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About the Poem

This is a poem that I wrote after my boyfriend broke up with me.

Broken Heart

You broke up with me yesterday
and ripped my heart in two.
I never thought I'd hurt this much,
I couldn't stop crying over you.

I do not feel complete anymore,
A part of me is missing.
I loved the way you used to play with my hair
When we were on your bed, kissing.

You are the man of my dreams.
I wish we could be together.
Now I know that it's just not possible
But I want you to know that I'll love you Forever.
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© 1999 Sarah Pecor Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

125 Visitor Comments

. i love thiS p0em. m s0 impressed on h0w the auth0r revealed the reality. that even y0u tried 2 accept the fact that the man or gurl u used 2 be with is n0t with you or not urs anym0re. but here's the bitter d0se of faCt. U STILL LOVE HIM/HER. ='(
I love this poem. cuz it really similar to my life. thanks you
this poem is true. i really enjoyed reading this. ! GOOD job who ever wrote it.
this was a awsome poem i really liked it
awwwwww i know how it feels to b hurt!:(:( it happend 2 me a lot ov tymes and deep dwn in mi heart im still hurting. all i want is this pain 2 diserpear 4rom mah heart!
this poem really touch because it remineded me how my ex made me feel and i still love and always will with all my heart keep writing these poems i think it might help me get over chris
I loved this poem My fiance broke up with me because he wasnt happy and I can really relate to this poem
I love this poem. It explains everything I just went throught with my ex boyfriend. Keep writing them!
This is an amazing poem and even though you hurted when you wrote it, it should make you feel better to know that you aint the only person who has felt like that!
The same thing just happen to me. It really hard. All I want to do is make him feel just the way I am feeling.
i loved it and it really relates to me and my ex~liam we were together for a while and not only was he my first love but also the first broken heart. "kissing on your bed"that really relates to me,we were madly in love and the fondest memory is that. love love erin xoxo
This poem really touched me. I can really relate to this. I was torn when my boyfriend left me. But now im okay. great poem gurl!
i read this, and i remembered the break up that i just had three weeks ago. i still can't get over him, for i thought he was the one, but now i see a different side of him, and this poem shows the part of me that i don't want to admit to anyone. thanx, alicia 16
I just went through a hard time with a guy and this poem made me feel like I'm not the only one.
I really like this poem that Sarah wrote because I can relate to it. I just broke up with my boyfriend and I'm hurting inside too. And I use poems as well to get ny feelings out. So I would like to know how I could get my poems on here as well.
I really liked this poem. It was a good poem,and it really explained what goes on in many peoples lives.
i love it so much. how did u do that please teach me.
I think that one of the best poems that i have read cause, i have been looking all over the internet for a good brokenheart poem to give to my friend
i loved your poem it really touched me and it had a meaning to the realtionship i had you have talent in what you do and i think thats hot
I liked this poem very much because it mostly said what I had in mind. thanks
that poem is really good! im in the exact same position! my boyfriend split up wit me yesterday! i feel the same way! titch if your reading this i want you back!
How Romantic. That's gone piercing straight to the Bottoms of My Heart. If I could See you,I wud kiss your Forehead Sarah,(Dont Mind!Feelings Huh!)cuz this poem is what many people have experienced in their Lives. You are doing the work of a Messenger of Cupid.
i loved that poem. so much of it was the same thing that i felt. this guy. was the first person that i ever fell in love with. he killed me. he made itso whenever i saw him i'd start crying. and now seeing how it felt when he broke my heart and made me cry for three months straight. i made a decsion. to never fall in love again. it's hard.
I have much to say, but cannot say much. I know exactally how it feels. It's like if you could go back you would make more time to be with him. hoping that he would want to be with you and NO ONE else. And you feel like you wont move on, that its impossible, and with out him. your nothing. Times are great and you think its perfect, but then they hurt you and all you can do is cry it out. All you really want is ATLEAST one more day to be his.
This poem is really good but it brings bak memorys BUT ITS BRILL
wow thats really touching
it cuite sad io want 2 now how u came up with that poem could u send me more ?
Hey I loved this poem, my b/f broke up with me more then one time. And this how I feel.
I liked this poem alot. but girl change the ending!. you want to be the strong one!
i like your poem it was really good
man. i know how you feel/felt. my boyfriend dumped me and i was absolutely in love with him and still am. he dumped me like a month ago and we went out for almost a year. ive written many poems since then. i miss him so bad. he had a girlfriend between now and when we broke up. she was my enemy. gerrrrrrrr
I thought it was just right about a perons first love and it's honest too, I really did like it alot!
I love poems, I write them myself, but not one as good as this one, my boyfriend just broke up with my after 4 monthes and it has really touched me, I wrote a broken heart poem but none as good as this. This poem it awesome!
I thought the poem was great it really shows how the person is feeling about there situation and what they missed the most about there relationship. I really felt the poem and how that person felt.
These poem is one of the best i ever read. I got my heart broken and i dedicate these poem to Danny Avila for breking my heat and to tell him i stll love him.
hi sara will i think your peom is the best i ever read will thats how i felt when my love 1 broke up with me but me him are still 2 gether hey dont worrie you will find the right 1 someday that will put your broken heart 2gether agian. keep your head up girl.
wow this poem was touching, and yea it was realli good. my b/f broke up with me and i remember the times he would kiss me on his bed. lol
1 out of 10 will have 2 b a 20
this is a great poem :) :) :) :)
I love this poem. Probably because everyone can relate to it sometime. It is awesome. Keep writing!
I definitly feel you on this heartbreak. I think we all do.
I loved your poem. I miss the way he would kiss me.
well. my boryfriend broke-up with me and it was horrible, this poem made me feel better, and made my boyfriend think of what he did to me, this poem was great
This poem is so hard for me to read because me and my girlfriend are haveing a rough time and i just cant stop crying all the time she is constantly on my mind and even if we go our seperate ways she she always will be on my mind in my heart and forever in my soul but thank you for writing such a heart touching poem for the public to to read i hope it touchs alot more than just my life.
Your poem is great,that guy is a heart breaker he should be a shame of hem self.
i think that poem is really good. you can tell you wrote it from the heart.
i liked this poem. but the thing is i am a guy my girlfriend brokeup with me and i loved her way too much i know she will come back one day and that's a day i am waiting
I loved the poam it reached out to me
Hey well the poem was nice Sarah u should make one expressing ur feelings twords him thats what i did and it works latz!
This poem is really nice to read and hopeful who ever wrote this poem hope god sends you the right person for your life Many Thanx
hey i liked that poem it was very nice and sweet keep your good work up. i bet you alot of people who like it
I really loved your poem it touched me deep down inside because my boyfriend broke up with me this is going to sound crazy but he broke up with me over a year ago but we are still friends and that will never chage but i cry every night because i really love him and will never get together again so i really want to thank you for writing that wonderful poem to females like me.
your poem is awsome it matches alot of people and their relationships! Good Job!
My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday too. This poem touched my heart in souch a unique way. I loved it. It makes me think of all the good times me and Mike had together. He broke up with me for another girl---My best friend.
i love this poem it explains exactly how i feel about the guy i love after he broke up with me finally someone feels the same exact way this poem is awesome!
Your poem was very touching to me because i felt the same way when my boyfriend broke up with me. great job on your poem!
baby doll
Hey dude your poem rocked I rot it done and every thing I loved it girl it was one of the best poems I have ever read but still halla at your boy late. Thats HOTTTT
I liked this poem alot. Myboyfreind broke my heart and if I could write poems that is exactly would I would write.
What I love about this poem is that I was heartbroken a day before. and this poems says " you broke up with me yesterday. " and today was the day I saw my ex. and so like I am just here to say that this is a great poem. and I love it very much.
Hey Dear its true when they you will never know what tomorrow may bring coz this poem of yours is describing my path or the way my heart was torn into peices after being dumped, anyway thats life we have to get along with! Its a step to the future
ur email is amazing ive got a broken hart it really touched me and made me cry again i split up with my boyfriend like a month ago n have cried every nite
i love this poem it made me cry because im madly inlove with my gf and she has lots on her mind and shes inlove with this guy and me and her have more in common so i dont know why we arnt together anymore but im not givin up. love can stink sometimes but keep trying. never give up on love.
i loved this pomem it really touches me
HEY I THINK THIS IS a really good peome my boyfriends played with my hair and told me he loved me then 3 day later broke up with me i cried and cried well yeha good job take care always nickcole !love lot
I love your poem! It stands out! it sounds so true! keep writing poems ike these!
i loved this poem in so many ways. i really do know what youre going through even though that doesn't help. me and my ex broke up because he was cheating on me with 6 different girls, and three of which were some of my closest friends. it hurts alot, but you're poem was really great. it hit the nail on the head for me. thank you
I really liked your poem it moved me I love reading and writing poems about heartbreak but I don't think I have ever fallen in love so I really don't know how it feels but I definately can imagine it.
This poem is really nice.
it made me feel the way i did when my boy friend broke my heart his name is sean and i still luv him even no he doesnt luv me
Your poem is very intresting. I like it because you go into detail about how you feel, Its real emo. Good job!
hey I just wanted to say that even though your poem was a few lines ,you explained everythin that I have tried to put into words for my ex-boyfriend. so thank you! keep up the great work! Oh yeah, sorry that your great work had to come from something so sad as a broken heart but again it's wonderful and GOOD LUCK!
i like your poem beautiful and it made me so sad to know how ppl feeling about their relationship not easy goes on everyday .
this poems almost cry because I like it lot
I loved this poem! My b/f broke ^ w/ me and I was broken-hearted. U did a great job! :)
my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday and I couldn't stop crying
i thought this poem was beautiful,itstood out to alot, mostlywhen ur love has left u
I love your poem, it truly decribes the way i would
I love your poem.
I like your poems,it make me feel good because I know Im not alone going through this terrible feeling that I have right now. My boyfriend and I broke up after four years of being together and he was my high school sweet heart and my best friend. Everyday that passes seems like an eternity.
sara hey that poem touched my heart in a way no any other poem has this is the best poem you have ever wrote its true what your trying to say it happened to me too,but the other way around i did it to him but i didnt mean it.
I vote for this poem because it reminds me of this guy I went out with and that's how I felt about that person. This girl can really write and tell her true feelings. You go girl!
simple, but effective. love it!
This poem reminded me of when my boyfriend that I was in love with broke up with me for one of my best friends.
This poem really knew what i wanted to say to my boyfriend after we broke up and i really liked it.
I really love this poem. I myself write poems and tho i haven't experienced a broken heart as yet. I think this kinda tells it all about how it feels. GREAT PEOM!
After I read this poem i fell in love with it . Its a great one! It sounds just like me and my x-boyfriend. he broke up with me yesterday on the 4th. it sucked cuz i REALLY loved him! ALOT! but now he dont love me anymore! but okay thought you'd like to know that this poem WAS AWESOME!
this peom was dead gd it reali tounch me i am glad u wrote it it has help me understand
broken heart
my very first boyfriend broke up with me 2 days ago. we were perfect! thinking about going to japan together, and all this stuff. he kept saying he liked me he asked me out, and i was so happy. for 6 days he didnt call me, and on the 6th day i found out i loved him and he broke up with me. it hurt i needed a poem and sarah's was perfect it was beautiful
I love this poem and went through the same thing once but i love your poem hope you email me back (LOL)
this poem is the best
i think that it is a really good poem, keep up the good work and memeber smiles always follows the tears.
I love your poem it just like touched my heart girlfriend. It is like so goodddddddd.
this is so cute
good poems loved it touched my heart
I love this poem. It is very good. I reminds me of when my bofriend broke up with me to go out with another girl and i cried for days. I was really torn.
this reminds me of when the guy i dated left me after i took him to a cocert the night before.
I really like your poem because it made me think and understand that there will always a piece of my broken heart thet he can meand. My boyfriend broke up with me for another woman so thank you for helping me realize that i don't hate him just miss him a ton
Lee Lee
i love this poem. it really touch my heart a lot. becuase i have this guy that i really love and it seems that he is cheating on me so i think he is tryying to break my heart too.
i like your poem " broken heart" because i'm going though the same thing right now with this guy. i also tell him i will love him 4-ever!
I really enjoyed this poem. My boyfriend dumped me so this goes really well how I feel. This the best poem that I heard in a long time. Thanks for making my day better.
If my heart could speak, that poem is what it would have said. That touched me, coz when my ex and i broke up, that is wat i was feeling. Credit goes out to the author! U touch peoplez hearts, and say wat is too hard for them to say.
i like this poem because it hit me when i seen it it mad me realyz what im missing in my life . broken hearts hurt . you love the person but they have stuff to deal with in there life . wiht out you ,it will hurt you to here that
i like your poem , i am a fan of poetry, iwrtie some myself but i think is not good enough well i just want to say good job
I really liked your poem. My boyfriend dumped me for another girl, and it really helped me to be able to tell him that i love him and only him. It had given me enough courage to do so.
this poem it really good well i like it because i use to be with a guy that i really did love but he broke my heart really bad but the bad thing is that i cant forget about him
I really like your poem
i loved your poem it was great my names is also sarah
i have gone threw the same thing me and muh bf broke up and that was almost a year ago and i kno we will never stop loven eachother
your poem comes from your heart,thats why its so unique. Its beautiful and true. I know how you feel its terrible that something beautiful can be taken away. The healing prosses is hard but life is life we can't change it,even though we want something that was taken away from you.
your poem put my feelings in to words. my boyfreind and i broke up yesterday and i really truely loved him. i wanted to be with him forever. you poem helped me feel better thank you
i love your poem it;s just like me and my boyfriend but it was hard on both of us to break up although i did promise him that i will love him forever and he promised me the same thing
Excellent poem! Keep it up!
i have went through something very similar like this. love can hurt really bad so watch it
i love this poem
i think that this poem is really really nice..i think that you are a really good writer and that i hope to see more of your talent!
This is a great poem. It raelly shows what it feels like to lose someone you love. I felt the exact same way about my ex-boyfriend who I still love with all my heart! Great Job!
I had gone through a similar experiece, but it was not the exact same kind.
This poem rules!!!!!
A very good describes how i felt a little while ago
This pome is for my ex boyfriend he is a ….

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