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Poems on Life

In some sense, it could be argued a category about Life is a vague, nebulous cop-out. Any poem ever penned by Man or Woman would surely gain ready admittance here. All poems, almost by definition, are about Life.

But don't, for a moment, think that makes this category any less important. On the contrary, if the poems and topics you are about to explore are about Life, then they are also about you.

No one person can ever experience all that life has to offer. It is only through sharing - experiences, feelings, insights - that we can hope to grow beyond our own meager lifetime. Are you ready to grow today?

Poems on Life (1-50)

  • by Michael Mack
    Sometimes humanity shines brightest under inhumane conditions, as this truly wonderful poem demonstrates.
  • by Ron Carnell
    Life is filled with choices, and where we call "home" is just one of them. One we must make anew each day of our lives.
  • by Michael G
    How does a one-time punker view life?
  • by Kit McCallum
    At times, we all search for meaning in our lives, often in vain. Perhaps the answer is not to find meaning, but to give it?
  • by Kit McCallum
    In times of desperation, sometimes what we seek cannot be easily found. Or can it?
  • by Star711
    The doctors have a name for it. But do they really understand? Do you?
  • by Kit McCallum
    From dreams to nightmares - this poem brings home the feelings when you get the phone call in the middle of the night.
  • by April Elizabeth
    Do fairies exist? Perhaps we need but look in a mirror to find one.
  • by Ellie LeJeune
    Life doesn't just exist. By definition, it lives. And that inevitably means growth.
  • by Brian Madden
    Misery is relentless until you seek to silence it by finding harmony within yourself and life.
  • by Sudhir Iyer
    Tomorrow is a mystery. But do we really know a great deal more about the past?
  • by Meredith Mcghin
    It's a Truth too oft' forgot. Your pain, no matter how real, is but a small drop in an ocean of misery.

Poems on Life Subcategories Menu

  • by Skyfyre
    There are few ways to learn more about your own inner workings than to define yourself poetically.
  • by Elizabeth
    If Life is like a rose, then what about the thorns?
  • by Christopher
    Into every life a little rain must fall. How we deal with that rain is what determines our future.
  • by Jim Bouder
    Love is unconditional, as this beautiful and touching sonnet about overcoming the emotional difficulties present in raising an autistic child testifies.
  • by Tara Simms
    If opportunity knocks, will you answer?
  • by Melvin Lee
    Life is constant movement, often from one place to another. Doesn't that mean it's also constant leaving?
  • by WhtDove
    Within each of us, there is beauty. But only when we let it out.
  • by Sally
    This poem is about single parents who seem to find strength even when it seems impossible.
  • by Annastasia Aressia
    Life is a long series of discrete events, all leading to one all-important discovery.
  • by Laura Mason
    For a young woman growing up, a beloved tree can encompass all that Life has to offer.
  • by John LeClare
    Life has good and bad but in the end we determine our own course.
  • by Gail
    There is music in nature, Life, love, and all we do. And choices to be made.
  • by LesA47
    Losing a job can trigger a midlife crisis. And a midlife crisis can trigger a brand new way of looking at Life.
  • by Dee Dee Brough
    There is a price to pay for every action. Sometimes, that price is a lifetime of regrets.
  • by Red
    We are often shaped as much by the pain in our life as by the joys.
  • by Josh Barrett
    If Life is a journey, might there not be places along the way where things are moving a little too slowly?
  • by Kathleen Sheppard
    Our life is an accumulation of our past, both good and bad. So, too, is the way we see it.
  • by Crystal Doerges
    This is a very profound poem, about growing up and realizing some rather startling truths. About the world. And about ourselves.
  • by Midnight
    This delightful poem resurrects a very common human fascination with the night skies.
  • by Ryan Williams
    Some say there is both wisdom and foolishness found within each megalopolis mankind has created. Which do you hear?
  • by Sheryl Howard
    One of the greatest joys of parenting is watching your daughter grow into a little woman. But it can also be a bit unsettling.
  • by Amanda Van Ast
    Taking risks is a part of living. And every day, we make choices that either insure our safety - or our fulfillment.
  • by Donovan Holtz
    A montage of what we see, both through eyes and heart, can often be a picture of our life.
  • by Kathleen Sheppard
    All people value appreciation. But we want to be appreciated for who we are, and not just because we look good.
  • by Mindy Carpenter
    Technology is a wonderful thing. Or, uh, is it?
  • by Paul Bodet
    When life seems old and experience wasted, maybe it's time for a rebirth of the soul.
  • by Kelli
    Could violence still exist between two people who - finally - understood each other?
  • by Thomas
    While we know not the moment or the way, humanity is the only creature that knows death must eventually come to each of us. At what point in Life do we sense that Truth?
  • by Kit McCallum
    When tragedy strikes and children die at the hands of children, the whole world must seek - and Find - the answers.
  • by Tina K
    The beautiful poem explores a very common human desire - to again live a life that exists only in our past.
  • by Kit McCallum
    Some of those who touch our hearts walk on four legs instead of two. And when they leave us, as leave they must, they take a part of our hearts with them.
  • by Dave Warren
    It never hurts to take a few moments to remember what truly makes Life worth living.
  • by Brenda Eckman
    Finding love is an important part of Life. But, finding yourself is more than just a part. Finding yourself IS Life.
  • by Tin Nguyen
    There is a time to dream. And a time, too, to make dreams come true.
  • by Xen0
    Managing change in your life is rarely easy. But your life will be defined not just by the change, but also by how you deal with it.
  • by Tina K
    There are milestones along the journey of Life that cannot - and should not - be forgotten. This lovely poem is about such a place.
  • by Bobi
    When Life gets hard, you really only have two choices. And only one of those will work.
  • by Fred Hobbs
    We can learn a lot about our own Life by examining a small, significant moment of time in the life of another.
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...

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