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Cyber Romance Poems

The Internet is more than a cooperation of computers. It's a cooperation between people. And where people meet, even anonymously, it seems that Romance and Love will enter the equation as well.

If you're like me, you probably think falling in love over a modem is unusual and perhaps even rare. But, like me, you would be wrong. Perhaps the very nature of a web site devoted to poetry brings these couples to the fore, but I have been amazed at the number of people I've met through Passions that have found their significant other on-line. Some have met through email, some through chat or forums, some through personal ads. All have found a connection, that elusive thing that binds them to another human being.

Cyber Romance Poems (1-50)

  • by Ravenz23
    This beautiful poem describes the beginnings of Love. And the fervent hope it is just the beginning.
  • by Valerie Jochum
    Is the Internet really much different from real life? We love, we hope, and in the end, we accept.
  • by Donald R Geske
    We all grow older and sometimes the activities we once enjoyed are no longer possible. New romance, however, isn't one of those activities.
  • by Tekkobra
    For good or bad, the Internet is changing the English language. And, perhaps, the way we see relationships.
  • by Syreeta Elie
    For thousands of years, meeting someone was often the beginning of Love. Only now, on the Internet, has it become the culmination.
  • by Jasperflower
    When the Internet makes us want, it often leaves us wanting.
  • by Stewart Bradshaw
    We all have to have something to believe in. And that's never more true than when we have lost our faith in love.
  • by Whispering Angel
    Time runs differently on the Internet. But human emotions run much the same.
  • by Sandman
    Just as the Internet can bring people together, so too can poetry.
  • by Missy Anderson
    If love can happen on-line, so too can desertion.
  • by Babycakes
    Ever met someone and thought nothing of it? Then, later, realized they were much more than you thought?
  • by Roxy
    Regardless of the ending, that first meeting in Real Life is a special moment.

Love Poems Subcategories Menu

  • by Mas-ash
    The Internet is a global community - with little rooms set aside just for two.
  • by Stace
    If on-line Love is as real as the more traditional kind, then doesn't it follow there might be an equal measure of pain and insecurity?
  • by Boardman
    For some, a cyber romance can be both great and, uh, a bit surprising.
  • by Missy
    What hand moves two people to meet? Is it the same hand that keeps them apart?
  • by Smiley
    ICQ, the Internet, Passions in Poetry - and God. And certainly not in that order.
  • by Dove
    "Love knows no boundaries, no distance, no fear."
  • by Riki
    Does the Internet make the world seem smaller?
  • by Asil Nomrah
    How many people are now meeting online? How many are finding love there?
  • by Marla Snyder
    Sometimes, the things we find we have in common with another can be very surprising. And beautiful.
  • by Michelle
    Love on the Internet - It's just as real as our offline relationships, and the emotions involved are just the same as well.
  • by Sandy
    Do you think you can meet your "soul mate" online? This talented poet believes it...
  • by Hope
    Some people can push a digital relationship to the very edge of the possible.
  • by Sea_of_okc
    Do you need to look for love to find it? Or is it possible that love might just coming looking for you?
  • by Nina
    A new romance can make you wake with a morning smile - and rush to the computer…
  • by Texas Rose
    Returning to a cyber relationship, after that first real-world meeting, can be something of a shock.
  • by Jimmy Teague
    Meeting and falling in love online is a very unique experience. Getting to know someone from the inside out...
  • by Sea_of_okc
    Having found his love on the internet, and hopelessly fallen in love without so much as a glimpse of her, this wonderful poet wrote...
  • by Katie
    Love online is a whole new world that we're just beginning to understand. One thing is for sure; we feel the same intense emotions, off or online - There is no difference.
  • by Ron Carnell
    The Internet is a vast sea, unlike any mankind has ever known. It both separates us - and brings us closer.
  • by Theresa Arroyo
    In any budding relationship, there is hope for the future. In an Internet relationship, that hope is multiplied by a thousand more unknowns.
  • by Texas Rose
    Romance on the Internet is different from that of the real-world. But, uh, not that different.
  • by Theresa Scicutella
    All romances go through a series of steps. On the Internet, though, there's a step seldom even thought about in the real-world.
  • by Pauline Hamblin
    Sometimes souls touch before eyes see.
  • by Dragon's Angel
    There is a very special feeling about Love that is hard to describe. Unless, of course, you have the talent of a poet…
  • by Fadedx11
    Being in love with an invisible, on-line person is something very special. Almost perfect. But what happens when you actually meet and the imperfections arise?
  • by Mandi
    There is little doubt that the feelings and emotions we experience with "online" love are very much the same as any other...
  • by Wildcherry
    If on-line Love is real, can on-line Pain be far behind?
  • by Pamela
    Sometimes, when you meet that special someone on-line, the only thing you can do is wish ...
  • by Christelle S.
    The click of a mouse, the press of key - and our life can change forever.
  • by Rose
    This is a beautiful story of two people who met in a chat room - and now dream of what cannot be.
  • by Tacho
    The Internet can bring a promise of love. But promises aren't always easily kept.
  • by Nancy Ness
    Words are how we communicate in life. On the Internet, words are the only way we communicate, and that lends them even more importance.
  • by Nancy Ness
    This beautiful poem explodes with imagery, in an attempt to make some small sense of a new cyber-age.
  • by Karly Mains
    With a little technology, and a clever and romantic mind, you really can hold hands over the Internet.
  • by Shirley
    When an Internet relationship moves into the real world, it still faces a problem of distance.
  • by Rima Darkstar
    Internet messages are rife with smileys, acronyms, and - now beautiful poetry.
  • by Shirley
    Cyber romance can't stay digital forever. There comes a time when two people have to meet in Real Life…
  • by Michael W Craven
    Twenty years ago, when people spoke of making a connection with each other, they never realized how life would change…
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...

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