Humor and Funny Poems

Life isn't always serious, and neither is our poetry. These delightful poems are meant to tickle your funny bone and bring a chuckle into your day.
But please don't make the mistake of thinking funny is synonymous with unimportant. Humor, sometimes, is the best way to discover hidden Truth.
Humor and Funny Poems (1-45)
Our society has become very lazy and completely dependent upon the conveniences we have available to us today. And that ain't such a bad thing.
Humor takes the edge off life, as this little piece based on forgiveness - Southern style - amply demonstrates.
Some jobs just never seem to be done. But have you ever really wondered why?
Maybe the most frustrating part of growing old is that everyone else seems so darn young!
When you look in the mirror, who do you see?
When one addiction turns to another, surely the two must merge.
They say that, over time, we become more an more like those closest to us. For some, that can be a scary thought.
Technology always seems to laugh at us - maybe it's time we laughed back!
Every parent has heard stories of the Empty Nest they inevitably must face. But there's another part of the story you might not have heard…
Family is important. Uh, unless you're only seven years old. Then it becomes a bit more dispensable.
This is an hilarious tongue-in-cheek look from the perspective of an imperfect woman in a seemingly perfect (and TALL) world.
Do you remember your Wedding Day? Was it a bit like this?
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Just when we think it's time to take some time for ourselves, it seems there's never enough time.
Priorities are often just a matter of proper rationalizations.
Adventure can mean many different things to different people. But that makes them no less an adventure…
This poet has a very refreshing way of expressing those very common words, "I don't want to..."
Mix a toothache and wit with alliteration and rhyme, and you have an ideal recipe for laughter.
Any poet who can write a wonderfully entertaining poem about a "girdle" is truly talented...
Maybe O Henry should have written poetry…
To everything there is a season. Trouble is, we never get all those "everything's" when we really need them.
Revenge is best served cold, and this poem is very cold. And, too, very very funny.
Creative writing isn't easy. Especially when we have a Muse with a sense of humor.
What to BE? What NOT to BE? Is THAT the question? This wonderfully humorous poet explores every option...
We all have expectations, but the four seasons don't always cooperate.
Humor doesn't necessarily preclude depth of meaning…
This hilarious poem, based on a true story, shows that the surfing the Internet can have dire consequences for some.
Sometimes, things just never go quite right…
Coffee is a drug. And we all know what drugs can do to a perfectly good, poetic mind?
Could this tale be true? Or is it just a very funny invention of a very strange mind?
This hilarious poem will almost certainly cause a certain Doctor of children's verse to roll over in his grave. And probably laugh, too.
Blonde is not a hair color. It's a state of mind. Sometimes, a very funny state of mind!
New cars are so much fun. Well, most of the time…
Childhood fears, fantasy, reality, and a really good chuckle throughout.
This one almost went into our Stories category, because that's what it is. Ah, but the story is just so hilarious…
All writers must rewrite. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could revise our lives as easily? As you read this, the words in parenthesis are (changes) revisions made along the way…
This is a delightful look at something we maybe take just a bit too seriously at times…
Sometimes a poem doesn't "quite" end the way the writer expects…
Poets always like to play with words, but for some people the play can be very confusing…
This poem could be called cute or funny, but like so many humorous verses in this category, it contains more than a germ of Truth.
Perhaps the fantasies of young women aren't really so different from those of young men?
A poet learns to look critically at many things - even the dichotomy of his own life. And a talented poet can even do it with a touch of humor…
This delightful, sometimes hilarious, poem explores an all too often occurrence in Life.
Only a talented and observant poetess could find such wonderful Truth in the mundane…
Ready for a laugh? Just remember - there's often Truth hidden in the folds of humor…
Have you ever had a bad day? You're going to love this riotous warning to the world-at-large. You might want to have this one printed on cards, so you can pass it out. On the appropriate day, of course.
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