Christian Poems

Humanity does not survive by bread alone. Life requires other things, and Faith and Love are amongst them. For many, perhaps for all, they are the only really important things we have.
Christian Poems (1-50)
How can anyone look into this world and not believe in God?
Sometimes when searching for answers, we find them in a quiet night.
When a path is sought, someone will be sent to lead the way.
Our eyes sometimes play tricks on us, but perhaps what we think we're seeing is real.
Spiritual guidance is a constant, never ending litany, as this exquisite poem demonstrates.
What makes us doubt God? What makes us believe? Should we believe?
A simple look on how simple it really is to share faith.
Children will be children. Even, perhaps, when they are also much, much more.
Sometimes, a dream can put a smile in your heart.
The presence of God can never be described by mere mortal words. But still must we try.
At last, a way out of despair, fear and loneliness, because He loved me.
Certainty is rarely certain, and simplicity never simple. This insightful and compelling poem is an exploration into Truth.
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A story known by many, but rarely told quite this way.
While not one of the better known stories of the New Testament, it's certainly one of the powerful ones.
Mix King James with a little modern slang, and the result is an old story told in a very new way.
This delightful poem, though based in fiction, reveals a very real Truth about those "mysterious ways" in which God works.
Faith isn't something we have, but is rather something we are given. But only if we are willing to accept the gift.
God permeates our entire lives - if we but have the wisdom to look.
This poem, as surely as the Scriptures that inspired it, prove that there is beauty even in pain, and Grace even in judgement.
Life is a constant struggle, especially perhaps for teens. But Christians have a very special ally in their corner.
There is no greater example to follow than that of our Lord.
For those with Faith, there is no such thing as "alone."
If King Saul wrote poetry today, these might have been the words he penned.
What would you sacrifice to save another's life? What would you give to save their soul?
Perhaps the greatest gift a friend can give is knowledge of the Lord
This very talented poet explores an equally deep Truth - we are a reflection of He who created us.
What we find in death may be a reflection of what we found in Life.
Mistakes, no matter how terrible, no matter how often, are not the end. Sometimes, they're only the beginning.
Faith, by definition, requires no proof.
God speaks to us all the time. But we only hear Him when we listen.
Is there a God? Just look around…
We learn as we are taught, and do as we are shown.
There exists a warmth that has little to do with temperature.
We often turn to God in times of grief, yet forget about Him in times of happiness.
Sometimes our journey through this world gets arduous and we need some relief.
Faith brings great rewards. So, should it really be any surprise to discover that lack of faith will bring equally great costs?
This poem is about how we are blessed in life, and we sometimes forget.
This poet is an ardent believer in God; her words clearly express how inspired she is by Him.
Before we find the right answer, we sometimes follow the wrong one.
Prayers are important. And, as this poem shows, they can also be beautiful.
This is the story of a young man with problems. And how he found the solution.
When we're feeling down, about ourselves, about the world, it doesn't take much to bring us lower. Fortunately, it also doesn't take much to take us Higher.
What would it have been like to stand before the crucifix and see the Truth with your own eyes?
Love between a man and woman is important. But not as important as the Love of God…
Beauty can be defined by many thing. Even, or especially, Faith.
There are many differences between humanity and animals. Like our ability to question. And to believe.
The love of God can be seen everywhere you look.
The hope and joy and love of the Christmas season are emotions we should all share throughout the year...
God's gifts to us and his teachings are timeless - and certainly not to be confined to the Christmas season...
Faith comes to us in ways we might least expect. Through the loss of a dear friend, this poet found God...
We just couldn't fit them all on one page. The Best is yet to come...
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