome keep writing you have talent
wow, this is a great poem and i can totally relate to it! ive had asthma pretty much my whole life but i never let it get me down! despite what people said in the beginning, like they didnt think i should do it or could do it, i didnt let them keep me from cheering, playin soccer, and just everyday activities i love!
This poem is so great. My sisters have this some thing, but they don't get made fun of as much b/c they don't do to school yet, but it will soon start. I pray to GOD that it won't.
That was one of the best teen poems I have ever heard. It speaks what many kids wish they could say! Awsome! Jessica D
This is a poem that has touched me and my friends cuz for once someone can actually explain how we feel. Thank You
Hey! this poem is awesome. It reminds me a lot of what happened to me only it wasnt asthma that i have but i have to wear hearing aids. you really showed me that people shouldnt pity me! thanks a lot for the great poem you really inspired me and im not the only one who thinks so!1
wow you go girl i love this poems it is so right its the truth all around i love this poems is the best iv think iv every read u keep the good work up and maybe someday u can right a poems book and becoume famis
Yea, go you! I know exactly what you are saying. I am visually impared and people give me pitty or treat me like heck. I am never going to let that get me down. I do not know why it happened to me, I was born with it. i cannot help it. I am no different than anyone esle. i play sports like any other. I am in the school band. I love your aproach on it, good job!
Fabulous! What else can I say? I have 4 different diseases, all of which are incurable and hey, it sucks, but I'm gonna have them for the rest of my life, so why should I waste what life I have left? Your poem says exactly what I want to say, but couldn't find the words to say it. Thank you so very much, this poem is perfect!
thanks so much for writing this poem. all though i'm not sure why you wrote it, but to me it helped explain my battle with depression. Thanks agian. And keep up your writing skills.
This is a great poem. I have Juvenile Reumatoid Arthritis and Lupus and I know exactly how you feel (except for the asthma). If one little measly flare-up starts everyone is right on top of you "Are you okay?" "What happened?" "How bad does it hurt?" Sometimes I wish I could just fall off the face of the earth so I wouldn't have to hear them or see them staring. It is so annoying. You wrote this poem right to the t (except for the asthma andd breathing) of my life.
This was a great poem. i really enjoyed and you sure got those peoples bad
I can truly relate to this poem. I, too, have a disability. It is sometimes hard to endure the curious stares and comments as well as those who are only meaning to be helpful. We all must learn to get on with our lives no matter the circumstances. After all, what other choice do we have?
I loved your poem! My best friend suffers from realli bad asthma and she is always saying that she can look after herself but almost every week she's getting rushed off in an ambulance. It's hard for me to stand aside even wen I no that it's wat she wants me to do.
you really kick their butts with this poem! Gd Job!
this was one of the best that i have read cause i can relate but no matter whats wrong with you you can do it if you belive i know i did : )
Truly amazing poem. Its really easy for me to understand where you're coming from.
Although I don't have asthma, I have a disease which I have had for over 20 months and the dr's say I will still have until I am old and grey. This poem is really something special and it says exactly what I feel but can't say. Life isn't fair and those who are dealt the bad cards (like you and I) shouldn't have to live with other people's curiousity and judgements as well as the illness and treatment that goes with it. I really love your poem and think you are an angel for writing something so powerful. Thanks!
Wow, your poem really describes how i feel . I know i have diabetes and it's hard when people always ask what you're doing and stare at you.
this is just beutifull
Your poem is really good and i think that you have the right attitude about it. You shouldnt let anyone tell you that you cant do becuz you know weither or not you can or cant. You go out and live like there is no tomarrow
Right on! Very good and very true poem.
WOW! that poem was awsome. u don't know how much it relates to the feelings i have and have had in the past with the crap that i have been thru. it touched me so much!
this is very moving and that is exactly how it is!
That is life and I have also been there! IT THE TRUTH!
very interesting. that poem was really different nothing like i have ever seen before but it was really good it had a really nice flow to it. a couple of my friends had asthma and they are normal people also
This is really deep, and hits home for me.
Hey I really like that poem It's Life, I've Dealt, You Should Too. I have asthma and I hate it when people say I should not do this or that because they are afraid of me having an attack. When I do they feel sorry for me.
I love ur poem.I always wanted sympathy coz i had no confidence on myself.My frens hane left me coz of htis attitude.However ur poem had made me realize of being independent.
3 words--- I LOVE IT!! it has meaning and its deep yet it has spunk and attitude.
it's inspiring
I really like this poem. It makes alot of sense
Wow that was great - an inspiration I LOVE IT!
i really liked it because it was one of the most mature views on life i have seen next to mine.
It was a good poem..
i have a 16 year old who is disable .you have shown me how to look at her the way she wants me to look at her..thanks
great,love it, really touches you, knows what you mean, really talented, got great talents, hope you'll be super famous someday
Very moving
Your poems are very inspirational. They seem to reach out to me and help me to deal with things.

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