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About the Poem

One night I was sitting around my house doing some home work and I heard this noise coming out of my sisters room. It sounded like snoring or something! I knew that her boyfriend was over, but they were suppose to be studying together, so I wasn't sure what was going on. So I went back into her room to investigate. When I reached her doorway and peeked in, I wasn't surprised when I found them both asleep on her bed. The moment captured my heart, just to see them cuddling each other. I was inspired to write what I would have felt if I was the one sleeping and holding the one I loved so close...


As I lie here in your sleeping arms
No words spoken
No sound made
Just lying here with you says enough

With your arms around me
Your breath whispering across my face
So warm
Yet so cooling

Your comfort and
Your love surround me
You mean so much to me
I've never felt love so strong

I love looking into your heavenly eyes
But not as much as I love to gaze upon your
angelic face
It fills me up inside
With emotions too great to express

I want to give you my all
Everything I have inside
How can I prove my love to you
Words just aren't enough

You're what I've been waiting for
I've been lonely for so long
But when I'm with you
I know in my heart;
my soul, it was worth the wait

The stillness breaks
Your body awakes
You turn over towards me
Your eyes open

They look into mine
They make me glad to be alive
To breathe the same air as you
To touch you

Your soft lips meet mine
They whisper words I could live forever in
"I love you"
My heart melts

I return your kiss
And the words you speak
I return your love
And all that you've given to me

I love you, my sleeping baby.
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© 1999 Liza Marie Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

44 Visitor Comments

hey, great poem, i feel exacly what you described, thanks a lot for wriritng it really amazing
My boyfriend and I love "sleeping together" in the literal sense, and you have really captured the way I feel when we fall asleep together. You have a real talent!
wow, theres nothing more romantic and emotional than sleeping next to your significant other. and the thing is it has nothing to do qoth sex, i love the poem
I love it! It is beautiful.
This is a beautiful poem I really love it,it reminds me of my boyfriend and me so much. It really is beautiful :)
This poem is amazing. What u have written is the exact feelings u feel when ur lying next to the one u love. Its beautiful.
I love this poem so much it made me cry while i was reading it. This is a beautiful poem Liza.
wow. im breathless. You just described every feeling and emotion and just Everything me and my girlfriend feel for each other and how it all was when she came to stay. she lives far away though so we try and make any time together special but thank you for that poem. amazing. keep writing.
one word. SPECTACULAR (i think i might of spelt it wrong. sorry!)
Wow this is exactly what happened to me the night i lost my virginity it was a very emotional thing to go threw but when you ended the poem i was like wow thats ezactly what happened to me but i didn't wait like i should have being only 15 years old but whats done is done and i love my boyfriend alot! Well good luck on your poem!
oh my god. your poem REALLY touched me. i actually cried. its EXACTLY how i feel about my g/f helen. and, just thank you SO much :)
I really like this poem it makes me think of my me and my boyfirend and what we could eventually be. I think its cute. good job keep writting.
I love this poem so much i remeber alot of times with my ex when i would just lye there next to him when he was sleeping and wonder why i havent felt like the way i do now with him for anyone else and i realized that i loved him for what he meant to me,so thank you for putting those feelings so beautifully in this poem
This is beautiful it expresses what i feel evry time i lie down and cuddle my girlfriend
I can picture this in my mind, what a beautifull way to wake up.
I loved the poem. I never thought of something like that in that way before.
what a lovely poem. im soon going on holiday with my boyfriend, and havnt yet spent the night in the same bed, but i can imagin it will be much like what is described in your poem. thank you for this wonderful piece of writing
This poem is amazing! i was trying to find the right words to express to my boyfriend how i feel when we are just laying together, looking into each others eyes and this poem is perfect. it is sad that this poet has no current e-mail address because i would like to tell them how good their poetry is!
when i read your poem i cried my heart out because i know how it feels for your boyfreind to be lying there next to you the reason y i was crying is because we shared so many moments in my bedroom all the times he stayed over and he dumped me bout 2 months ago so reading your poem made so many memories come back to me
this is one of the most beautiful poems ive ever read. a couple of nights ago me and my boyfriend spent our first night together and evrything in this poem is exactly how i felt when we were together.
I really love this poem! I just got out of a long relationship with a guy who was a jerk and now I'm with this really sweet guy who treats me like a princess. Well, this poems reminds me of him because I feel like it's love at first sight
this is the greatest poem ive seen on the site so far!. i kan completely relate, its the best feeling to just be with the one you love. )
I absolutely love this poem, it so reminds me of my boyfriend, Jordan. Keep up the good work, and hope to hear more of your poetry in the future.
i love this poem. i have slept with my boyfriend before, and its the best feeling. to have someone be that cost to you without actually doing anything, just lying together, breathing each others air. its a feeling that i totally miss, which is why i love this poem becuase it really describes it well.
I love this poem because every time i read it all i can think about is holding my girlfriend close and just sleeping together. Sometimes i think that is better than what the word "sleeping together" have come to mean.
i loved this poem! made me think of my baby
i loved this have a real talent..i am a writer and this is one of the greatest poems ive ever read.keep love to read more of your poetry.
this poems so sweet. i feel the same way when im with my baby. hehe I love you Theo. <3
oh my goodness! that poem is amazing. it reminds me of my sleeping baby. i love him too death. he is my 1 st love and my everything. i hope one day u'll feel what is it. or u already have. it is a great feeling. i'm only 16 but i all the dreams i dreamed of find my true love came on september 28th. but the thing about it was my ex boyfriend from when i was 8 years old. we found each other again..{well he found my} we started goin togther on october 1st 2000. he's amazing. great poem.
I loved this poem.
I think your poem was very sweet and heart warming I would like to read more of your poems.
it is great it tells what one can feel in there hart for someone else that they love os dearly
You have much skillz! This poem is so sweet. I bet that was a KODAK moment.
I love this poem so much. I read it everyday because it makes me feel a little bit closer to my boyfriend. I'm a freshman in college and he is a senior in highschool so we're not able to be together all the time any more! Thankyou for such a beautiful poem!
I love your poem!
I related so well with this poem.Me and my Bf always just lay in bed and look into each others eyes! this is a terrific made me cry it was so sweet.
i loved the poem! it flowed so well!
This poem was so beautiful, and it completely sums up the feelings I have. I loved it.
Honestly one of the purely heart-touching poems I have ever read. Reading it has made me long to feel the same as the author.
i loved it i thought it was vary sweet and romantic thank you your poem made my day ..
i just wanted to say that this author is truly tallented. keep it up!
This one really touched me! It's beautiful, Liza! Keep up the good work.
I loved this poem. It was so great. The author is so awesome.
beautyfull work! i write poems my self, but i need some practice and examples.. your work makes a great impression on me.

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