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Attack on America Poems

The senseless tragedies of September 11, 2001 may have taken place on American soil, but like so much else in this modern age, they were truly global in scope. Civilization has changed, perhaps in ways we can only begin to imagine, with consequences no one yet can see. This world will never again be quite the same.

Yet, though global and world-spanning, the events of that dark Tuesday are also very personal, deeply touching the heart and soul of every living human. We cry. We worry. We shake our fists in rage. And we question, again and again, how such needless death and destruction could ever be allowed.

People of all nationalities, every race, creed, and color, need to talk. To explore. To come together in support, in outrage, and perhaps in a measure of understanding. It's a new world. But it's still comprised of people, people just like you and I. Together, hands and hearts joined, we can make a difference.

Attack on America Poems (1-19)

  • by Ron Carnell
    Some anniversaries should be always remembered, but never celebrated.
  • by Paul Wilson
    From America That which does not destroy us can only make us stronger. If we but allow it.
  • by Exocet180
    From England The innocent will always find comfort and peace, even when the world has changed forever
  • by Rebecca Delay
    From America There are many heroes in this tragedy. This is a well-deserved salue to one of them.
  • by Heng Kaile
    From Singapore When mere words fail, perhaps the only ones that really matter are: "You are not alone."
  • by Rwood
    From America Rising from the dust… Humanity.
  • by Poet deVine
    From America When our reality becomes too horrible to believe, even comprehension must suffer.
  • by Vicky L. Raynes
    From America In the aftermath of this horrific tragedy, we must come together and let our voices be heard!
  • by Michael Mack
    From America Planes hit the World Trade Center within sight of the Statue of Liberty. She was watching...
  • by Vicky L. Raynes
    From America United, we shall overcome! God bless America!
  • by Mysteria
    From Canada In any tradegy you need hope, and this tradegy reforms humanity, we need a candle of hope!
  • by Charisma
    From The Netherlands When all else seems too little, a prayer seems just enough.

Poems on Life Subcategories Menu

  • by Richard S. Wells Jr.
    From America Those who would revel in or support the tragedy have misconstrued the American resolve.
  • by Munda
    From The Netherlands Sometimes, the only things a poet can offer are remorse and comfort.
  • by Titia Geertman
    From The Netherlands One evil mind will not defeat freedom
  • by Philip Zemler
    From America A flash of metaphor and the world still cries.
  • by Charisma
    From The Netherlands I saw and read of your pain, the destroying within, but also the desire for hope and peace.
  • by Michael Mack
    From America Life has changed. It's up to us, each of us, whether those changes need be bad ones.
  • by Ron Carnell
    Yesterday was September 11, 2001. The beginnings of a nightmare. And, just maybe, the genesis of a Dream.

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